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The Florida Breeding Bird Atlas (BBA) project could not have been accomplished without the support of numerous organizations and individuals and the field efforts of hundreds of volunteers.  We are most grateful to all for their contributions. 

We are grateful to the staff of the Florida Audubon Society (FAS) [Editor's note: now Audubon of Florida] for their assistance and patience over the years, especially Bernie Yokel, Michael Nelson, Trude Valente, Terrie Diesbourg, and Stephanie Johnson.  We thank the staff of the Archbold Biological Station, in particular John Fitzpatrick and Hilary Swain, former and current Executive Directors, respectively. 

The assistance and understanding of the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission's [Editor's note: now the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission] Nongame Wildlife Section, especially Brian Millsap, David Cook, Doug Runde, Brad Gruver, Susan Cerulean, James Cox, Vic Heller, and Frank Montalbano, are deeply appreciated.  Chandler Robbins, Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Janet Carroll, Atlas coordinator for New York, and Michael Peterson, a New York regional coordinator, offered helpful advice and information during the planning stage of the Florida Atlas project.

The BBA project is particularly indebted to the substantive contributions of Bill Pranty and Bradley M. Stith.  Bill Pranty was the Pasco County Coordinator during 1986-1991 and a member of the Quality Control Committee during 1988-1989.  He was appointed Acting State Coordinator in 1991.  He entered 1991 data into the computer and conducted a complete review of the entire database, identifying and correcting errors.  He worked on the production of the revised distribution maps, and finalized the list of the many hundreds of regional and county coordinators, atlasers and casual observers.  Mr. Pranty, who is also the author of the 1996 edition of A Birder's Guide to Florida, reviewed the manuscript and made many helpful suggestions.  Bradley M. Stith worked on the Atlas for over 9 years (the last 4 without any compensation) and was the person responsible for the creation and maintenance of the digital database, the development of the associated software, and the production of all maps. 

We thank C. Wesley Biggs for his leadership as fulltime State Coordinator, responsible for the coordination of fieldwork, data collection and review.  He served in this capacity from late 1985 until May 1991 when he became incapacitated due to serious injury.  He was also a Sponsor of the project, an ex officio member of the Atlas Advisory Board and the Osceola County coordinator.

We appreciate the assistance of Fred Lohrer, who reviewed the final manuscript and worked with many Atlas authors in their research of Florida's avifauna.  In addition, we also want to thank William B. Robertson, Jr. and Glen E. Woolfenden for their expert review of the entire final manuscript.

The Florida BBA project was indeed fortunate to secure the artistic talents of Diane Pierce and Thomas Pearrow.  Ms. Pierce's artwork has appeared in many scientific journals and popular magazines, and in numerous books including National Geographic Field Guide to the Birds of North America, So Cranes May Dance, An Introduction to Ornithology, Endangered Birds, and the 1996 edition of A Birder's Guide to Florida.  Ms. Pierce's artwork appears here thanks to the generosity of Alan Steinberg who purchased most of the 196 pen and ink designs and donated them to the Florida Breeding Bird Atlas.  Mr. Pearrow's watercolor of the Swallow-tailed Kite was commissioned by the FAS for the cover of the Florida Breeding Bird Atlas.  Mr. Pearrow's art work has been commissioned by the prestigious Wilson Ornithological Society and the Florida Ornithological Society (FOS) and has been featured in numerous wildlife art exhibitions and in several magazines including Florida Wildlife, Florida Living, and Florida Naturalist.

We owe much to Richard Brewer, Gail A. McPeek and Raymond J. Adams, Jr., authors of the The Atlas of Breeding Birds of Michigan.  Their excellent book was the model for much of the content and organization of the Florida BBA.  We are grateful for their fine lead on a project of this scope and magnitude. 

Sponsoring Organizations

Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission [Editor's note: now the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission]
Florida Audubon Society
Florida Ornithological Society
Alan Steinberg (Art)

Contracting Organization

Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission's [Editor's note: now the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission] Nongame Wildlife Program

Cooperating Organizations

FAS Chapters:

Alachua Audubon Society, Audubon Society of the Everglades, Audubon Society of Southwest Florida, Bay County Audubon Society, Broward County Audubon Society, Choctawhatchee Audubon Society, Citrus Audubon Society, Clearwater Audubon Society, Collier Audubon Society, Duval Audubon Society, Eagle Audubon Society, Flagler Audubon Society, Francis M. Weston Audubon Society, Hardee Audubon Society, Hernando Audubon Society, Highlands County Audubon Society, Indian River Audubon Society, Kissimmee Valley Audubon Society, Lake Region Audubon Society, Manatee Audubon Society, Marion County Audubon Society, Martin County Audubon Society, OklawahaValley Audubon Society, Orange Audubon Society, Peace River Audubon Society, Pelican Island Audubon Society, Royal Palm Audubon Society, St.  Johns Audubon Society, St.  Lucie Audubon Society, St.  Petersburg Audubon Society, Sanibel‑Captiva Audubon Society, Sarasota Audubon Society, Seminole Audubon Society, Southeast Volusia Audubon Society, Sun City Audubon Society, Tampa Audubon Society, Tropical Audubon Society, Venice Audubon Society, West Pasco Audubon Society, and West Volusia Audubon Society.

