Imperiled Species Management Plan

The Imperiled Species Management Plan (ISMP) was approved by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) in November 2016, with rule changes in effect as of January 2017, including changes in listing status for 23 species. The goal of Florida's ISMP is "With broad public and partner support, conserve or improve the status of threatened species to effectively reduce the risk of extinction." The ISMP represents a significant and successful collaborative effort between FWC staff, partners, and external stakeholders. This innovative, integrated plan is designed to conserve 60 fish and wildlife species over the next 10 years.
The ISMP is supported by several key components, including Species Action Plans, Species Conservation Measures and Permitting Guidelines, and several policies, which you can explore in greater detail below.

Species Action Plans address individual species needs with Integrated Conservation Strategies benefitting multiple species and shared habitats.

Species Conservation Measures and Permitting Guidelines are designed to inform users about voluntary conservation measures that can benefit species, clarify how rule requirements relate to permitting, and provide a biological context for understanding take.

Policies associated with the ISMP have been developed to provide guidance, management, and protection for state-Threatened species.
Permitting Standards for Incidental Take of Cryptic Species
Removal of Inactive Single-Use Nests of State-Threatened Birds
State-Listed Species and Man-Made Structures
Aversive Conditioning of State-Listed Species
Under Article IV, Section 9 of the Florida Constitution, the FWC has constitutional authority to "exercise the regulatory and executive powers of the state with respect to wild animal life and freshwater aquatic life, and shall also exercise regulatory and executive powers of the state with respect to marine life..." However, whales, manatees and sea turtles are managed under statutory authority granted by the Florida Legislature.
State Endangered Species Act, Chapter 379.2291
Rules Relating to Endangered or Threatened Species Chapter 68A-27 (F.A.C.)
How You Can Help

The ISMP, drafted with significant input from stakeholders and the public, still needs committed partners. You can get involved in helping this plan work – whether you are a volunteer citizen-scientist collecting data in the field, a private landowner conserving imperiled fish and wildlife on your property, or an organization, business, school or resident spreading education and awareness on conservation of species and habitats. Your participation helps make the ISMP a living document that delivers on its goal to conserve 60 species for future generations.
Meet the 60 Species in the ISMP
- Big Cypress fox squirrel (Threatened)
- Eastern chipmunk (Delisted)
- Everglades mink (Threatened)
- Florida mouse (Delisted)
- Homosassa shrew (Delisted)
- Sanibel Island rice rat (Threatened)
- Southern fox squirrel (Delisted
- Sherman's short-tailed shrew
- American oystercatcher (Threatened)
- Black skimmer (Threatened)
- Brown pelican (Delisted)
- Florida burrowing owl (Threatened)
- Florida sandhill crane (Threatened)
- Least tern (Threatened)
- Limpkin (Delisted)
- Little blue heron (Threatened)
- Marian's marsh wren (Threatened)
- Osprey of Monroe County (Delisted)
- Reddish egret (Threatened)
- Roseate spoonbill (Threatened)
- Scott's seaside sparrow (Threatened)
- Snowy egret (Delisted)
- Snowy plover (Threatened)
- Southeastern American kestrel (Threatened)
- Tri-colored heron (Threatened)
- Wakulla seaside sparrow (Threatened)
- White ibis (Delisted)
- White-crowned pigeon (Threatened)
- Worthington's marsh wren (Threatened)
- Alligator snapping turtle (Delisted)
- Apalachicola alligator snapping turtle (Delisted)
- Suwannee alligator snapping turtle (Threatened)
- Barbour's map turtle (Threatened)
- Florida brown snake (Lower Keys; Threatened)
- Florida Keys mole skink (Threatened)
- Florida pine snake (Threatened)
- Keys ringneck snake (Threatened)
- Peninsula ribbonsnake (Lower Keys; Delisted)
- Red rat snake (Lower Keys; Delisted)
- Rim rock crowned snake (Threatened)
- Short-tailed snake (Threatened)
- Striped mud turtle (Lower Keys; Delisted)
- Suwannee cooter (Delisted)
- Florida bog frog (Threatened)
- Georgia blind salamander (Threatened)
- Gopher frog (Delisted)
- Pine Barrens treefrog (Delisted)
- Striped Newt (Threatened)
- Blackmouth shiner (Threatened)
- Bluenose shiner (Threatened)
- Crystal darter (Threatened)
- Harlequin darter (Delisted)
- Lake Eustis pupfish (Delisted)
- Key silverside (Threatened)
- Mangrove rivulus (Delisted)
- Saltmarsh topminnow (Threatened)
- Southern tessellated darter (Threatened)
- Florida tree snail (Delisted)
- Black Creek crayfish (Threatened)
- Santa Fe crayfish (Threatened)