HAB General Information
Learn about algae blooms in Florida, including red tide.
What is a Harmful Algal Bloom?
A harmful algal bloom (HAB) is the proliferation of a toxic or nuisance algae.
About Red Tides in Florida
Red tides occur almost every year in the Gulf and can harm marine animals and humans.
Red Tide-Related Hotlines and Information Sources
Report a fish kill or other wildlife effects, consult health authorities about human exposure, or locate other resources.
Effects of Florida's Red Tide on Marine Animals
Karenia brevis, Florida's red tide organism, produces brevetoxins, toxins harmful to fish, marine mammals and birds.
Seafood Poisoning Syndromes Caused by Toxic Algae in Florida
A synopsis of human seafood poisoning syndromes associated with toxic algae in Florida's coastal waters.
Cyanobacteria in Florida Waters
Cyanobacteria, or blue-green algae, are commonly found as individual cells, clumps, filaments or large mats in Florida's lakes, rivers and estuaries.
Learn About Trichodesmium
Find out how dust from the Sahara Desert fuels annual Trichodesmium blooms in the Gulf of Mexico.
Taxonomic History of Florida's Red Tide Organism
Taxonomists revise species descriptions and classifications as scientific techniques improve. Karenia brevis, the new name for Florida's red tide organism, has undergone several taxonomic reclassifications.