Commercial saltwater products include fish, invertebrates & plants.
Saltwater products do not include non-living shells and salted, cured, canned or smoked seafood.
Commercial Saltwater Fishing Licenses
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Stone Crab Trap Specification Updates
Wholesale dealers interested in selling lionfish?
Special commercial fishing regulations apply when in Biscayne National Park.
Descending device or venting tools required in state waters when fishing for reef fish.
New trip ticket requirements are effective July 1, 2025.
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Regulations by Species - Fish

License requirements: SPL only
(regulations listed here are for state waters only)
Limits and Seasons
Size limit: None
Vessel limit:
- Atlantic (Nassau through Miami-Dade): 1,200 pounds
- Gulf: None
Closed season: None
Other Regulations
Limits and Seasons

Size limit: None
Trip/bag limit:
- Atlantic: See ASMFC limits
- Gulf: directed harvest: unlimited
Closed season: None
Does not include ballyhoo or menhaden
License requirements: SPL only
Limits and Seasons
Size limit: None
Trip/bag limit: See 68B-50
- Directed harvest: unlimited
Closed season: None
Other Regulations
Local baitfish restrictions apply

Includes halfbeaks/balao, and silver stripe halfbeaks)
License requirements: SPL (L & PS optional. See Other regulations for more.)
Limits and Seasons
Size limit: None
Trip/bag limits:
- See 68B-56
- SPL with Lampara Net Endorsement
- 10 boxes per vessel per day. Box max dimensions 4.25’ X 2’ X 2’
- SPL only 5 gallons per day
- SPL with Purse Seine endorsement incidental bycatch 10 gallons per day
Closed season: Use of a lampara net prohibited Aug. 1 – Aug. 31 in state and federal waters.
Other Regulations
Allowable gear: cast net, hook and line, landing or dip net, lampara net.
Directed harvest with a Lampara Net requires Lampara Net endorsement.
Incidental bycatch with a purse seine requires Purse Seine endorsement.

Copyright Diane Rome Peebles
Licenses required: SPL only
Limits and Seasons
The following regulations apply to state and federal waters off Collier, Monroe, Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach and Martin counties.
- Size limit: 15 to 36 inches fork length with 1 fish greater than 36 inches allowable per person or vessel per day, whichever is less.
- Trip/bag limit: 2 fish per person per day with a maximum of 6 fish per vessel per day.
- Closed season: None
See full rule at 68B-60
There are no barracuda-specific regulations for the remaining counties of Florida in state and federal waters.
License Requirements

SPL and RS
Limits and Seasons
Size limit: 14-24 inches total length. Maximum size limit applies to sale.
Trip/bag limit: 500 lbs. per person or vessel per day, whichever is less. See 68B-50. Bag limit applies regardless of the possession or use of additional vessels.
Closed season: None
Other Regulations
Must remain in whole condition until landed ashore (head & tail intact).
Harvest prohibited by or with the use of any multiple hook in conjunction with live or dead natural bait or any snatch hook.
Prohibition on multiple or snatch hook applies to state and federal waters.
Harvest prohibited in John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park.
License Requirements

Gulf: SPL and RS
Atlantic: SPL, federal permit
Limits and Seasons
Size limit:
- Atlantic: 11 inches total length
- Gulf: 10 inches total length
Trip/bag limit:
- Atlantic:
- Gulf: Directed harvest: unlimited
Closed season:
- Atlantic:
- Gulf: None
Other Regulations
See full state rules at 68B-14
Must remain in whole condition until landed ashore (head & tail intact).
South Atlantic snapper grouper permit required in Atlantic. Black Sea Bass Pot endorsement required in Atlantic.
License Requirements

SPL and RS
Limits and Seasons
Size limit: 12 inches fork length
Trip/bag limits: State and federal waters north of Miami-Dade/Monroe county line is 7,500 pounds per vessel per day. Other state and federal waters: none. See 68B-43.
Closed seasons: None
Other Regulations
Must remain in whole condition until landed ashore (head & tail intact).

Also known as ling.
Licenses: SPL and RS
Limits and Seasons
Size Limit: 36 inches fork length
Trip/bag limit: 1 per day or 2 per vessel, whichever is less (Rule 68B-19)
Closed season: None
Other Regulations
Must remain in whole condition until landed ashore (head & tail intact).
May not possess a recreational bag limit and a commercial bag limit at the same time.
Size limit applies to sale.

