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School Fishing Club Program

Conservation Project Updates

The Conservation Project Competition has been updated this year to become the Fishing & Conservation Challenge. Please review the new approved activities that will qualify for club points.

See Updates

What We Do!

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) developed the School Fishing Club Program for students who are interested in learning how to become effective, conservation minded anglers. The goal is to teach students about ethical angling, conservation, Florida's aquatic habitats, basic fishing gear, and general fishing concepts to help create confident and responsible anglers. FWC works with each school, providing them with the curriculum, knowledge, and funding opportunities to run a successful fishing club. Each school will learn the curriculum, plan fishing activities, and conduct a conservation project by the end of the school year. Let's Go Fishing!

How to Get Started

A program sponsor such as a teacher, coach, or parent is required to oversee the School Fishing Club, usually as an extracurricular club or a team. The sponsor is responsible for setting up club meetings and fishing opportunities, submitting student documents to the FWC, teaching the core curriculum, helping the club work on their conservation project, and applying for the grant.

Looking to apply for the grant? The grant application opens in March for the following school year. Selected applications will be announced in August at the beginning of the school year. For specific dates and deadlines, see the Program Schedule section below.

Looking to participate in the program without applying for the grant or missed the grant application period this year? To participate in the program, be eligible for prizing in the Fishing & Conservation Challenge, and sign up for the programs email correspondence, complete this Participation Form. If you submitted an application this year you do NOT need to complete this form. Every school will need to complete this form each year to participate if an application was not submitted.

For more questions, contact us at or 850-617-6012.

School Recognition

Admiral Farragut Academy
Archbishop Coleman F. Carroll High School
Astronaut High School
Autism Inspired Academy
Bay High School
Burns Science and Technology Charter School
Cedar Key School
Christ's Church Academy
Deer Point Elementary School
Deerlake Middle School
Diplomat Middle School
Dr. Joaquin Garcia High School
East Academy Learning Lab
East Bay K-8
Florida SouthWestern Collegiate High School
For The Love Of Learning
Good Shepherd Lutheran School
Heritage High School
Hiland Park Elementary
Hilliard Middle-Senior High School FFA
Holley Navarre Middle School
Holly Hill
Independence Classical Academy
John F. Kennedy Middle School
Jupiter Community High School

Lewis Carroll Elementary
Matanzas High School
McNab Elementary School
Olivet Private School
Ormond Beach Elementary School
Pioneer School
Royal Palm Beach Community High School
Sarasota School of Arts and Sciences
South Tampa Microschool
South Walton Academy
Southport middle school
St Petersburg High School
St. Johns Technical High School
St. Mark’s episcopal Academy & Edgwood Jr. Senior
Stanley Switlik Elementary
The Modern Schoolhouse
The Weiss School
Timber Springs Middle School
Toledo Blade Elementary School
Trinity Christian Academy Deltona
W. D. Hartley Elementary
Webster Elementary
Weeki Wachee High School
West Florida High School
Woodward Avenue Elementary

2023-2024 Winners

1st Place: JW Mitchell High School
2nd Place: East Bay K-8
3rd Place: Punta Gorda Middle School

2022-2023 Winners

1st Place: Chamber High School
2nd Place: Punta Gorda Middle School
3rd Place: A. Crawford Mosley High School

2021-2022 Winner

1st Place: Punta Gorda Middle School
2nd Place: A. Crawford Mosley High School
3rd Place: Palatka Junior Senior High School

2020-2021 Winners

1st Place: JW Mitchell High School
2nd Place: St. Cloud High School
3rd Place: Gateway High School

2019-2020 Winners

1st Place: Penial Baptist Academy
2nd Place: St. Cloud High School
3rd Place: Christopher Columbus High School

2018-2019 Winners

1st Place: St. Cloud High School
2nd Place: Liberty County High School
3rd Place: Barron G. Collier High School

Program Schedule 2024-2025

  • Educational Material Sent by: August 23, 2024
  • Student Pre-Surveys Due: September 27, 2024
  • Conservation Project Outline Due: September 27, 2024
  • Grant Checks Sent: October 18, 2024
  • Program Tournament Dates: TBD
  • Conservation Projects Due: April 4, 2025
  • Student Post-Surveys Due: April 18, 2025

School Fishing Club Grant Information


The School Fishing Club Grant Program focuses on increasing and diversifying sportfishing participation and aquatic stewardship among Florida’s youth. This program is made possible by the support of the Sport Fish Restoration Program (SFR), the Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation (RBFF), the Fish & Wildlife Foundation of Florida, industry partners, and through collaboration with the FWC Division of Marine Fisheries Management, and the FWC Division of Freshwater Fisheries Management. 

