Scientific Products
View and download our scientists’ publications on harmful algae in books, journals, and conference proceedings.
Guide to the Identification of Harmful Microalgae in the Gulf of Mexico
This new publication was developed for analysts and managers world-wide involved in marine HAB monitoring, assessment and forecasting.
HAB Publications
Scientists with the FWC's Fish and Wildlife Research Institute publish results of their research on harmful algae in books, journals, and other professional publications. Some of the following articles contain a link to the FWC Digital Library where you can order or download them.
ECOHAB: Karenia
The Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms (ECOHAB) program is a national study of harmful algal blooms. ECOHAB: Karenia is a subproject that focuses on Karenia brevis, the Florida red tide organism.
ECOHAB: Florida
The ECOHAB: Florida program is part of a national, coordinated study of regional harmful
algal blooms in the United States.
Red Tide Control and Mitigation Grants
Between 2007 and 2009, FWRI administered a competitive grant program that solicited proposals to evaluate or implement projects exploring environmentally acceptable techniques or technologies for red tide control or mitigation.
Proceedings of the Xth International Conference on Harmful Algae, October 2002
The Xth International Conference on Harmful Algae was held in St. Pete Beach, Florida, from October 21 to 25, 2002. The Proceedings contain oral and poster presentations, special sessions, and auxiliary material from the conference.
Cyanotoxin Detection and Quantification and Instrumentation Workshop
Participants in this 2001 workshop met to discuss the use of probes, sensors, and other instruments to detect blue-green algal species and toxins. The workshop focused on the needs of the drinking water industry.
Harmful Algal Blooms in Florida ("White Paper")
This report, also called the "White Paper," was prepared by the Harmful Algal Bloom Task Force Technical Advisory Group. It was submitted to the Task Force in 1999.
Resource Guide For Public Health Response To Harmful Algal Blooms In Florida
Based on recommendations from the FHABTF Public Health Technical Panel, this technical report updates and expands on the 1999 "White Paper." It provides information for managers to develop localized public health response plans to HABs.