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About FWC's Boating and Waterways Section

The Division of Law Enforcement's Boating and Waterways Section works to provide safe and enjoyable boating for Florida residents and visitors through the effective and coordinated management of our waterways. We strive to work with all stakeholders when developing rules and making statutory recommendations. We are guided by sound scientific data, stakeholder feedback and common sense in developing the best possible solutions to protect our natural resources and freedoms to navigate.

Florida's Long Term Vessel Study

Florida’s Legislature directed the FWC to conduct a study to explore if a correlation exists between long-term stored vessels and derelict vessels; to identify the impacts to local and state economies, public safety, infrastructure, and the environment; and to provide recommendations to help mitigate any identified negative impacts.

This study was recently completed and is available at the following links: 

Cover of the Florida Long-Term Vessel Study depicting a waterbody with many boats and a city skyline in the background.

Vessels Displaced by Hurricane Ian

For vessels displaced by Hurricane Ian not on state waters (on private or public property) the public should call the Debris Cleanup Hotline at (850) 961-2002 or email