Fish Handling and Gear
There are lots of things you can do to give the fish you release a fighting chance! Releasing a fish safely with minimal harm is key to helping it survive. Adopt just a few simple habits using proper handling techniques to help increase the survival rate of fish you release.
Proper Fish Handling Practices
Increasing a fish’s chances of survival after it is released helps ensure fish populations remain sustainable for future generations. Click the button below to watch how-to videos and learn more.
How-to VideosShark-Smart Fishing
Handle and release sharks in a way that increases their chance of survival.
Fishing is a favorite pastime of Florida’s residents and visitors. In 2018, Florida’s recreational anglers caught roughly 452 million marine fish, about 272 million of which were released. Anglers can use various fish handling methods and gear to increase the survival of released fish.
Handling Fish Properly

- Handle fish as little as possible and only with wet hands. This reduces the removal of fish slime, which protects the fish from infection and aids in swimming.
- Match tackle to the targeted fish to land it quickly and minimize stress on the fish. Large species such as sharks, billfish and tarpon should be brought alongside the boat within 20 minutes of being hooked. If you are consistently landing exhausted fish that require extensive efforts to resuscitate, consider using heavier tackle.
- A knotless, rubber-coated landing net is ideal when handling a fish since it supports the fish’s body weight.
- Remember, fish swim horizontally! Never hold a fish by its jaw, gills or eyes.
- Large fish, such as tarpon, should not be boated or dragged over the gunwale of the boat because this could injure the internal organs of the fish.
- When holding a fish that has teeth, use a gripping tool to support the front of the fish, and use the other hand under the belly to evenly support the fish's weight.
- Never hold on to or tow a fish not allowed to be harvested to a different location to weigh or measure it.
- Carefully remove the hook if possible. If the fish is gut-hooked or especially large or agitated, cut the line as close to the hook as you can while the fish is still in the water.
- Reduce handling by using a dehooking tool. Dehooking tools allow anglers to quickly release their catch while minimizing injuries and handling time.
- Always release your fish head first into the water. This allows water to be forced through the mouth and over the gills, essentially giving it a “breath of fresh air.”
Handling Fish Caught From a Pier
- Always be ready with a dehooking tool and line cutters.
- Only bring fish on to the pier or bridge if you intend to harvest them.
- Only target fish from a bridges or piers if you have specialized gear (pier nets or slings) to support their entire body; large fish can be injured if they are dropped from the pier or not supported properly.
- If you cannot properly lift the fish, cut the line as close to the fish as possible before releasing it (which may mean walking the fish to shore if fishing from a pier).
- Learn more about handling large species such as sharks and goliath.
- Learn more about Pier Fishing by visiting the Saltwater Fishing Tips page.
Watch this handling tips video for spotted seatrout.
Know Before You Go

- Decide beforehand which fish are to be kept and immediately release all others.
- Do not engage in a prolonged debate over whether or not to release a fish after it has been landed.
- Make sure you can identify the fish in your area, specifically the fish you are targeting. Have a resource to help you identify fish you are not familiar with, such as the Fishing Lines guide or a saltwater fish field guide.
- Always be aware of current regulations and know how to measure the fish you target. This minimizes handling time when determining whether or not you can keep the fish you caught.
- Use tackle heavy enough to bring the fish in quickly and avoid using multi-hook rigs or lures.
- If you have a treble hook, you can remove some of the hooks and flatten the barbs. This makes it easier to remove the hooks from the fish and causes less damage.
- Make sure you have all the proper tools and gear on your vessel before heading out for the day.
Check out the Saltwater Fishing Checklist for items you can use for a successful day on the water!
Photographs and Video

Capturing a catch on camera is a great way to share your experience with others and to create lasting memorabilia.
It is okay to take a picture of a fish that is not allowed to be harvested while it’s in the process of being released, but it still must be let go immediately after. A fish should not be held out of the water for long periods of time just for the purpose of taking a picture.
Remember, when taking a picture of your catch, hold the fish horizontally and support its weight with both hands. This decreases the possibility of damaging the fish internally.
It is best to designate someone on the boat as the photographer, that way when an angler hooks up with a fish, the photographer is ready to go.
Whenever possible, take pictures of the fish while in the water. Tarpon should always be left in the water if they are more than 40 inches long.
And remember, if you are releasing your catch… Practice CPR-Catch, Photo, Release!
What Causes Angling Mortality in Fish?