Garden Clubs:

Cocoa Rockledge Garden Club (Dirt Daubers Circle, Founders Circle, Green Thumb Circle, Spade and Trowel Circle, Straw Hat Circle), Deltona Garden Club, Homosassa River Garden Club, Naples Garden Club, Venice Area Garden Club.

Other Organizations:

Geneva Homemakers, Tropical BioIndustries, Emphasis‑Plan, Inc., Kevin L. Erwin, Consulting Ecologist.

Major Donors:

Frank Stanley Beveridge Foundation
Florida Power and Light Company
Tampa Electric Company
Florida Power Corporation
Seminole Electric Company
Post, Buckley, Shuh and Jernigen
Florida Audubon Society
Florida Ornithological Society

Individual Contributors

Individuals were encouraged to contribute to the Atlas project with special appeals in 1986, 1988, 1990, and 1991. Donation categories were: Benefactor ($250 or more), Sponsor ($100‑249), Donor ($50‑99), and Contributor (under $50).  Sponsors also are listed with the species account they sponsored.

The majority of our Coordinators absorbed their postage, phone, and mileage expenses, thus helping to relieve a stretched‑thin project budget.


Carol and Hoyt Barnett, Hank T. Bowen, Margaret C. Bowman, Edward and Lucille Busch, Helen G. Cruickshank, Betty L. Desbiens, Erma J. Fisk, Florida Power Corp., Frances E. Graves, Jessie W. Groff, Mrs. Lawson P. Kiser, Josephine W. Kixmiller, Nancy A. Knox, Mr. and Mrs. Aubry J. McCallum, Barbara P. Muschlitz, Laurence and John Nelson, John and Elizabeth Parish, Ann B. Robinson, Ted Robinson, Lloyd and Margaret Rondeau, Celia V. Scudder, Dr. John Sharpe, Alan W. Steinberg, Thompson and Company of Tampa, Margaret C. Weaver, Richard L. West, Bradford T. Williams, Marjorie Woodbury.


William and Sonya Allyn, Richard W. Angle, Charles W. Atwood, Janet Balding, Donald K. Baldwin, Evelyn P. Bartlett, C. Wesley Biggs, Joseph Browder, Margaret R. Brown, Elizabeth Cardinal, Margaret A. Carey, Russell and Margaret Carleton, Barbara S. Chase, Nannie Christian, Mary E. Clemesha, Dr. and Mrs. Clifford H. Cole, Joan S. Corson, Jeffrey and Christy Cox, Alex Cruz, Philip M. and Sara Jane Francoeur, Esther W. Freeman, Karen E. Galley, Louis and Ted Greene, Frank A. Gunnip, James and Barbara Hazard, Jane E. Herrick, Barbara H. Hess, Dorothy H. Jenkins, James and Sallye Jude, Claude and Eleanor Klechner, Cornelia L. Leahy, Catherine T. Leavitt, Mary Matthews, John D. McDonald, Dorothy S. Morton, Jean‑Paul and Patricia Muller, J.W. and Elaine Mullins, Vera M. Nyland, Donald and Marion O'Toole, Belinda S. Perry, Carol and Karl Peters, Carl H. and Carol K. Pforzheimer, James and Nell Potter, Nancy Prine, Pauline L. Record, Stella Elkins Reeves, Mary S. Rowland, Anna B. Ruckdeschel, Benno C. Schmidt, Sea World of Florida, Martha Sheets, Walter and Lois Shinkle, Lee Snyder, Lucille Solana, Stan and Annette Stedman, Dr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Stevenson, J. Holly Taylor, Joseph and Helen Taylor, Winship A. Todd, Stark Totman, Russell E. Train, Juan Villamil, David N. and Anne S. Walters, Benjamin and Lucile Warfield, Lydia L. Wemyss, Brian Winchester, Robert B. Winkler, Caroline W. Wyatt.


