Research Projects

FWRI marine turtle program staff conduct research on the distribution, abundance, life histories, ecology, migrations, and threats to marine turtles in Florida and contiguous western Atlantic and Caribbean waters.
Developing a Statewide Program of In-Water Monitoring of Sea Turtles in Florida
Researchers with FWRI's marine turtle program inventoried all in-water marine turtle research conducted in Florida.
Satellite Telemetry
FWRI researchers use satellite telemetry to study the migratory behavior and habitat use patterns of sea turtles.
In-Water Research Studies
To successfully recover populations, the complex life histories of long-lived marine turtles must be understood.
A Researcher Talks Turtles
During the summer, FWRI's Marine Turtle team conducts research in Florida Bay. This interview with Allen Foley was conducted on a boat after the capture of a loggerhead turtle.
Sea Turtle Population Study in Florida Bay
Florida Bay is an important sea turtle habitat located between the southern tip of the Florida peninsula and the Florida Keys.
Researching the First Years of a Turtle's Life
FWRI researchers are working on the mystery surrounding the first years of a sea turtle's life. Although most of this "lost years" period is spent in the open ocean far from land, young turtles are observed in the Gulf Stream off Florida's east coast.
Scientific Publications
Find publication information about papers, journal articles, reports, and other documents detailing sea turtle research.