Fish may die after release for a variety of reasons. The most common causes of post-release mortality are physiological stress on the fish resulting from struggle during capture, injuries caused by the hook, and mishandling of the fish by the angler. Unfortunately, some fish may die after release even though they appear unharmed and despite efforts by the angler to revive the fish.
Fish that struggle intensely during capture are usually exhausted and stressed from the accumulation of excessive amounts of lactic acid in their muscles and blood. The stress of capture may be more severe for larger fish such as tarpon, therefore, using the proper weight-class tackle, landing your catch quickly, and releasing the fish as quickly as possible increases the fish’s chance of survival. Bringing an exhausted fish out of the water is like asking a triathlon winner to jump back in the water and hold their breath - they both need oxygen to recover!
If you have caught a fish that you do not intend to keep or that cannot be harvested, follow the steps below to increase the chances the fish you release will survive.
Fishing Tackle and Gear to Help Released Fish Survive
Circle Hooks

From left to right: J-hook, circle hook, non-offset (inline) circle hook, offset circle hook.
Circle hooks are designed so the point is turned perpendicular to the shank to form a circular or oval shape. They are best used with natural bait (live or dead) and are 90% more likely to hook fish in the mouth instead of in the esophagus or stomach. Hooking a fish in the mouth reduces internal harm, decreases dehooking time, and lessens the chances of the angler needing to leave the hook in the fish. Fish hooked in the corner of the mouth also tend to fight less than fish that are hooked in the gut. It is best to use non-stainless-steel and non-offset circle hooks.
If a fish is hooked deep in the throat or gut, research has shown that it is best to cut the leader as close to the hook as possible and leave the hook in the fish. Prolonged attempts to remove the hook often do more harm than good.
Circle Hook Tips! Try fishing with barbless hooks or crimp the barb down. Catch rates using barbed versus barbless hooks are not significantly different, but the advantage of using barbless hooks is that they are easier to remove from a fish or yourself! Also remember to not “set” the circle hook. After the fish takes the bait, allow the fish to run and then proceed to reel it in. Watch this video to learn more about circle hooks.
Circle hooks are required in some areas. Learn more about gear requirements.
Barbless Hooks

Using barbless hooks while fishing is an easy way to give all fish that you release a better chance of survival, since removing a barbless hook is much easier and faster than removing a barbed hook. And the less time you spend handling a fish and keeping it out of the water, the greater its chances of survival.
Crimp the barb on any hook to make the hook barbless. A pair of pliers or small hand crimper should work to flatten a hook’s barb. Or you can use a bench crimper for larger hooks.
You’ll provide the greatest conservation benefit when you use barbless circle hooks that are non-offset and non-stainless steel.
Watch this video to learn about barbless hooks and how to make them.
Non-stainless-steel Hooks
Using non-stainless-steel hooks (steel and bronze) increases survival rates of fish. If these hooks cannot be removed from the fish, they should rust and deteriorate sooner than stainless-steel and cadmium or nickel-plated hooks. They are also less toxic.
Multi-hook Lures

If you use lures with multiple sets of treble hooks, remove one or two of the hooks. Also cutting off one of the three points from the remaining sets of trebles makes it easier to recover the lure from the fish.
Photos courtesy of Florida Sea Grant
Dehooking Tools