G.E. Abram, Frederic J. and Helen S. Albert, Jr., Marie Anderson, Debra Anderson, John R. Anderson and Cathy S. Evans, Cdr. Robert K. Awtrey,

Barbara J. Bald, Donald C. Banson, Jr., Carolyn A. Bartusko, Peter B. Belmont, Pat Bergen, Lester and Geroldine Boese, Arthur and Marjorie L. Bolles, Martin B. Bourne, Patricia M.  Brown, Robert Brown, Arnold and Elizabeth Butterworth, John H. Bygrave,

Marcia L. Chamberlain, Elizabeth Cheely, Sam and Ruth Clark, Arnold L. Cohen, Sidney G.E. Cooper, Adelaide and Clyde Cornstock.

Roxane R. Dow, Lewis E. Durham,

Norman Englert, Matty S.Erickson, Espresso Club,

Sharon S.  Fessenden, Stephen B. Fickett, Jr., Charles and Margaret Foster, Alfred Freeman,

H.T. Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore G. Glass, Herbert and Helen Goetschius,

Thomas and Joann Hall, Robert and Lydia Hall, Walter M. and Susan T. Hamer, Eleanor S. Harrington, M.R. Hemmer, Edith Hempel, Edward K. Hessberg, Helen Q. Howell, Katherine W. Hyatt,

Kenneth and Katherine Irey,

Herbert W. Kale II, Allan and Mary Keogh, Kristin D. Kerr, Dirk and A.C.E. Khouw, Julia P. Kinnard, Blix N. Koones, Richard and Ruth Kopp, Mary Kuder,

Jerry F. Lauck, Patricia Linley, Roma B. Longhurst, Mrs. Geoffry B. Lynch,

John W. Maddox, Markborough Florida Inc., Douglas and Patricia McDowell, Susan McDowell, Hazel H. Meadow, Florence S. Mickle, Charles W. Milmore, Helena B. Mitchell, Gillian Mitchell, Margaret and Wayne Mortensen, Mr. and Mrs. David S. Moss,

Sally B. Nelson, Charles and Ella Newell, Edwin and Marie Niemiec,

Robert E. Ott,

Frances and Forrest Patterson, Joyce S. Pully,

Rhoda N. Reed, Grace L. Reynolds, Dr. and Mrs. Earl R. Rich, Dorothy V. Robb, Valerie Ann Rodgers, Constance S. Rush,

Lois Jean Schwartz, D.P. Scott, Robert W. Simons,  Malcolm and Ruth Simons, Jr., Ann Spaeth, Kent Spriggs, Nina D. Steffee, Robert and Frances Stone, Nathalie P. Swetland,

John G. Taylor, Jr., Jeanne and G. Dekle Taylor, Paul and Mary Thorn, Dr. and Mrs. James B. Threlkel, Mark Trafton, S. Margaret Tuttle,

Hart E. Van Riper,

Henry and Ruth Walbroon, Eleanor W. Whitney, Joseph and Elizabeth Wood, Jr., Philip and Virginia Wright.


Willcox B. Adsit, Elaine and Roberto Airoldi, Harold Albers, Calvin Alrin, Alice and John Anderson, Mary E. Andrey, Sybil Arbery.

Patrick and Candice Bannon, Paul and Macy Barnett, Raymond Bassler, Robert and Jean Beers,  Mildred C. Beers, Klaus and Marga Beier, Albert C. Bergman, Susan H. Bolan, Jane B. Bopp, Carol M. Bowen, Herbert J. Brammeier, Jr., Ruth E. Brashear, Mary F. Bratek, Milton Brody, John and Berda Brontlinger, Donold E. Brooks, Patricia H. Brown, Helen F. Brown, Christopher J. Brown.

Margaret S. Cararie, Karen O. Castleman, Elizabeth H. Chadwell, Virginia Chamberlin, Clara E. Chambers, Helen D. Chariott, Anthony P. Chatowski, Cheryl Chenoweth, Angela J. Claiborne, Dorothy M. Clendenen, Alma Lee Cochley, Shirley and William Colby, Philip M. Compton, Orvis G. Cooke, Jacqueline Cooper, C. Howard and Ella May Crane.

Marian K. D'Arcangelo, Andewsa A. Daiute, Jane H. Dana, C. Richard Davis, Susan P. Davis, Sally S. Degroot, Birdie M. Deppe, Mrs. Andrew B. Dey, Alice Dornseif, Susan H. Drake, Malcolm and Nettie Dunbar, Lewis E. Durham, Charles Dye.

Herbert Ebner, Marie F. Eggert.

Caroline E. Falls, Junia and Karl Fezer, Mithilda K. Fischer,

Margaret G. Gage, Ruth B. Gamble, Dr. Elizabeth and Walter Gammel, Sr., Verna M. Garcia, E.W. Gearheart, Victor and Amy Gitchel, Brant Goodwin, Anne R. Gordon, Laura E. Gower, Brian and Barbara Gradin, Lorraine Gramm, Michael S. Grover, H.B. and  Betty Guillaume, Hope and Glen Guthrie, Jr.

