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Florida Boating Improvement Program (FBIP)

Application Period is open

Applications will be accepted until close of business on April 8, 2025. For more information, email or call (850) 488-5600.

St. Marks Boat Ramp

The Florida Boating Improvement Program provides funding through competitive grants for boating access projects and other boating-related activities benefitting motorized vessels in Florida. Eligible program participants include county governments, municipalities and other governmental entities of the state of Florida.

Eligible uses of program funds include:

  • Boat ramps; lifts and hoists; marine railways; and other public launching facilities
  • Piers, docks, mooring buoys, and other mooring facilities
  • Recreational channel marking and other uniform waterway markers
  • Boating education
  • Economic development initiatives that promote boating
  • Other local boating-related activities that enhance boating access for recreational boaters

Application Period

Open.  The application period will close on April 8, 2025.

Technical Assistance

The Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission held online technical assistance sessions for potential applicants interested in the Florida Boating Improvement Program and the Boating Infrastructure Grant Program.  Below is a 2024 technical assistance session recording.  Also, the presentation from the sessions is available below in the Related Documents.  For more information, email or call (850)488-5600.

Boating Access Grants Technical Assistance Session

Recording of the 2025 Technical Assistance Session for the Florida Boating Improvement Program and the Boating Infrastructure Grants Program.

Submitting Proposals

Applicants must deliver one physical application with attachments, and one electronic application with attachments on or before the last day of the announced submission period, no later than the close of business to the following address:

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Boating and Waterways Section, Room #235
Attn: FBIP Administrator
620 South Meridian Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1600

For more information, email or call (850) 488-5600.

If you have any questions, send email to or call 850-488-5600.