Dehooking tools are designed to remove a hook from a fish without the hook being re-engaged. They also allow anglers to release fish quickly with minimal handling, which can increase a fish’s chance of survival. Dehooking tools come in a variety of shapes and sizes to fit the need of the angler. Remember, even a pair of needle nose pliers is considered a dehooking tool.
Dehooking tools should match to the angler, the fish being targeted, and the vessel. If an angler is fishing from a boat with a high gunwale, the dehooking tool may need to have a longer “shaft”. If being used on a kayak, a shorter dehooking tool should be used.
If targeting fish with large teeth, spines or sharp barbs, use a long dehooking tool to keep hands and fingers out of harm’s way. Watch this video to learn how to use a dehooking tool. If a fish is gut hooked, cut the line as close to the hook as possible to avoid further damage to internal organs.
Dehooking tools are required in some areas. Learn more about gear requirements.
Photo courtesy of Florida Sea Grant

If the fish doesn't immediately swim away or it is lethargic or erratic, some "resuscitation" may be needed.
Revive exhausted but otherwise healthy fish by first placing the fish in the water, one hand under the belly, and the other hand holding the bottom lip or tail. If the vessel is anchored, point the fish head-first into the current to gently force water through the mouth and over the gills. If the vessel is not anchored or there isn’t a current, hold the fish in the water alongside the boat and gently nudge the boat into gear, forcing water through the gills of the fish. If an angler is fishing from a non-motorized vessel, such as a kayak, place the fish in the water, hold its front lip, (you can use a gripping tool if the fish has teeth), and move the fish in a figure “8” motion.
Never move the fish back and forth in the water. This will not allow water to flow properly through the gills of the fish!
Barbless Hooks
Learn more about how to make your own barbless hooks and why they are important.
Learn about barotrauma and how to properly release a fish caught from deep water.
Stingray handling guidelines

- Handle rays as little as possible.
- Do not cut off the tail or barb.
- If you hook a ray, use a dehooking tool (such as a pair of pliers) to release it directly into the water.
- If you cannot easily or quickly remove the hook, cut the line as close to the hook as possible while the ray is still in the water.
- Large rays should not be brought aboard boats or dragged over the gunwale of boats because this could cause injury.
- Do not drag rays across sand, pavement or any other rough surface.
- If direct handling is necessary, use two hands to hold the wings on either side of the head, keeping the tail and barb facing away from your body.
- Do not put your fingers in the eyes, gills or spiracles (openings behind the eyes).
- When wading, do the “stingray shuffle” to avoid stepping on stingrays.
Other Ways to Conserve Fishery Resources
Many of our most popular recreationally targeted species are regulated and sometimes must be returned to the water. Most anglers would agree that anything we can do to minimize harm to fish being released will benefit the resource in the long term.
However, we don’t want to discourage the fun and excitement of catching fish and documenting the experience, whether for records or the personal satisfaction that comes from sharing the experience with friends and family. That’s why we want to inform the public about safe fish handling practices and the harm that can be caused to fish that are handled roughly or held out of the water too long.
Without ethical anglers following fisheries regulations, there would soon be little of value left to catch. Florida’s anglers should be proud of their conservation efforts. They have helped to restore or sustain several valuable fisheries, including snook, red drum and spotted seatrout. As the number of anglers continues to grow, it becomes more important than ever to release those fish that cannot be harvested in as good a condition as possible. The next angler will thank you for it.
The Ethical Angler
- Can identify most of the species commonly caught in their area and knows the current regulations for each.
- Understands the legal requirements for licenses and stamps.
- Appreciates the importance of habitat and a clean environment.
- Protects habitat and wildlife by following safe boating practices such as knowing the waterways, keeping a slow wake when necessary, and poling through seagrass beds.
- Keeps trash out of the water, disposing of monofilament fishing line, napkins, food containers and other waste in a proper receptacle ashore.
- Knows how to fight and release fish in a way that gives the fish the best possible chance at survival after release.
- Abides by the law and is not afraid to report those who do not.
Practice and share these techniques! Teach your children and inexperienced anglers these few simple procedures to help ensure abundant fish populations for the future.