Antlerless Deer Permits
About Antlerless Deer Permits
The Antlerless Deer Permit Program is a program for properties meeting minimum acreage requirements. The permit and associated tags issued under this program authorize the harvest of a specific number of antlerless deer on the enrolled property during the established deer hunting season.
The application periods begin May 15, 2024. The deadlines to apply are:
Zone A: July 15, 2024
Zone B: September 30, 2024
Zone C: August 26, 2024
Zone D: October 7, 2024
Applications submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.
Permittees must report the total number of antlerless deer harvested on his or her enrolled properties after they are finished harvesting for the season by April 1.
Antlerless deer harvested under Antlerless Deer Permit Program permits are excluded from annual statewide bag, daily bag and possession limits.
Frequently Asked Questions
An antlerless deer is any deer, except a spotted fawn, without antlers or whose antlers are less than five inches in length.
Harvesting antlerless deer during the established deer hunting season on the property identified in the permit as specified in the conditions of the permit.
- Harvesting antlerless deer on any property not identified in the permit.
- Harvesting antlerless deer outside of the established deer hunting seasons for the zone where the enrolled property is located.
- Harvesting deer during DMU antlerless deer days without tagging the harvested deer.
- Applicants must own or lease or otherwise have written permission to harvest antlerless deer on specifically identified lands at least 640 contiguous acres or not less than 150 contiguous acres if adjoining land with a current antlerless deer permit or Private Lands Deer Management permit. A group of adjoining landowners or persons who have written permission to harvest antlerless deer on specifically identified lands may apply together, provided the total combined acreage is at least 640 contiguous acres or not less than 150 contiguous acres if adjoining land with a current antlerless deer permit or Private Lands Deer Management permit.
- Applicants who have been issued a Deer Depredation Permit within the past year to harvest deer for crop-depredation or property damage control are exempt from minimum acreage requirements.
- All deer shall be harvested only by persons possessing a valid hunting license and required permits (unless exempt from license and permit requirements) and only during established deer hunting seasons and hours.
- All antlerless deer harvested on lands enrolled in the Antlerless Deer Permit Program must be tagged with an issued antlerless deer tag before moving the deer from the point of harvest. In addition, hunters who harvest deer are required to record in their harvest log information such as their name, date of harvest, sex of the deer, and county or wildlife management area where harvested. Additionally, this and possibly some additional information, must be reported to the FWC’s harvest reporting system within 24 hours of harvest and prior to: a) final processing of the deer, b) any parts of the deer being transferred to any meat processor or taxidermist, and c) the deer leaving the state.
- Permittees must report the total number of antlerless deer harvested on his or her enrolled properties by April 1 at under "Season Reports."
- Commission personnel, at their discretion, shall be granted access to lands described in the permit to ensure compliance with these requirements.
- Failure to comply with these requirements would be a violation of Rule 68A-13.004, Florida Administrative Code and may result in a citation.
Deer must be logged and reported by the hunter within 24 hours of harvest. The easiest way to log and report your harvest is through the Fish|Hunt Florida App. For more information, visit our webpage on harvest reporting.
In addition, permittees must report the total number of antlerless deer harvested on his or her enrolled properties by April 1 at under "Season Reports." Once the hunting season is over, any unused tags may be destroyed.
- Information about the property being enrolled, including a property description map showing the location of the property and boundaries. All maps should be clearly outlined and labeled with the property name and applicable permit or application details, including roadways leading to the property. Note: Please review these map samples to better understand the preferred map documentation.
- Contact information for the landowner(s). If the applicant is not the landowner, a copy of the hunting lease or other written permission to harvest antlerless deer on the property from the landowner is also required.
- If applying using a Deer Depredation Permit, a copy of the permit is also required.
- For assistance with navigating and applying for an Antlerless Deer Permit, please call 855-779-5907.
- For questions about permit application status or non-lethal resolutions for deer conflict, please contact your local FWC Regional Office.
- For general questions about the program, please contact Becky Peters at or 352-226-0753.