Meryl R. Haberman, Martha and Jack Haggard, William and Lauretta Halley, Louie Hanes, Sandi Lee Heffner, Theodore O. Hendrickson, Marion and Norcott Henriquez, Harlan and Pat Herbert, Frank and Lois Hibbard, Ann Hill, Lyle D. Holcomb, Jr., Linda C. Holdsclaw, Wiullard and Jean Holmes, Josephine and Elizabeth Hood, Robert and Donna Humphries.

Lindy and Devota Jackson, Kathleenn Jackson, Dorothie H. Jacobus, Ray and Zelda Johnson, Robert B. Johnson, Jeffrey V. Jones, Alice B. Jones.

Sarah L. Kaeiser, Ann G. Kennedy, Summer C. Ketcham, Agnes Klinkhammer.

Helen Laemle, Melton Ledbetter, Wilhelm and Nancy Leffingwell, Al and Barbara Lieberman, Shirley Lucas, E.J. and Wanda Lundin,

Doris MacDonald, Ruth R. Maggi, Walter and Mabel Mann, Edward and Mary Mann, Gunhilde J.S. Manson, Serge and Odalys Martin, Stu Marvin, Guy McCaskie, Sheila A. McConnell, Irma I. McCulley, Lt. Col. and Mrs. John H. McCulough, William and Elizabeth McGhee, Lois D. Merliss, Lorraine Meyer, Florence S. Mickle, John and Beth Miller, John F. and Grace Minor, Alleta M. Moody, Vaughn Morrison, Helen Morton, Walter and Muriol Muchel, Erwin and Hedwig Mueller, Michael and Elise Mysels.

Carolyn C. Norem, John and Lorraine Norman.

Steven and Grale Obenauf, Paul E. Oberst, Yngve H. Olsen, G.E. Osterberg.

Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Pallant, Dorothea K. Panzer, Mable C. Patterson, Bradford and Helen Patton, Robert Percy, Harold R. Peters, Harold S. Peters, Bertha Phillips, Jo Ann J. Pisano, Jack and Evelyn Pizzolato, Jr., Eugene Polg, Pearl M. Pollack, Samuel and Madalyn Pollock, Carolyn Porrino.

Richard and Nellouise Quigley.

Sylvia M. Radov, Ella Ralls, Gertrude E. Reeb, Philip Reeves, Muriel L. Renner, Donna S. Reynolds, Ruth E. Rice, Harlene J. Richardson, Ruth B. Riker, Anne T. Riker, Randolph W. Rouzie.

Chris Safos, Jr., George and Dorothy Saunders, Frances Saxinger, Chris and Lola Schaefer, Anita Scharf, Sara A. Schmitt, Robert B. Schuh, Anna L. Schutt, David C. Schwartz,  James H. Scudder, Randolph J. Senzig, Patricia W. Simmons, Henry and Marguerite Sinclair, Anne Sisson, Audrey G. Soracoe, Fred and Patricia Spears, Thomas and Sally Spens, James and Dorothy Stanton, Martin and Harnet Stapleton, Priscilla Stevens, Dee Stewart, Dedra Stewart, Grace Stock, Frances A. Stone, Bruce Strickler, Patricia A. Suiter, Frank and Olga Sule, Mary S. Swift.

Jean W. Tease, Mary Lou Thomas, Mrs. Alda H. Tippy.

Ida Urlwin

David K. Voigts

Bob Walker and Leslie Hanks, Marjorie and Eugene Wallwork, J.H. Wamsley, Betty Washington, Gerold Weinberger, Marjorie West, Burney White, Carolyn J. Wiegner, Eugene and Marjorie Worden, Norman A. Wright.

Joan and William Yates, Laura Newell Yung.

Stanley and Alice Zawadzki, Mark and Jennifer Zegel, Edward and Johanna Zytka.

Citizen Cooperation:

We are most grateful for the cooperation of many landowners throughout Florida who kindly allowed access to their properties. Several large landholders or their managers went out of their way to be helpful to coordinators:  Bright Hour Ranch near Arcadia, Roger Hunziker of Nekoosa Packaging, John Whitehead and Danny Bass (all in Union County); the manager of the Walton Beach disposal holding pond and spray field; the USAF airfield manager, Public Relations officer, and Security Police of the 834 Air Base Wing at Hurburt Field (Eglin AFB); Fred Coggin, with St. Johns Water Management District provided his airboat and services for 2 days of blockbusting in 3 quadrangles in the upper St. Johns River; and Tom Wilmers, manager of the Great White Heron National Wildlife Refuge provided a boat and his services for blockbusting in Florida Bay and the Marquesas Keys.

