What hunts award preference points?
Preference points are awarded in phase I applications/random drawings for these limited entry and quota hunts:
- Archery Quota
- Muzzleloading Gun Quota
- General Gun Quota
- Wild Hog Quota
- Spring Turkey Quota
- Youth Spring Turkey Quota
- Mobility-Impaired Quota
- Track Vehicle Quota
- Quail Quota
- Family Quota
- Lake Woodruff NWR Archery
- Lake Woodruff NWR Muzzleloading Gun
- Merritt Island NWR Archery
- St. Marks NWR Archery
- St. Marks NWR General Gun
- St. Marks NWR Mobility-Impaired
- St. Vincent Island NWR Sambar Deer
Preference points are not awarded for other limited entry hunts.
Will preference points guarantee success in the drawing?
Preference points increase your chances for success in the phase I random drawing. They do not guarantee success in the drawing, however, as many hunters have the same or more preference points.
What are preference points?
To allow an increased opportunity for applicants to draw a permit for high demand hunts, the FWC issues some limited entry and quota hunt permits based on a preference system. Applicants in a phase I random drawing can increase their odds of selection each year they fail to be drawn for a limited entry permit in phase I of the applications for each hunt. Limited entry permits for each hunt type listed above shall be selected by random drawing from the applications submitted during the phase I application period based on the highest number of accumulated preference points, random number in the lottery and the choices on the application.
How are they awarded?
Applicants who are unsuccessful in a phase I random drawing shall receive one preference point for that specific hunt type. Preference points accumulate by hunt type.
Applicants who receive a preference point in a phase I random drawing will retain their preference points even if they are issued a permit in later phases for that season. Applicants who do not apply during the phase I application period for two consecutive years will forfeit all preference points for that hunt type. Applicants who skip a year will not gain or lose their preference points.
What if I return my permit?
Applicants that were awarded a quota permit in Phase I and are unable to use the permit may return the permit electronically up to 10 days prior to the first day of the hunt . This will restore the original preference points plus one point for that hunt type, and the hunt can then be issued to another hunter in the next weekly reissue drawing.
What if I apply as a group?
Group applications are only accepted during phase I for those hunt types that allow for group applications. A specific number of hunters may apply as a group, and if the group leader is successful in the random drawing, each individual member in the group is also successful.
Group applications have no bearing on guest permit options for various hunt types. Please view guest permit details or view the specific information for each limited entry/quota permit.