Terrestrial Habitat Management Plans

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) has a management interest in approximately 6 million acres of natural resource land in Florida. Lands within the FWC managed-areas system are comprised of both private lands (especially timber companies) and those under the jurisdiction of various government agencies including the U.S. Forest Service, Department of Defense, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Florida Water Management Districts, the Florida Forest Service, Florida Department of Military Affairs, and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's Division of Recreation and Parks.
In many cases land management planning for lands within the FWC system is the responsibility of another primary or "lead" managing agency. FWC biologists often assist these agencies in the development of management plans by providing wildlife-related input. However, in these instances, the ultimate planning and management responsibilities rest with these other agencies.
On lands leased to the FWC by the State of Florida, and on lands owned by the FWC, FWC is the lead managing agency. These lands, purchased under one of the state's acquisition programs (e.g., Environmentally Endangered Lands, Conservation and Recreational Lands, Preservation 2000, Florida Forever), or with Federal Aid dollars, are those for which the FWC must prepare land management plans.
In an effort to involve the general public in the land management planning process for public lands managed by the FWC, Draft Management Plan Management Intent, Goals and Objectives, Problem Statements and Solution Strategies for plan updates are being made available on this web page for review and comment.