Also known as Mahi.
Licenses required: SPL and RS (federal permit required in Atlantic)
To apply for a vessel, dealer or operator permit, interested parties should contact the Permits Office, NOAA Fisheries Southeast Regional Office, 263 13th Avenue South, St. Petersburg, Florida, 33702; or by phone at 727-824-5326.
Limits and Seasons
Size limit: 20 inches fork length
Trip/bag limit: No limit using spear or hook and line.
- Gulf: Incidental bycatch using gear other than spearing and hook and line: 10 fish per person.
- Atlantic: Limited by federal permit.
- See 68B-41
Closed season: None
Other Regulations
Must remain in whole condition until landed ashore (head & tail intact).
Allowable gear: hook and line, longline gear (federal waters ONLY), and spearing.
Size limit applies to purchase and sale of fish.
Species and License

Includes Gulf, Southern, Summer and Fringed.
Licenses required: SPL and RS.
NEWS: The Commission approved changes to the flounder fishery that go into effect March 1, 2021. Learn more about these changes.
Limits and Seasons
Flounder regulations are for state and federal waters off Florida.
Size limit: 14 inches
Trip/bag limit:
- Directed harvest: commercial trip and vessel limit of
- 150 fish from Dec. 1 – Oct. 14
- 50 fish Oct. 15 – Nov. 30
- Incidental bycatch: 50 fish/trip for non-allowable gear
- Federal waters trawl bycatch limit 150 fish/trip from Dec. 1 – Oct. 14, and 50 fish from/trip Oct. 15 – Nov. 30.
- See 68B-48.
Closed season: None
Other Regulations
Must remain in whole condition until landed ashore (head & tail intact).
Allowable gear: beach or haul seine, cast net, hook and line and spearing.
Harvest prohibited by or with the use of any multiple hook in conjunction with live or dead natural bait or any snatch hook.
In Volusia County, spearing with barbed spear having more than 3 prongs prohibited.
Size limit applies to sale of fish.
Licenses required

SPL, RS and federal permit
Limits and Seasons
Size limit:
- Atlantic: 34 inches fork length
- Gulf: 36 inches fork length
- Minimum size of 34 inches fork length applies to imported fish
Closed season:
- Atlantic: April
- Gulf: March, April and May
License Requirements
SPL, RS and federal permit
Other Regulations
Must remain in whole condition until landed ashore (head & tail intact).
Special regulations apply for this species when fishing in Biscayne National Park.
Gulf ONLY: Managed under an IFQ program. Must possess IFQ allocation and follow established protocols. Learn more.
License Requirements

SPL, RS and federal permit
Limits and Seasons
Size limit:
- Atlantic: 16 inches fork length
- Gulf: 14 inches fork length
Trip/bag limit:
- Atlantic: 25 pounds
- Gulf: directed harvest: unlimited
See 68B-14
Atlantic size limits & bag limits also apply in Gulf state and federal waters south of 25°09 N. Lat. Gulf includes all Gulf waters North of 25°09 N. Latitude.
Size limit applies to imported fish.
14” size limit applies to imported fish.
Other Regulations
Must remain in whole condition until landed ashore (head & tail intact).
Licenses required
SPL, RS and federal permit
Limits and Seasons
- Almaco
- Size limit:
- Atlantic: 20 inches fork length
- Gulf: none
- Size limit:
- Banded rudderfish
- Size limit: 14-22 inches fork length
- Lesser amberjack
- Size limit: 14-22 inches fork length
License Requirements

SPL and RS
Federal permit required for commercial harvest in federal waters and to exceed the recreational bag limit in state waters.
Limits and Seasons
Size limit: 24 inches fork length
Trip/bag limits: See
Closed seasons: Regional
Other Regulations
For more, visit the king mackerel commercial regulations page.
Must remain in whole condition until landed ashore (head & tail intact).
License Requirements

SPL and RS
Federal permit if fishing in federal waters.
Other Regulations
Must remain in whole condition until landed ashore (head & tail intact).
Allowable gear: beach or haul seine, cast net, hook and line, or by spearing.
Species and Licenses

Includes harvest of live saltwater finfish, invertebrates and plants, primarily for the aquarium trade.
License requirements: SPL, RS and Marine Life Endorsement
Visit Marine Life page or, for full rule, visit 68B-42.
Species and License
Also known as white, fantail or redeye.
License requirements: SPL and RS
Other Regulations
See more on mullet regulations by visiting the commercial mullet page. See full rule at 68B-39
Must remain in whole condition until landed ashore (head & tail intact).
Species and Licenses

