Ground Blind and Apparel
Building a ground blind

Wild turkeys are wary birds with sharp eyesight, so hunting from a ground blind can help break up your outline or conceal you. When you've found an area wild turkeys are using, consider using a ground blind along the edge of a field or intersection of two or more forest roads. Some hunters use a commercially available camouflaged pop-up blind/tent. Others opt to build a ground blind using available vegetation and fallen debris. A good set up for a natural ground blind starts with a large tree - taller than your head and wider than your shoulders - that you can lean back against. Finding a shady spot will also make a sharp-eyed wild turkey less able to spot you. You can build a blind by placing fallen branches and/or other vegetation in front of you, or stake camouflage burlap or other material into the ground.

Whether you use natural or other materials, make sure your blind is low enough you can see approaching turkeys and that nothing impedes your line of sight when shouldering a gun or drawing a bow back.
It's also a good idea to invest in a cushion or low chair so you can remain comfortable and still when hunting for long periods of time.
Choosing the right apparel

Because wild turkeys have keen eye sight, wearing camouflage long-sleeve shirts, long pants, cap, boots, gloves and a face mask is recommended. Match your camouflage to the surroundings where you'll be hunting. Often, greenish camo is best in the spring. However, clothes featuring earth tones also can blend in with spring vegetation.
When turkey hunting, never wear red, white, blue or black, which are colors associated with a male turkey or gobbler and could be mistaken for a gobbler by another hunter.
Lastly, using insect repellent can help keep away mosquitos, ticks and red bugs.