Special Initiatives
The Recovering America's Wildlife Act
This landmark legislation would provide dedicated predictable funding for conservation and management of thousands of species.
Coastal Wildlife Conservation Initiative

CWCI: Conserving native wildlife in coastal ecosystems throughout Florida in balance with human activities.
Florida's State Wildlife Action Plan

Florida's State Wildlife Action Plan: Conserving our wildlife and natural areas for future generations.
Impacts of Climate Change on Fish and Wildlife

Florida's Wildlife: On the front line of climate change.
Florida Shorebird Alliance

Florida Shorebird Alliance: A statewide network of local partnerships that advance shorebird and seabird conservation in Florida. Alliance partners use the Florida Shorebird Database as a central repository for data collected on shorebirds and seabirds in Florida.
Landowner Assistance

The land-use planning efforts and habitat management decisions made by private landowners today will determine the future for fish and wildlife tomorrow.
Florida Conservation Blueprint

The Florida Conservation Blueprint is a spatial plan that identifies shared conservation priorities across Florida and allows partners to better align their conservation actions and investments.