Recreational Hunting Licenses & Permits
Hunting Licenses
Required when taking or attempting to take game or furbearing animals (by methods other than trapping).
- Annual Resident: $17.00
- Five-Year Resident: $79.00
- Annual Non-Resident: $151.50
- Ten-Day Non-Resident: $46.50
Hunting license combined with fishing license(s) for a reduced-cost to Florida residents.
- Annual Resident Hunting|Freshwater Fishing Combination $32.50
- Annual Resident Hunting|Freshwater|Saltwater Fishing Combination $48.00
Includes Hunting and Freshwater Fishing licenses; and Wildlife Management Area, Archery, Muzzleloading Gun, Crossbow, Deer, Turkey, and Florida Waterfowl permits. Does not include Saltwater Fishing License, Snook or Lobster permits.
- Annual Resident Sportsman's License: $80.50
Available for Florida residents 64 years of age or older. Includes Hunting and Freshwater Fishing licenses; and Wildlife Management Area, Archery, Muzzleloading Gun, Crossbow, Deer, Turkey, and Florida Waterfowl permits. Does not include Saltwater Fishing License, Snook or Lobster permits.
- Annual Resident Silver Sportsman's 64+: $13.50
- Five-Year Resident Silver Sportsman's 64+: $61.50
Includes Hunting, Saltwater Fishing and Freshwater Fishing licenses; and Wildlife Management Area, Archery, Muzzleloading Gun, Crossbow, Deer, Turkey, Florida Waterfowl, Snook and Lobster permits.
- Annual Resident Gold Sportsman's License: $100.00
- Five-Year Resident Gold Sportsman's License: $494.00
(includes Hunting, Saltwater Fishing and Freshwater Fishing licenses; and Wildlife Management Area, Archery, Muzzleloading Gun, Crossbow, Deer, Turkey, Florida Waterfowl, Snook and Lobster permits). Available to Florida residents who are active duty or retired military members at through an online verification process. The license is also available at Florida tax collectors' offices with proof of residency and a current military identification card.
- Annual Resident Military Gold Sportsman's License: $20.00
Optional for youth ages 8 to 15 who have successfully completed hunter safety education. Valid until recipient’s 17th birthday.
- Resident Youth Hunting License: $17.00
- Resident Youth Gold Sportsman's License: $100.00
Hunting Permits
Purchase of this permit contributes to the conservation of public lands in Florida and, when used in addition to a valid hunting license and other appropriate permits, this permit authorizes the holder to take, attempt to take, or possess game on wildlife management areas, wildlife and environmental areas, and some public small game hunting areas. This permit also allows access for any visitor to wildlife management areas where the FWC requires a daily use fee..
- Annual: $26.50
- Five-Year (Residents Only): $126.50
Required, in addition to a hunting license, when hunting during archery season.
- Annual: $5.00
- Five-Year (Residents Only): $25.00
Required, in addition to a hunting license, when hunting during crossbow season.
- Annual: $5.00
- Five-Year (Residents Only): $25.00
Required, in addition to a hunting license, when hunting during muzzleloading season.
- Annual: $5.00
- Five-Year (Residents Only): $25.00
Required, in addition to a hunting license, when taking or attempting to take deer.
- Annual: $5.00
- Five-Year (Residents Only): $25.00
Required to take or attempt to take deer by the aid of dogs on lands in the WMA System, including during deer-dog training seasons. This permit is only valid on authorized areas and only during designated seasons when deer are legal to take with dogs. Please visit WMA Brochures to find more information on when and where deer-dog hunting and training is allowed on WMA lands. No Exemptions.
Annual: $0.00
Required, in addition to a hunting license, when taking or attempting to take turkeys.
- Annual Resident: $10.00
- Five-Year Resident: $50.00
- Annual Non-Resident: $125.00
Required, in addition to a hunting license, for those taking or attempting to take migratory birds in Florida, including ducks, geese, coots, common moorhens, gallinules, rails, snipes, woodcocks, mourning doves and white-winged doves. To take waterfowl, a Florida Waterfowl permit and Federal Duck Stamp are also required.
- Valid seasonally from Sept. 1 - March 31. No-cost.
Required, in addition to a hunting license and migratory bird permit, when taking or attempting to take ducks and geese. Federal duck stamp is also required.
- Annual: $5.00
- Five-Year (Residents Only): $25.00
Federal Duck Stamp
Required for those who hunt migratory waterfowl in Florida and are 16 years of age or older. A current Federal Duck Stamp must be used in conjunction with a migratory bird permit as well as a hunting license and Florida waterfowl permit (unless exempt). Those hunting on public land may also require a management area permit and limited entry or quota permits.
- Annual: $30.50. Valid annually from July 1 through the following June 30.
Beginning June 28, 2024, when you purchase your Federal Duck Stamp online through GoOutdoorsFlorida, the digital version will remain valid through June 30 of the following calendar year. The physical stamp will now only be mailed to you after March 10.
You can purchase additional Federal Duck Stamps through your local post office, the US postal services postal store, and the Amplex website.
If you have purchased an e-stamp prior to March 9 and the physical stamp has not arrived by April 15, you must follow up and contact the distributor directly to have it traced and to receive your physical stamp.
For any questions regarding your Federal Duck Stamp, call 1-800-852-4897.
Trapping Licenses
Authorizes the holder to take or attempt to take furbearing animals (including raccoon, opossum, skunk, nutria, beaver, coyote, bobcat and otter) with a live trap or snare and to sell furbearers' hides and meat to a licensed fur and hide dealer. Further authorizes the holder of a recreational hunting license to take and possess furbearers or their parts for commercial purposes and to sell such animals. Required of anyone, except residents age 65 or older.
- Annual Resident: $26.50
- Annual Non-Resident: $26.50
Please see the current Florida Hunting Season Dates and Bag Limits for more information.
A furbearer trapping license is not required for wild hogs since they are not considered game animals. Landowner permission is required to hunt or trap wild hogs. A Feral Swine Dealer Permit issued by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (850-410-0900) is required to transport live wild hogs.
- Lifetime License Fees
- Limited Entry and Quota Permits
- Accessibility Accommodations
- Private Lands Antlerless Deer Permits and Deer Dog Registration
- Chronic Wasting Disease
- Frequently Asked Questions
Hard Card: A hard, credit card-style license can be purchased at an additional fee in addition to purchasing your license or permits. NOTE: Each hard card can hold up to seven different licenses or permits.
Costs: Prices listed on this website include an issuance fee allowed per Florida Statute. In addition to the cost of a license or permit listed above, the license or permit vendor may also charge an issuance fee of 50¢.
All sales are final. License and permit fees are nonrefundable.