Fort White - Planning Your Visit
Helpful Information

There is something to see year-round at Fort White WEA. Fall and spring are good times to check the floodplain forest for neotropical migrants. Seasonal ponds attract wood ducks in the winter; summer specialties include Mississippi and swallow-tailed kites. Hiking is most pleasant in the cooler months. Blazing star, goldenrod, milkweed, aster and other fall wildflowers attract a variety of butterflies.
Fort White WEA is open to public access from 1½ hours before sunrise until 1½ hours after sunset. During archery and spring turkey seasons, only persons participating in the hunt are allowed access.
Get directions by selecting an entrance icon on the entrance finder map.
- Download the Fort White WEA Trail Guide.
- During archery and spring turkey seasons, only persons participating in the hunt are allowed access. See the regulations summary brochure for specific dates, entrances and parking areas, hours of operation and vehicle use guidelines.
- Dogs are permitted but must be kept under physical restraint at all times. Regulations regarding hunting dogs can be found in the regulations summary brochure.
- No daily-use permit is required. To hunt or fish you must possess the appropriate licenses and permits.
- Motorized vehicular access is prohibited except in the designated parking areas.
- Horses are prohibited.
- Restrooms are not available at this location.
- During scheduled hunt days, all visitors are encouraged to wear a daylight fluorescent orange shirt, vest, jacket and/or hat.

Fort White Hunt Calendar
View hunting seasons and dates and download a 'Year-at-a-Glance' calendar of hunt days on the area.