Rules for Invasive Nonnative Reptiles
Effective date: April 29, 2021
The 90-day grace period to apply for a permit, upgrade indoor caging, and have any qualifying animals PIT tagged ended: July 28, 2021
The 180-day grace period to upgrade outdoor caging requirements for Prohibited reptile species ended: October 26, 2021
Persons or businesses in possession of the recently listed Prohibited reptiles for commercial sale use had until July 28, 2021 to liquidate their inventory in Florida. These species may not be possessed for commercial sale purposes in Florida after July 28, 2021, except green iguanas or tegus possessed by qualifying entities under a limited exception commercial use permit.

The rule changes for Prohibited species became effective on April 29, 2021.
News Release - FWC approves rule changes to help protect Florida from 16 high-risk invasive reptiles
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission provides email or text message updates on a variety of subjects, including nonnative fish and wildlife, captive wildlife and updates for licenses and permits. Sign up for notifications.
Rule Changes to Chapter 68-5, F.A.C.
The approved changes to Rule 68-5.001, F.A.C. allow staff to consider requested deviations to standard caging and enclosure requirements or caging materials. Those entities requesting a deviation need to provide that request in writing to the agency, outline the need and purpose of the deviation, document the construction specifications, and provide a list of the current FWC permits and licenses affiliated with the facility. These changes allow for permit modifications specific to unique situations when that deviation is sufficient to prevent escape. Prior to implementation, any proposed deviations from the standard caging materials must be approved in writing as a permit modification by the Commission.
These rule changes include adding a definition for the term “eradication and control” to clarify its meaning in this rule chapter.
Prohibited Nonnative Species
On April 29, 2021, the following high-risk nonnative reptiles were listed as Prohibited species in Florida:
- Burmese or Indian python (Python molurus)
- Reticulated python (Python reticulatus)
- Green anaconda (Eunectes murinus)
- Northern African python (Python sebae)
- Southern African python (Python natalensis)
- Amethystine python (Morelia amethistinus)
- Scrub python (Morelia kinghorni)
- Nile monitor (Varanus niloticus)
- Green iguana (Iguana iguana)
- Tegus (genera Salvator and Tupinambis, all species)
Prohibited species may only be possessed by permit for educational exhibition, research or eradication/control activities. See section on Rule 68-5.007 for more information on possession requirements. Some limited exceptions may apply for pet owners and qualifying entities currently in possession of tegus or green iguanas.
Read the rule language for 68-5.006
Possession of Prohibited Nonnative Species
Prohibited species of fish and wildlife pose a high risk to Florida’s ecology, economy or human health and safety. Stringent biosecurity measures are required for those entities in possession of Prohibited species to limit escapes. These rule changes include language establishing requirements for caging, biosecurity, PIT tagging, permitting, recordkeeping and reporting requirements. The rule also established new language for eradication and control permits.
Prohibited species may only be possessed by permit for educational exhibition, research or eradication/control activities. Prohibited species may no longer be acquired as personal pets. Owners in personal possession of Prohibited species may request assistance with rehoming through the FWC's Exotic Pet Amnesty Program.
For entities with a limited exception permit to commercially sell green iguanas and tegus, breeding of these species for commercial sale can continue until June 30, 2024 at which time it will be prohibited.
Some limited exceptions for the possession of green iguanas and tegus for commercial sale and exhibition are included in the changes to Rule 68-5.007, F.A.C. A qualifying entities list indicates which are eligible for a limited exception permit for continued commercial sale or exhibition of green iguanas or tegus. Contact if you have questions.
Read the rule language for 68-5.007
Amnesty for Persons Relinquishing Nonnative Pets
These rule changes include clarifications for the FWC’s Exotic Pet Amnesty Program rules. Specific changes include clarifications in how the program operates, how animals may be surrendered to the program, and updates to rule references and species statutes. This program is an effort to reduce the number of nonnative species being released into the wild by pet owners who can no longer care for their pets or no longer wish to keep them.
Read the rule language for 68-5.008
More Information
Frequently Asked Questions - Invasive Reptiles Rule Changes
FWC Commissioners approved rule changes in Chapter 68-5, F.A.C., specifically to Rules 68-5.002, 68-5.004, 68-5.005, 68-5.006, 68-5.007, and 68-5.008 regarding nonnative species on February 25, 2021. These rules covered a new definition for “eradication and control”, added 16 species of high-risk snakes and lizards to the Prohibited species list, amended the possession requirements and permit eligibility for Prohibited species, and clarified some the provisions of the Exotic Pet Amnesty rules.