Other helpful companies and individuals were Orange County, Barry AuMack, John Barber, Gerry Daniels, Ernie Ford, Neil Jolly, Sgt. B.J. Johnson, William R. Hancock, Jr., Burt Mickler, Joey O'Bannon, Jack Phares, Jennifer Silveira, Sandra Slatner, Walton Studemeyer, and Randy Wiggins.

Many others should also be listed here; to all we extend our sincere appreciation.

Atlas Staff

Project Director: Herbert W. Kale II
State Coordinators:  C. Wesley Biggs and Bill Pranty
Atlas Advisory Board:  Herbert W. Kale II (Chairman)
Oron L. Bass, James Cox, John W. Hardy, Frances C. James, Fred E. Lohrer, Henry M. Stevenson, Glen E. Woolfenden.
Ex officio: C. Wesley Biggs, Stephen R. Humphrey

 Computer Database

Director: Stephen R. Humphrey
Programmer:Bradley M. Stith
Data Entry:Lou Ann Brown, Barbara Muschlitz, Bill Pranty, Bradley Stith, Mickey Wheeler.

Data Quality Control Committee

Robert Sullivan (Chairman) 
Jocelyn Baker, Greg Bretz, Bruce Neville, Gail Parsons, Rebecca Payne, Peggy Powell, Bill Pranty, Ted Robinson, Mickey Wheeler. 

Clerical Staff:   Dianne Delia, Valerie Gohlke, Stephanie Johnson, Marcia Meara, Catherine Rogers, Charlene Sammon, Cris Shaginaw, Laura Smathers, Jean Webber. 

Publication Staff

Contributing Editors:  Susan Cerulean, Cavell Kyser, Ann Morrow, and Renee Ripple

[Editor's note: Scott Jones, Jennifer Killingsworth, Karl Miller, and Gary Sprandel edited and formatted BBA materials for the web during 2002.]

Map Production: Bradley M. Stith, Bill Pranty

Artists: Diane Pierce, Thomas Pearrow

Account Reviewers: James Cox, Diane Eggeman, Todd Engstrom, Peter Frederick, Jeff Gore, Julie Hovis, Brian Millsap, Katy Nesmith, Bruce Neville, Bill Pranty, Rick West.

Commission Staff:  Brian Millsap, David Cook, Stuart Cumberbatch 

Contributing Authors:

Bruce H. Anderson, G. Thomas Bancroft, Robin Bjork, Reed Bowman, Greg Bretz, Jane Murray Brooks, Dana C. Bryan, Charles Chase III, A. Morton Cooper, Michael F. Delany, Todd Engstrom, Duncan Stuart Evered, Peter Frederick, Charles L. Geanangel, R. David Goodwin, Jeffrey A. Gore, William C. Hunter, Herbert W. Kale II, James N. Layne, Robert W. Loftin, Fred E. Lohrer, Kenneth D. Meyer, Brian A. Millsap, Bruce D. Neville, Joseph A. Ondrejko, Tom Palmer, Richard T. Paul, Cynthia H. Plockelman, Bill Pranty, William B. Robertson Jr., Ted Robinson, James A. Rodgers Jr., Sean P. Rowe, Eugene Stoccardo, Walter Kingsley Taylor, Brian R. Toland, Noel Wamer, M.C. Wheeler, Terry D. West, John H. White, Reuven Yosef.

Paid Blockbusters:

Ron Christen, Scott Duncan, Lynn Lewis, Robert W. Loftin, George Meyers, Bill Pranty, Brian Specht, Barbara Stedman, Richard L. West.

Atlas Participants

Regional and County Coordinators

Region l.  Curtis L.  Kingsbery:

Robert Duncan (Santa Rosa), Ann Forster (Escambia), Donald M. Ware (Okaloosa, Walton).

Region 2.  Brian Specht:

Sybil Arbery (Calhoun), Horace Loftin (Bay, Gulf), Brian Specht (Holmes, Jackson, Washington).

Region 3.  James Cox:

Dana Bryan (Leon), Ron Christen (Wakulla), James Cox (Gadsden, Jefferson, Liberty, Madison), Fred Stanberry (Lafayette, Taylor), Noel Wamer (Dixie), Rick West (Franklin).

