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Boating Grants Programs

Grant programs to enhance boating access and other boating-related activities from the Florida Boating Improvement Program (FBIP), funding for transient tie-up facilities for boats 26' or longer from the Boating Infrastructure Grant Program (BIGP), assistance for removal of derelict vessels from the Derelict Vessels Removal Grant Program and other boating-related grant programs.

Technical Assistance for Applicants

In January, the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission held technical assistance sessions for potential applicants interested in the Florida Boating Improvement Program and the Boating Infrastructure Grant Program.  Below is a recording of a 2024 session along with a link to the presentation.  For more information, email or or call (850)488-5600.

Boating Access Grants Technical Assistance Session

Recording of 2024 Technical Assistance Session for the Florida Boating Improvement Program and the Boating Infrastructure Program. The presentation is available for download.

Download Presentation
Two-lane boat ramp

Florida Boating Improvement Program (FBIP)

The FBIP is a state financial assistance program that provides funding through competitive grants for boating access projects and boating-related activities on coastal and inland waters within the State.

Application Period

Open: The application period will close April 8, 2025.


Tampa Bay Convention Center Docks

Boating Infrastructure Grant Program (BIGP)

Federal grants program to develop, renovate, and maintain public boating facilities that target recreational transient boats 26 feet long and larger

Application Period

Applications are due July 1, 2025

Derelict Vessel Removal Grant Program

Grant program for local governments to remove derelict vessels from Florida waters.

Application Period

Applications for FWC’s Derelict Vessel Removal Grant Program funding are accepted on a continuous basis with no deadlines. Funding is awarded on a first come, first served basis as long as funding is available. The FWC will pay 100% of the removal costs for all eligible derelict vessels awarded removal funding. Find more information about submission requirements at or call (850) 617-9540.


Boating Safety and Education Program

Grant program to improve boater knowledge of boating regulations and safe boating

Application Period

Pending availability of funding

Other Grant Programs

Grant programs to fund boater education and safety, aids to navigation, and other projects to enhance recreational boating in Florida may be established as funding is received. Consult this site for any future additions.