Submit the application to or complete the Online Grant Application.

a timeline: March - Application Period Opens, May - Application period Closed, August - Selected Grants Announced, August - Educational Material Shipped, September - Grant Requirements Due, October - Grant Funds Sent

Submitting a grant application does not guarantee your club will receive the $500. Your school fishing club may still participate in the program even if your application is not accepted.

Applications determined to be eligible will be reviewed by an Evaluation Committee for merit and to ensure the proposed projects meet the needs of the School Fishing Club Program. The Evaluation Committee will score all proposed projects using the Evaluation Criteria outlined in the Notice of Grant Funding. The scores assigned by individual evaluators will be used to calculate the average score, which will serve as the final score for the project.

Complete applications that meet the minimum required score will be ranked on a list in descending order according to total assigned points. Grants will be awarded to the highest-ranking applications until all available funds have been awarded. All selected applicants will be required to submit at least five student angler pre-surveys and a conservation project outline in order to receive funding. Program funding will be sent directly to the selected schools via check once the requirements have been met but not before the date specified in the section above.

Program Outline

By participating in the School Fishing Club Program, FWC provides school fishing clubs with the core curriculum, grant funding, and educational publications such as fishing lines, current fresh and saltwater rules and regulations, and our fishing clinic manual.

Core Curriculum Lessons

Fisheries Conservation Lessons

  • Lesson 1: Sport Fish Restoration
  • Lesson 2: Ethical Angling
  • Lesson 3: Fish Handling and Release
  • Lesson 4: Fishing Regulations
  • Lesson 5: Monofilament Recycling

Fish Habitat Lessons

  • Lesson 6: Florida’s Fisheries Habitats
  • Lesson 7: Tides, Currents and Habitats

Fishing Equipment Lessons

  • Lesson 8: Knot Tying
  • Lesson 9: Bait and Tackle
  • Lesson 10: Fishing Gear and Maintenance

Additional Lessons

  • Cast Netting
  • Filleting a Fish
  • Hooked a Pelican?
  • Fish Morphology and Dissection
  • Fishing Line Visibility
  • Make Your Own Lure
  • Different Fishing Techniques

The FWC Conservation Project awards points for club participation in a pre-determined list of fishing and aquatic conservation centered activities seen below. The clubs will compete in a three-tier prize structure with a Grand Prize, Second Place Prize, and Third Place Prize. The club with the highest number of activity points by the due date will receive the Grand Prize, with the runner-up and third place club receiving the Second Place Prize, and Third Place Prize.

The clubs’ sponsor must send their report of completed projects and activities to FWC’s R3 Coordinator, Brandon Stys, via email ( or fill out the Online Form by the due date to be eligible for competition prizing. The points will be approved and tallied by an evaluation team to determine a winner. All schools MUST submit their pre- and post-surveys to be eligible for the competition. Should there be a tie, a tie-breaker challenge will be issued for the two competing clubs to complete to determine their placement in the prizing tiers.

*Prizing will be awarded to each winning school, for a maximum of 20 participants.

Approved Activities

Program Fishing Tournament

  • Club participates in the School Fishing Club virtual tournament; points will be awarded based on club participation. All fish caught can be submitted through the program’s selected platform. Points will be awarded based on correct fish identification and if all tournament rules are followed, see page 44: 200 points MAX per club, 10 points per unique fish species caught from the approved list.

Kids’ Fishing Clinic

  • Organize and host a Kids’ Fishing Clinic for other students, such as an elementary school, potential new club participants, or other youth in your community. FWC can provide protocol and guidance upon request. A brief outline/schedule, photos, and sign in sheet(s) are required. 200 points per event

Aquatic Trash Clean-Up

  • Club organizes or participates in a local waterway or beach clean-up (this could include events such as CCA Trash Tour Stops, International Coastal Cleanup events, local clean-up events, or your school fishing club outing): 5 points per participant, sign-in sheet(s) required.

Aquatic Conservation

  • Club creates and completes their own project related to preserving the health and quality of aquatic habitats: 50 points.