 Region 4.  Peggy Powell:

Hal Belcher (Nassau), Jim Garrison (Bradford), John Hintermister (Alachua), Jerry Krummrich (Hamilton), Robert Loftin (Duval, St. Johns), Wallace McCormick (Suwannee), Lenore McCullagh (Clay), Barbara Muschlitz (Alachua, Gilchrist, Union), Barbara Parham (Putnam), Brian Peters (St. Johns), Peggy Powell (Duval, Putnam), Peter Southall (Columbia), Terry West (Baker)

Region 5.  Rebecca Payne:

Breg Bretz (Lake), Michael Brothers (Flagler), Dorothy Freeman (Orange), Marge Lynch (Citrus), Charles Newell (Lake), Rebecca Payne (Flagler, Levy, Sumter), John Sharpe (Marion), David Stock (Volusia), Robert Sullivan (Seminole), Walter K. Taylor (Seminole).

Region 6.  R. David Goodwin:

Stephen Fickett (Hernando), Ray Gilbert (Hillsborough), R. David Goodwin (Manatee), Oliver Hewitt (Charlotte), Larry Hopkins (Pinellas), Gail Parsons (Hillsborough), Charles M. Pead (Manatee), Belinda Perry (Sarasota), William C. Pranty (Pasco), Arnold Rawson (DeSoto).

Region 7.  Charles Geannangel:

C. Wesley Biggs (Osceola), Byrum Cooper (Polk), Charles Geanangel (Osceola), June McCallum (Glades), Tom Palmer (Hardee), Alice Rasmussen (Highlands).

Region 8.  Doug Stuckey, Dan Click

D. Greg Braun (Martin), Jane Brooks (Okeechobee, St. Lucie), Noel Chandler (Okeechobee), Marianne and Tom Cherrington (Brevard), Bill and Helen Dowling (St. Lucie), John Taylor (Indian River).

Region 9.  Mickey Wheeler

Jocie Baker (Broward), Ted Below (Collier), Hank Colteryahn (Collier), Linda and John Douglas (Collier), Wally George (Broward), Gloria Hunter (Palm             Beach), Howard P. Langridge (Palm Beach), Lynne S. Lewis (Hendry), Bruce Neville (Dade), Robert Repenning (Lee), Ed Rosenberg (Broward), Paula and Greg Seaman (Collier), Karen Sutherland Strobel (Monroe), Juan Villamil (Dade).

Atlasers (25 or more hours)

George Alden, Bruce H. Anderson, Sybil Arbery, James Arnold Jr., George Apthorp, David Arnold, Helen Ashe, Ray Ashton Jr., Brooks and Lyn Atherton, John Ault III, Paula Aulthouse,

Jocelyn Lee Baker, Evelyn and Tom Barbig, John Barrows Jr., Margaret Bartlett, Ethel and J. S. Barwick, Karen Lee Basen, Stephen Bassett, Lorna Beasley, Jesena Belch, Harold Belcher, Ted Below, Karl Berg, Patricia Biggs, C. Wesley Biggs, Paul Bithorn, Fred Bizet, Mary Bland, Alan Bohen, Margaret C. Bowman, Greg Braun, David Breininger, Gregory Bretz, Jim and Susan Brickell, Dick and Joan Brigham, Jane Brooks, Michael Brothers, David and Sherri Brower, Patricia Brown, Dana Bryan, Judy Bryan, Teena Bryan, Ben Burton, Bonnie Butler, John Bygrave,

Gladys Caldwell, Judith Canavan, Edward Cane, Brian Carey, Beverly Casselman, Howard and Susan Chambers, Jane Charlton, Marianne and Tom Cherrington, Cynthia and Ron Christen, Albert Christiansen, Dorothy Clark, Gina Clark, Roger H. Clark, Ruth Clark, Lloyd Clyburn, Julie Cocke, Eleanor Colborn, Henry Colteryahn, Barbara Conner, Elaine and Larry Cook, Dwight Cooley, Buck and Linda Cooper, Jerry Cordy, Thomas Cornwell, Dick Couch, John Coulson, James Cox, Robert Crawford, Marian Crone, Bob Cummings,

Amy Daraghy, Pete David, Mary Davidson, Marshall Dennison, Donald Devitt, Vona Dixon, Fred and Phyllis Dodson, Victor Doig, Jean Dorney, John and Linda Douglas, Mary Douglas, Helen and William Dowling, Harold Draper, Ruth Duesing, Lucy and Robert Duncan, Scot Duncan,

Helen Eastman, Warren Ebling, Naomi Edelson, Virginia Edens, John Eggert, Paul Elliott, Rebecca Elliott, Laura Ellis, Dean Elsen, John Epler, Linda Epperson, Michael Evans, Randall Evanson,

Rosanne Feckanin, Ursula Feller, Paul Fellers, William Ferguson, Stephen B. Fickett Jr., Frances Finlay, Guy Fischer, Hoke Fitzgerald Jr., Beverly Fleming, James Fletcher, Sam Folds Jr., Nadine Foley, Ann and Dan Forster, Florence and Sam Foster, Dot Freeman, John Fyvie,