Also known as black mullet.
Licenses required: SPL and RS
Limits and Seasons
See mullet page or 68B-39 for details on trip/bag limits and regional seasons
Size limit: 11 inches fork length with a 10 percent allowance by weight for undersize fish
Other Regulations
See more on mullet regulations by visiting the commercial mullet page. For full rule see 68B-39
Must remain in whole condition until landed ashore (head & tail intact).
Required Licenses

SPL, RS and federal permit
Limits and Seasons
Size limit: Not less than 11 inches or more than 20 inches fork length
Trip/bag limits: no directed commercial harvest. 100 incidental bycatch outside SPZ when fishing with nets targeting other species in federal waters.
For more on limits and closed seasons, visit the permit/pompano page or see the full rule at 68B-35.
Other Regulations
Harvest prohibited by or with the use of any multiple hook in conjunction with live or dead natural bait or any snatch hook.
Must remain in whole condition until landed ashore (head & tail intact).
Special Commercial Permit Zone (SPZ) includes all state and federal waters south of a line running due east from Cape Florida and south of a line running due west from Cape Sable.
License Requirements

SPL and RS
Must have pompano endorsement to use gill and entangling nets in the pompano endorsement zone (federal waters between Hurricane Pass and Cape Sable in the Gulf).
Limits and Seasons
Size limit: 11-20 inches fork length
Trip/bag limit:
- without pompano endorsement
- Direct harvest: 250 trip limit
- Incidental bycatch with gillnets in federal waters: 100
- with pompano endorsement in the PEZ
- unlimited
For more on trip limits and closed seasons, visit the pompano/permit page or full rule at 68B-35.
Other Regulations
For more, visit the pompano/permit page or full rule at 68B-35.
Harvest prohibited by or with the use of any multiple hook in conjunction with live or dead natural bait or any snatch hook.
Must remain in whole condition until landed ashore (head & tail intact).
Must transit all harvested fish directly through
state waters to land without stopping and must be landed within the PEZ.
License Requirements

SPL and RS
Limits and Seasons
For more, visit the pompano/permit page or full rule at 68B-35.
Size limit: 24 inches fork length
Trip/bag limit: 2 per person or per vessel, whichever is less
Other Regulations
For more, visit the pompano/permit page or full rule at 68B-35.
Harvest prohibited by or with the use of any multiple hook in conjunction with live or dead natural bait or any snatch hook.
State waters: hook and line only.
Federal waters: hook and line and spearing.
License Requirements

Atlantic: SPL, RS and federal permit
Gulf: SPL and RS
Limits and Seasons
Size limit:
- Atlantic: 14 inches total length
- Gulf: none
Trip/bag limit:
- Atlantic: 50 pounds daily vessel limit.
- Gulf: directed harvest: unlimited
Closed season:
- Atlantic: Jan. 1-April 30
- Gulf: none
Other Regulations
For full rule, visit 68B-14.
For Atlantic federal regulations, visit SAFMC.
Must remain in whole condition until landed ashore (head & tail intact).
Atlantic: a person harvesting other species for commercial purposes during the closure may harvest and possess three red porgy. During this closed season, the purchase, sale, or exchange of any red porgy harvested from state waters of the Atlantic Ocean is prohibited.
License Requirements

SPL and federal highly migratory species permit
Limits and Seasons
Trip/bag limit: 1 per person per day or 2 per vessel, whichever is less, in state waters.
Minimum Size Limits:
- No Minimum Size: Atlantic sharpnose, blacknose, blacktip, bonnetheaed, finetooth, smooth dogfish and Florida smoothhound
- 54 in (fork length): bull, nurse, spinner, blue, porbeagle, and thresher
Federal closures apply in state waters.
Other Regulations
For more, visit the shark page or 68B-44.
For federal information, visit HMS (NOAA).
Must remain in whole condition when harvested in state waters. Size limits and landing in whole condition requirement do not apply to sharks lawfully harvested commercially in federal waters and directly transported through Florida Waters.
Purchase and sale of sharks landed after the closure date is prohibited.
License requirements apply.
Spearing prohibited.
Hook and line only in state waters.
License Requirements

SPL and RS
Limits and Seasons
Size limit: 12 inches total length
Trip/bag limit:
- directed harvest: unlimited
- incidental bycatch: 50 pounds shrimp trawls
Closed season: none
Other Regulations
For full rule, visit 68B-59
Harvest prohibited by or with the use of any multiple hook in conjunction with live or dead natural bait or any snatch hook.
Must remain in whole condition until landed ashore (head & tail intact).
Allowable gear for directed harvest: beach or haul seine, cast net, hook and line, and spearing.
Licenses Required
SPL, RS, and federal permit
Other Regulations
Must remain in whole condition until landed ashore (head & tail intact).
Special regulations apply for this species when fishing in Biscayne National Park.
Gulf ONLY: Managed under an IFQ program. Must possess IFQ allocation and follow established protocols. Learn more.

