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Holey Land - Things to Do

A pair of woodstorks with beak submerged in water and feeding

Photo Credit: Ron Bielefeld

Although the marsh is most easily traversed by airboats and tracked vehicles, the network of levees and canals constructed for flood control and water supply afford ample opportunities for recreation.


Holey Land Hunting

Hunting of waterfowl, white-tailed deer, feral hogs, alligators, small game and conditional reptiles occurs in the fall, winter and spring. Appropriate licenses and permits are required. The southern and western forested areas are popular with deer hunters.  Check the hunt calendar and regulations summary brochure before you visit.

If you see a sick or abnormally thin deer or deer dead of unknown causes, please report its location to the CWD hotline, (866) CWD-WATCH (293-9282).


Man wading into water with fishing pole

The canals surrounding the area support many species of game fish including largemouth bass and several species of sunfish, as well as catfish and some species of exotic fishes. Popular exotic game fish include the Mayan cichlid, oscar and bullseye snakehead. In addition, the canal system serves as refuge for smaller fish species during periods of severe drought. These forage fish are an important part of the prey base for many species of wading birds. Reference the regulations summary brochure map to locate boat ramps. Appropriate licenses and permits are required.



Wildlife Viewing

Woman using binoculars to birdwatch

Canal and powerline levees are good places to view birds and other wildlife. Swallow-tailed kites, red-shouldered hawks, rails and a variety of wading birds, water birds and waterfowl are common. Other native wildlife common in the area include alligators, white-tailed deer and other mammals such as bobcats, raccoons and marsh rabbits. This area is part of the Great Florida Birding and Wildlife Trail. Visit the Wildlife page for more information about the area's wildlife.

Hiking and Biking

Road along levee at Holey Land

Hiking and biking can be done on most levees. The levees provide scenic views of the area and opportunities to view wildlife.  See the regulations summary brochure to plan access and routes.


Camp on the L-5 and Miami Canal levees during hunting seasons and on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays during non-hunting periods. See the regulations summary brochure for hunting season dates.