Charles Gadd, Barbara Garrison, Jim Garrison, Joyce Gatlin, Charles Geanangel, Herbert Geller, Mary Gentry, Bill and Jacquie Gericke, Mickey Gibson, Douglas Gleeson, Helen Goldstick, David Goodwin, Robbyn Gore, Jay and Lynn Gould, Marion and Mary Gray, Paul Gray, Katie Greenberg, Gary Griffin, Greg Griffin, Debbie Grimes,

Donna Hackett, Lise Hanners, Lynn Hannon, Al and Beverly Hansen, Emily Harrington, David Hartgrove, Mae Hartsaw, Linda Hawk, Peggy and John Hawkinson, Rob Heath, Dale Henderson, Harlan and Pat Herbert, Oliver Hewitt, Bill and Shirley Hills, Peter Homann, Eleanor Hooker, Dorothy Hooten, Judi and Larry Hopkins, Robert Hornback, Diane and Ron Houser, Mark Howery, Edna and Raymond Huddle, Marie Ann Hughes, Carol Hurd, Jacquelyn Hyatt,

Ann and Richard Ingram, Katherine and Kenneth Irey,

Andrew Jackson, Johnnie Johnson, Larry Johnson, Eloise Jones, Nyla Jo Jones,

Susan Kairys‑Courech, Herbert W. Kale II, Barbara Karpay, Randy Kautz, Mary Keim, Cecil Kilmer, Martha King, Curtis L. Kingsbery, Bruce and Marion Kittredge, Claude Kleckner, Curtis Kruer, Jerry Krummrich,

Linda Laclaire, Robert Larson, Jay Lavia, Patrick Leary, Gerri Leibig, Carl Lentz, Lynne Lewis, Patricia Linley, Horace Loftin, Jim Loftin, Robert Loftin, Fred Lohrer, Lawrence Longhi, Manuel Lopez, Charles Lord, Lyla Lundeen, Geoff and Pidge Lynch, Margaret Lynch, David Lysinger,

Gil MacAdam, Dottie and Keith MacVicar, Andy and Mary Sue Maddox, John Maddox, Daisy Mager, Ingvar Magnusson, Howard Maier, Fred Mansmith, Valerie Marquis, Judith Matz, Norma Mawhinney, June McCallum, Larry McCandless, Wallace McCormick, Lenore McCullagh, Annie Lee McGehee, Mike McMillian, Jennifer McMurtray, Gail McPeek, Sarah Meeks, Tony Menart, Doreen Mengel, Mark Mercadante, Ron Mezich, Ruth Miles, Gene Miller, Susanna Miller, Brian Millsap, William Milmore, Gary Minor, Tom Morrill, Julia Moseley, Rosi Mulholland, Kathy Munroe, Barbara Muschlitz,

Hannah Nadel, Nicholas Nader, Zach Neece, Kristine Nelson, Bruce Neville, Charles and Ella Newell, John Newkirk, Dixie Nicholson, Vicki Niemi, Calvin Nikazy, Shirley Nishino, Francine Norris, John Northrup, Reed Noss,

Gertrude Oakman, Helen and Roland Obenchain, Perry Oldenburg, Mary Ann Olson,

Jeff Palmer, Tom Palmer, John Pancake, Dorothea Panzer, Craig Parenteau, Barbara Parham, Audrey Parker, Bruce Parkhurst, Donna Parks, Gail Parsons, Sylvia Paszek, Catherine Paterson, Richard T. Paul, Rebecca Payne, Dennis Perkins, Belinda Perry, Brian Peters, Cliff and Lois Petitt, Carl Petrick, Cynthia and Ray Plockelman, Dick Poole, Nancy and Steve Poplin, Rick Potter, Duncan Powell, Peggy Powell, Bill Pranty, Bill Prather, Mrs. Douglass Pratt, David Price, Maresa Pryor, Dana Pumphrey, Patti Putnam,

Debbie and Pete Quincy, Hal and Jean Quincy, John Quinn,

Alice Rasmussen, Arnold Rawson, Cathy Reno, Robert Repenning, Brenda Rhodes, Bob Richter, Pat Rider, Larry Riopelle, Don Robinson, Ron Robinson, Ted Robinson, Virginia Robinson, Mark Robson, Bob Rogers, Elizabeth Rodgers, James A. Rodgers Jr., Ed Rosenberg, Skeeter Rottman, Rex Rowan, Sean Rowe, Darren Rumbold, Doug Runde, Henry and Karen Russi, Paulette Rutledge, Leon Rutsky, Cathy Ryan, Doug Ryan,

