Harmful Algal Bloom/Red Tide Task Force
Members of the Harmful Algal Bloom Task Force are appointed by FWC in consultation with key partners, F.S. 379.2271.
The Harmful Algal Bloom Task Force meets minimally on a quarterly basis. Information about upcoming meetings, as well as materials from past meetings, are available on the Meeting Information page.
The Harmful Algal Bloom Task Force determines research, monitoring, control, and mitigation strategies for red tide and other harmful algal blooms.
- Initial Recommendations Regarding Red Tide (Karenia brevis) Blooms (January 2020)
- HAB Task Force Update and Initial Recommendations (January 2020)
- Resource Guide for Public Health Response to Harmful Algal Blooms in Florida, 2nd edition (September 2021)
- Progress and Recommendations Regarding Red Tide (Karenia brevis) Blooms (December 2021)
- Progress on priority recommendations for red tide (Karenia brevis) (January 2025)
- Red Tide Videos
- Red Tide Rack Cards
To view past reports of the HAB Task Force and learn more about related HAB initiatives visit the Scientific Products page.
In 1997, the Florida Harmful Algal Bloom Task Force (HABTF) was created to address the issues of health, environment, and economic impacts from HABs in Florida. The last official meeting of the HABTF was April 2002. As of July 1, 2019, with support of the Governor and Legislature, the FWC-FWRI reconvened the Harmful Algal Bloom Task Force.
The Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Grant Program supports projects that address priority recommendations of the HAB Task Force.
The Harmful Algal Bloom Task Force was established in 1999 and reactivated under the direction of Governor DeSantis in 2019. Consistent with the Governor’s direction, the Task Force has agreed to focus on issues associated with red tide as their top priority. The Task Force will play an important role in determining strategies to research, monitor, control and mitigate red tide and other harmful algal blooms in Florida waters. The Task Force will work closely with the Blue Green Algae Task Force and Mote Marine Laboratory’s Florida Red Tide Mitigation and Technology Development Initiative to evaluate current policies, procedures, research and response efforts, identify and prioritize actions and make recommendations.
Focal Areas
The HAB Task Force has adopted broad, long-term focal areas within which it will evaluate existing approaches or knowledge; pinpoint gaps in our efforts or understanding; and build a prioritized portfolio of strategies and actions to fill those gaps by assessing their benefits and feasibility. The HAB Task Force will prioritize and recommend:
- actions to reduce excess loads of nutrients entering our freshwater and coastal systems developed in collaboration with the Blue-Green Algae Task Force, relevant entities identified in Executive Order 19-12 and other stakeholders;
- improvements to current policies and procedures that prevent or mitigate the impacts of harmful algal blooms on public health, ecosystem sustainability, economic viability, and other valued facets of society;
- enhancements to communication, coordination, cooperation, and collaboration among stakeholders charged with responding to harmful algal blooms and their effects; and
- strategic research into the biology and ecology of species creating harmful algal blooms; detection, tracking, modeling, and prediction of blooms; fate of algal toxins; impacts of blooms on valued facets of society; prevention, control and mitigation of blooms; and other key issues.
Red Tide Current Status
Current Status
View the statewide Red Tide Current Status.
Latest Red Tide Status Report Available by Phone
Call (866) 300-9399 at any time from anywhere in Florida toll-free to hear a recording about red tide conditions throughout the state. Callers outside of Florida can dial (727) 502-4952. Standard calling charges apply.