Planting a Refuge for Wildlife

Attracting wildlife to our yards by planning and planting for their needs is simple and satisfying. If we supply adequate food, water and shelter, we can increase the number and variety of species that visit our properties, improving our chances of observing them more closely while providing the habitat they need to survive.
Get Started

First printed in the 1980s and now revised and updated, the 40-page Planting a Refuge for Wildlife booklet is designed to help a new generation of landowners attract, enjoy and conserve wildlife. The booklet will help you
- entice a variety of animals to your property;
- evaluate your current landscape and create a habitat plan;
- select the appropriate native plants;
- design a bird, butterfly or pollinator garden;
- add nest boxes, feeding stations and water features.
Purchase Your Copy of Planting a Refuge for Wildlife
Order Planting a Refuge for Wildlife from the Fish and Wildlife Foundation of Florida.
For bulk and wholesale order forms please call (850) 488-5520 (minimum order of 10).