General FAQs
See the step-by-step process for:
Also, visit Becoming a Law Enforcement Officer for information.
The starting salary is $52,500 per year except in the following counties, the starting salary is:
- $55,500 in Lee and Collier counties
- $57,500 in Palm Beach County
- $60,500 in Broward and Dade counties
- $62,500 in Monroe County
Additionally, an annual $5,000 housing allowance is provided in the following counties:
- Broward
- Collier
- Dade
- Lee
- Monroe
Find more information about salary and benefits.
Yes, you must be at least 19 years of age on the date of hire.
No. Applicants must be able to meet physical fitness assessment guidelines and pass a medical examination.
See the minimum qualifications to become an FWC law enforcement officer.
FWC is proud to be an equal opportunity employer.
No. However, you can receive additional pay if you have a degree.
Yes. Learn more about the minimum qualifications.
The FWC accepts applications periodically, when vacancies are announced. On average, it can take about a year to complete all the steps of the application process.
That depends on where open positions are located.
Yes. After one year in your original location, you will be eligible to request a transfer to an area with a current vacancy. As positions become available you are eligible to request a transfer. A number of factors are considered when making transfer determinations.
Yes. FWC requires physical assessments based on the physical abilities test. Applicants must complete the course in 8:36 or less. Applicants must pass the physical assessments to move forward with the application process.
Yes. In addition to passing the physical assessment during the initial application process, you will be required to complete a physical assessment including the vertical jump, one minute sit ups, push ups, 300-meter run and a 1.5 mile run/walk at the beginning and end of your basic recruit law enforcement training.
If selected for employment, you will be required to complete the physical abilities test in 8:36 or less every year.
Yes. Part of the physical fitness assessment includes being able to swim 150 yards continuously (untimed). Also, water survival training takes place throughout the Basic Recruit Academy and during breakout/FWC specific training.
See the step-by-step process for Florida certified/sworn law enforcement applicants.
The Basic Abilities Test (BAT), also called the Florida Basic Abilities Test (FBAT) or Criminal Justice Basic Abilities Test (CJBAT), is designed to determine an applicant's ability to successfully complete the Basic Recruit Academy curriculum. More information can be found by visiting the FDLE website.
The basic abilities test is a pass/fail exam. Learn more about the FDLE Basic Abilities Test Exam.
Learn more about what can disqualify an applicant at the FWC Applicant Disqualifier List.
Yes. If the FWC pays for you to attend a Basic Recruit Training Academy, Florida State Statute provides that a trainee who attends an approved training program at the expense of an employing agency must remain in the employment or appointment of such employing agency for a period of not less than two years after graduation from the basic recruit training program. If employment or appointment is terminated on the trainee's own initiative within two years, he or she shall reimburse the employing agency for the full cost of his or her tuition and other course expenses. An employing agency may institute a civil action to collect such cost of tuition and other course expenses if it is not reimbursed. (F.S.S. 943.16)
Yes. You are automatically enrolled in the Florida State Retirement System (FRS) and the State of Florida funds 97%; the employee contributes 3% pretax. Law enforcement positions are considered high-risk, which allows vested members to receive retirement benefits upon reaching age 55 or after completing 25 years of service.
Find more information by visiting
There is subsidized health and life insurance. The State of Florida pays 2/3 of the cost. Rates are affordable and add-on plans are available. Learn more about State of Florida health insurance plans.
FWC members get paid every two weeks on Friday.
Yes. Overtime is available as approved by a supervisor. Eligible officers are permitted to work off-duty or extra-duty jobs as long as the work to be done meets a certain criteria outlined in agency general orders and does not interfere with the primary position responsibilities.
Yes. Visit our General Orders page.
Yes, on a limited basis if you have a completed and current State of Florida application and an FWC supplemental application on file with us. Arrangements can be made through the FWC Regional Law Enforcement Recruiter assigned to your area of residency.
The applicant.
The FWC.
Yes. FWC was officially accredited by the Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation, Inc. on February 25, 2009. Learn more about the FWC's accreditation status.