License requirements: SPL only
(regulations listed here are for state waters only)
Limits and Seasons
Size limit: None
Vessel limit:
- Atlantic (Nassau through Miami-Dade): 2,200 pounds
- Gulf: None
Closed season: None
Other regulations
License Requirements

SPL and RS
Limits and Seasons
Size limit: 15 to 24 inches total length
Trip/bag limit: 50 fish per person per day or a vessel limit of 100 when two or more licensed fishermen are aboard.
Closed seasons: regional
Other Regulations
For more, visit the spotted seatrout page or 68B-37.
Harvest prohibited by or with the use of any multiple hook in conjunction with live or dead natural bait or any snatch hook.
Must remain in whole condition until landed ashore (head & tail intact).
Allowable gear: cast net or hook and line. Spearing prohibited.
Simultaneous possession of gill nets and seatrout is prohibited.
Towing extra vessel to exceed bag limit is prohibited.
Sale of seatrout inventory will be allowed for 30 days after the season closes.
License Requirements

SPL, RS and federal highly migratory species permit
Limits and Seasons
Size limit: 47 inches lower jaw fork length with head attached or 25 inches cleithrum to keel length if head removed, or 33 pounds dressed. Learn more about measuring.
Size limits apply to fish damaged by shark bites. Lower jaw FL = a straight-line measurement from the tip of the lower jaw to the fork of the caudal fin.
Cleithrum to keel length = a curved measurement from the point of the cleithrum that provides the measurement along the body contour to the anterior portion of the caudal keel.
The cleithrum is the semicircular bony structure
at the posterior edge of the gill opening. A dressed fish may have its head, viscera, and fins removed, but its backbone and remaining carcass must remain intact and not be halved, quartered or otherwise further reduced.
License Requirements
SPL, RS and federal permit
Other Regulations
Must remain in whole condition until landed ashore (head & tail intact).
Gulf ONLY: Managed under an IFQ program. Must possess IFQ allocation and follow established protocols. Learn more.
License Requirements

SPL, RS and federal permit
Limit and Seasons
Size limit:
Gulf: 14 inches fork length
Atlantic: 12 inches fork length
Other Regulations
For more, visit 68B-14, SAFMC or GMFMC
Must remain in whole condition until landed ashore (head & tail intact).
Size limit applies to imported fish.
Special regulations apply for this species when fishing in Biscayne National Park.
License Requirements

SPL and RS
Limits and Seasons
Size limit: 18 inches total length
Trip/bag limit: 10 per person, per day or vessel, whichever is less.
Incidental bycatch: 2 per person, per day or vessel, whichever is less.
Closed season: None.
Other Regulations
For full rule visit 68B-49.
Harvest prohibited by or with the use of any multiple hook in conjunction with live or dead natural bait or any snatch hook.
Must remain in whole condition until landed ashore (head & tail intact).
Allowable gear: hook and line. Spearing
Size limit applies to sale of fish.
Regulations by Species - Crabs, Shrimp, Shellfish
Species and License

License Requirements: SPL, RS and blue crab endorsement (VH, VS, VN)
Learn more about traps and regulations such as size and bag limits on blue crab page.
For full rule, visit 68B-45
Gear and harvest specifications and size and bag limits differ for the various fishery segments (hard crabs, bycatch, peeler crabs, or live bait.)
Florida Atlantic Blue Crab Trap/Pot Fishery Gear Regulations and Guidelines (Click Southeast Blue Crab under Outreach)
Special regulations apply for this species when in Biscayne National Park.
License Requirements
ML endorsement optional
Bio-med optional
A biomedical collection permit is required for collecting blood (crabs must be released alive in the area where collected.)
Size limit: none
Trip/bag limit: 25 per person per day or 100 per person per day with marine life endorsement.
Closed season: none
Other Regulations
For full rule, visit 68B-46.
Allowable gear: by hand or gig.
Limits extend to docks, piers, bridges, beaches and
adjacent fishing sites.
Licenses Required

SPL only
Possession of egg bearing lobster prohibited.
Possession prohibited in designated area of John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park.