- Burmese or Indian python (Python molurus)
- Reticulated python (Python reticulatus)
- Green anaconda (Eunectes murinus)
- Northern African python (Python sebae)
- Southern African python (Python natalensis)
- Amethystine python (Morelia amethistinus)
- Scrub python (Morelia kinghorni)
- Nile monitor (Varanus niloticus)
- Green iguana (Iguana iguana)
- Tegus (genera Salvator and Tupinambis, all species)
This listing includes any live animals, eggs, hybrids, or taxonomic successors.
The rules changes for Prohibited species became effective: April 29, 2021
If you have one of these animals as a pet, you had until July 28, 2021 to obtain a free Prohibited species for personal use permit and permanently mark the animal with a PIT tag. Owners in personal possession of Prohibited species may request assistance with rehoming through the FWC’s Exotic Pet Amnesty Program.
If you are a public exhibitor, you must apply for a free Conditional/Prohibited/Nonnative Species Permit (CSP) for public educational exhibition. If you already have a current CSP, then you can submit a request to have it amended.
If you are a researcher, you must apply for a free CSP for research use. If you already have a current CSP, then you can submit a request to have it amended.
If you are an entity engaged in eradication or control work, you must apply for a free CSP for eradication and control use.
If you possess green iguanas and/or tegus for commercial sale and qualify for a permit to continue that activity under the limited exception in Rule 68-5.007, F.A.C., you must apply for a free CSP for commercial sale of green iguanas or tegus. Permits are only issued to facilities meeting the requirements of Rule 68-5.007, F.A.C.
Completed applications or requests for permit amendments may be submitted to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Wildlife Impact Management Section via email to or by mail to 620 South Meridian Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1600.
Owners in personal possession of Prohibited species may request assistance with rehoming through the FWC’s Exotic Pet Amnesty Program.
Qualifying facilities may apply for a permit to possess tegus and/or green iguanas for commercial sales under the limited exception in 68-5.007. To qualify, a licensee must have had a valid License to Possess Class III Wildlife for Exhibition or Public Sale (ESC) on June 30, 2020, and documented possession or planned possession of green iguanas or tegus on their 2018 or 2019 ESC application. Commercial sellers who did not qualify for this exception, had until July 28th, 2021 to liquidate their commercial stock.
Prohibited species pose a high risk to Florida's ecology, economy or human health and safety. Prohibited species may only be possessed for research, following approval of a research plan, and for public exhibition by qualifying facilities. Prohibited species may also be possessed for eradication and control activities by permitted entities. They may not be acquired or kept as personal pets or for commercial sale, with some limited exceptions.
There are limited exceptions for commercial sale of green iguanas and tegus by qualifying permitted entities. Permitted facilities and pet owners must meet strict biosecurity and caging requirements.
Prohibited species may be transferred only to people who hold a permit to possess that species. All Prohibited species must be maintained in accordance with the provisions outlined in Chapter 68-5, F.A.C.
Additional regulations restrict the importation, possession and transfer of certain Prohibited species.
These species pose a threat to Florida’s ecology, economy, and human health and safety. Because they are a high-risk to Florida, enhanced regulations are necessary. Regulation of high-risk nonnative fish and wildlife is used in conjunction with ongoing field work and other management strategies to minimize adverse impacts of invasive species and to prevent additional introduction or spread in the wild.
FWC staff will continue to use risk assessments and risk screenings to determine if additional management efforts are needed for nonnative species of concern. At the February 2021 Commission meeting, Commissioners directed staff to develop a Technical Assistance Group to consider changes in regulatory approach for nonnative fish and wildlife.
Under the new rules, Prohibited reptiles may not be bred except by qualifying Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) or Zoological Association of America (ZAA) accredited or certified institutions or researchers. Qualifying commercial sellers of tegus and green iguanas may breed green iguanas or tegus until June 30, 2024. Any eggs produced after June 30, 2024 must be destroyed. Permittees seeking authorization to breed Prohibited reptiles for educational exhibition or research purposes must submit a detailed proposal explaining the conservation value of the planned breeding activity, which must be approved by the FWC before any breeding activity occurs. Prohibited reptiles may not be bred or reared outdoors.
All Prohibited lizards over 5 inches in snout-to-vent length must be PIT tagged. Prohibited lizard PIT tags must be implanted in the body cavity near and in front of a rear leg, or in a rear leg. All Prohibited snakes over ½ inch in diameter must be PIT tagged. Prohibited snake PIT tags must be implanted in the rear third of the snake, forward of the anal plate. Any juvenile tegus or green iguanas that are not PIT tagged may not be housed in outdoor enclosures. Prohibited reptiles may only be housed in outdoor enclosures if they have been marked with a PIT tag. Outdoor enclosures must meet the caging requirements.
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