Hogfish Research
Hogfish (Lachnolaimus maximus) are the largest and most economically valuable member of the wrasse family in the Western Atlantic Ocean. This species occurs around reefs, especially preferring areas with gorgonians. It is a benthic feeder, commonly seen sifting through sand to find mollusks, crabs, and other animals.
While hogfish is an economically valuable species, there are still gaps in our understanding of their ecology. Few studies have examined how their movement patterns and dietary preferences may change during the year, and also over the course of their life. FWC is working to better understand hogfish ecology to be able to ensure sustainable management of this important species.
Current Research
FWRI recognized that hogfish are an economically valuable species and is committed to making the best management decisions to ensure the sustainable use of this resource. Therefore, we have several research projects focused on answering questions about hogfish.

Hogfish Research: An album on Flickr
View images from FWRI's hogfish research projects.
View publications from the Fish and Wildlife Research Institute hogfish research group.
Species Profile
Learn more about this reef fish by viewing the hogfish species profile.