SPL + RS + C (trap) or CD (Dive) or N (Bully Net)
Limits and Seasons
Size limit: 3” carapace 5 ½” tail
Trip/bag limit:
- Trap fishery: None.
- Bully Net: 250 lobster vessel limit.
- Dive Fishery: 250 lobster vessel limit.
Closed season: April 1 – Aug. 5
Other Regulations
For more details, visit lobster page.
For full rule, visit 68B-24
A Guide to Closed Areas for Commercial Spiny Lobster Trap Fishing
Allowable gear: by diving, traps, hand-held net, hoop net (diameter no longer than 10’), or bully net (diameter no larger than 3’).
Specific restrictions and requirements depend on the method of harvest.
Special regulations apply for this species when in Biscayne National Park.

SPL + AP (if in Apalachicola)
NEW: Harvest of all wild oysters from Apalachicola Bay are temporarily suspended and on-the-water possession of oyster harvesting equipment (tongs) is prohibited through Dec. 31, 2025. Learn more.
Size limit: 3” in greatest dimension.
For more details, including additional season and bag limit information, visit the commercial oyster regulations page.
For full rule, visit 68B-27 FAC
Shellfish Harvester Training course is required annually by all commercial oyster and clam harvesters in order to receive or renew a Shellfish Endorsement issued by FWC or an Apalachicola Bay Oyster Harvesting License (ABOHL) or Aquaculture Certificate of Registration.
For full rule, visit 68B-53
Trip/bag limit: ≤250 individual meats per 1 lb. sample.
Bycatch of other species prohibited.
No person shall harvest calico scallops for commercial purposes within or without the waters of the state using any gear other than an otter trawl. 68B-53.003
ML# required for the harvest of some species.
See: “Marine Life” Regulations.
The term “Live Shellfish” includes mollusks and
echinoderms, such as clams, snails, starfish, brittle stars, urchins, etc.
For full rule, visit 68B-26
Trip/bag limit:
- Manatee County: 2 live shellfsh of any
single species per day. - Lee County: Harvest prohibited year-round.
- All other counties: None.
Manatee and Lee county prohibitions on harvest do not apply to shells that are empty when collected or to live oysters, hard clams, and sunray venus clams.
Species and Licenses

Includes Brown, Pinkspotted, Pink, White, Roughneck, Roughback, Seabob
Licenses required include:
- SPL + RS
- Additional licenses required in the inland waters of the Northeast Region and Tampa Bay (TB#, DS#, LS#)
For full rule, see 68B-31 F.A.C.
Trip/bag limits:
- Food Shrimp: no daily bag or vessel limit when harvesting under the appropriate gear and seasons
- Live Bait Shrimp:
- No daily bag limit for live shrimp
- Up to 5 gallons dead shrimp (heads on); only 1 gallon dead shrimp (heads on) in the inside waters of the NE region.
- Shrimp may not be harvested as live bait and food shrimp on the same trip.
Regional harvest gear and gear restrictions, closed seasons, and license requirements apply.
Special regulations apply for this species when in Biscayne National Park.
Turtle Excluder Device (TED) required on all otter and skimmer trawls, except single try net
or roller frame trawl. Otter and skimmer trawls must have bycatch reduction device (BRD) installed.
Species and Licenses
Includes sheepswool, yellow, grass, finger, wire,
reef, and velvet.
License requirements: SPL and sponge endoresement
Limits and Seasons
Size limit: 5 inches across the top when wet. Measure in greatest dimension across the top. Applies to possession and sale within the state.
Other Regulations
For full rule, see 68B-28.
Hooks must be 5” wide.
Diving prohibited, except in the Big Bend & Southwest Florida areas.

SPL + RS + Stone Crab Endorsement (X#, or I#)
New Regulations
For the 2024-25 stone crab season and beyond, an unobstructed escape ring 2 3/16 inches in diameter to be located within a vertical exterior trap wall for all recreational and commercial plastic or wood stone crab traps is required.
Limits and Seasons
Size limit: 2 7/8"
Trip/bag limit: None.
- Incidental bycatch: 5 gallons.
Closed season: May 2 – Oct. 14
Other Regulations
For more, visit the stone crab page.
For full rule, see 68B-13
Landings limited to legal size claws measured
by a straight line from the elbow to the tip of the lower immovable finger.
Transport and sale of intact crabs prohibited.
License, trap and harvest specifications apply.
Special regulations apply for this species when in Biscayne National Park.
Commercial Licensing System Online
Contact for Commercial Fisheries
Division of Marine Fisheries Management
2590 Executive Center Circle
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Fax: 850-488-7152