Your club is encouraged to seek sponsors. A great place to start is local bait and tackle shops and other local businesses, such as restaurants and sporting goods stores. Request to speak with a manager or business owner to discuss financial or product-based sponsorship opportunities. Sponsors are a great resource in helping your club expand, as they can help provide various resources such as funding, bait for fishing trips, additional equipment, or venues to host events.

  • Student Angler Federation (SAF) provides assistance in helping coordinate potential partnerships. Learn more at
  • Fishing League Worldwide (FLW) can assist your club in providing insurance for club participants. FLW can also help your club set-up individual events and tournaments. Learn more at or (270) 252-1000.
  • iAngler Tournament can assist you by logging all your club activities and setting up unique club touraments to help your club’s progression throughout the program. Learn more at

Seek out local guides, the Coastal Conservation Association (CCA) chapter members, the Future Fisherman Foundation, and West Marine staff for advice on fishing in your location.  Guides and experienced anglers are an invaluable source of information! Ask them where to fish (and why that location is a hot spot), and for advice on effective bait and tackle, as well as types of successful fishing techniques for your area. If you are searching for volunteers, reach out to local fishing clubs and youth organizations to request assistance.

  • Coastal Conservation Association of Florida:;; (407) 854-7002
  • West Marine: Once contacted, West Marine will provide you with a direct contact to a School Fishing Club program representative from a store near you. West Marine staff presence at your events can also be requested through your local program;; (800) 262-8464

Have FWC Visit Your Classroom

To have the FWC visit your school's fishing club, please enter your request into the Ask FWC system.

Our Partners

FWC's School Fishing Club Program partners with organizations in the fishing industry to support the Fishing & Conservation Challenge. Our partners donate prizing to the program which are given out at the end of the school year to the top three schools who compete in the challenge.

Note: Neither the FWC nor the State of Florida endorse any individual company, and each company is solely responsible for their products/services and fulfillment of any offers. State laws prohibit false claims or fraud when claiming prizes.

Private Donors:

Dawn K. & James D. Vaughn
Mrs. Connie & Mr. Garner Koons

Thank you to all of our partners and donors!

Collage of program partners: Mud Hole Custom Tackle, CCA, Hobie Eyewear, Flambeau, Fish Florida, Sport Fish Restoration, Fish & Wildlife Foundation, FYCCN, Pure Fishing, and Bass Fishing Hall of Fame

Angler Recognition Programs

Trophy catch

TrophyCatch transforms and activates the angling community into becoming “Champions of Conservation” by having anglers photo-document and submit pictures of their largemouth bass catches that weigh eight pounds or heavier to TrophyCatch. This catch-and-release program rewards anglers for their catches by placing them into a prizing category based on the weight of the fish.

The benefits of participating in TrophyCatch include collecting valid citizen-science information about trophy bass to help the FWC better enhance, conserve and promote trophy bass fishing.

Follow us on our TrophyCatch Facebook page.

Catch a Florida Memory Logo


Catch a Florida Memory (CAFM) includes three saltwater angler recognition programs that allow participants to earn prizes, recognition and bragging rights all while supporting marine fisheries conservation. Benefits of participating include encouraging anglers to target a diversity of species which helps reduce fishing pressure on the most sought-after catches, expanding fishing experiences for seasoned anglers, cultivating an interest in saltwater fishing for those new to the sport, and strengthening marine fisheries conservation ethics.

Follow us on our Catch a Florida Memory Facebook page.

Sport Fish Restoration logo

Sport Fish Restoration

Do you buy fishing gear? Fuel up your boat? Purchase a fishing license? Every time you do, you help improve your fishing experience by supporting the Sport Fish Restoration Program (SFR).

Frequently Asked Questions

No, only brick-and-mortar schools may apply for this grant.

No, virtual or home schools are not eligible for the grant or program prizing; however, FWC can still send you hard copies of the curriculum and educational materials if you complete the program application before the deadline. FWC can still send you electronic copies of the curriculum and educational materials if you contact us at any other time. 

The grant is for $500 per school fishing club/team to purchase fishing supplies.

Absolutely, each school fishing club/team may apply for the Florida's R3 Fishing Grant and participate in the program in consecutive years.

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission does not provide insurance to participating schools. Clubs/teams should follow their school’s policies and procedures. Fishing League Worldwide (FLW) can provide insurance through their membership program. Visit Major League Fishing and click on “Members” to learn more.


For more information about the program you can contact:

Brandon Stys
Statewide Fishing R3 Coordinator