Bess and Bill Samp, John Sauer, Patricia Saye, Christine Schleh, Susan Schuerger, Martha and Miles Scofield, Bettie Seckinger, Donna Secor,  Martha Sehi, Carolyn Shaeffer, Valerie Shaffer, John Sharpe, Steve Shimmel, Jerry Shrewsbury, Malcolm Simons, Robert Simons, David Simpson, Edward Slaney, David R. Smith, Harriet Smith, P. William and Susan Smith, Betty Smyth, Randy Snyder, Peter Southall, Brian Specht, Ethel and Pete Sperl, Ken Spilios, Catherine Spurr, Bob Stamps, Fred Stanberry, Dorothy Stanton, Harriet and Martin Stapleton, Charles Starling, Charles Starling Jr., Barbara Stedman, Annette and Stanley Stedman, Nina Steffee, Christine Stephenson, Barbara Sterling, Henry M. Stevenson, Eugene Stoccardo, David Stock, Floyd Storms, Karen Sunderland Strobel, Annette Strobl, Doug Stuckey Jr., Bob and Mary Sullivan,

John G. Taylor, Mike Taylor, Walter K. Taylor, Roberta Thompson, Sherry Thorsen, Perky Trackler, Paul Trunk, Scott Turner, Gordon Tyson,

Juan Villamil, Sybil Vosler,

Peter Walker, Lawrence H. Walkinshaw, Joe Wallace, Donald Ware, Dianne Wears, Lawler Wells, Nancy West, Richard L. West, Terry West, Cindy Westra, Bruce Wetmore, George Weymouth, Jim Wheat, Mary Catherine Wheeler, Eddie White, Marilyn White, Allen Whitfield, Guy Whittall, Marjorie Wilkinson, Roxanne Williamson, Virlyn Willis, Jack Wilson, Jane Wiltse, Chester and Marsha Winegarner, Robert Witman, Helene Woodard, Americus and Becky Woodward, David and Irene Wootton, Tom Wronski, Caroline Wyatt,

Peggy Yokubonus, Paul Young,

Daniel Zabowski, Ann and Tony Ziccardi.

Casual Observers (0-24 hours)

Mike Abbott, David Aborn, Deborah Adams, Jane Adams, Mary Adams, David Addison, Jananne Adkison, Leo Aguire, Esther Aikens, Joseph Albers, Mike Allen, Charles Allgood, Richard Altobellis, Monica Alvarez, Sandra Alvarez, Carol Alvine, Hubert Anders, Andy Anderson, Avis Anderson, Bob Anderson, Carol Anderson, Denise Anderson, Linda Lee Anderson, Olga Anderson, Pat Anderson, Linda Archer, Lesley Aries, William Armstrong, Bill Arnold, Ethel and Frank Arnoth, Sandy Arslan, Gerald Arthur, Maureen and Pat Ashmen, Jimmy Atkinson, Eleanor Atwood, Kathy Aub, Larry August, Barry AuMack,

Jeff Babanta, Yvonne Babb, Kim Babbitt, Linda Bailey, Martha Baird, Bob Baker, Bubba Baker, Carolyn and John Baker, Owen Baker, W. Wilson Baker, Jeri Baldwin, Nancy Ball, Kenneth Ballas, Jane and Richard L. Ballman, Richard W. Ballman, Tom Bancroft, Ann Barber, Anne and Donald Barber, John Barber, Bob Barfield, Doug Barker, Mrs. Carl Barlow, Frank and Mary Barnard, Lex Barnett, Judy Barrey, David Barriger, Judy Bart, Joseph Barthle, Lucille Barthle, Randy Barthle, Sybil Basler, Danny Bass, Oron L. Bass Jr., Heidi Bates, Sylvia Bates, Terrie Bates, Lamar and Mickey Batts, Gene Bauer, Jeffrey Baumgartner, Eleanor Beal, Candice Beam, Charles Beaman, Cindy Bear, Gary Beardsley, Andrew Beasley, Ralph Beaudry, Glen Beck, Esther Becker, George Becker, Kaci Beckett, Jim Beekman, Ralph Beers, James Beever III, Cynthia Bell, Virginia Below, David and Michele Belson, Ken Bennett, Nancy Bennett, Eleanor Bennin, John Bente, JoAnn Berry, Giles Bethea, Patti Bibbs, Nancy Biddenger, Paul Bielling, Bettye Biggs, Frances Billen, Dorothea Billings, Ben Bindschadler, Ralph and Susan Bird, Ben Bixby, Marcia Bjerregaard, Robin Bjork, Susan Blackshaw, Pat Blaha, Linda Blankinship, B. Blonder, Pete Bloom, Irma Blunt, Lynne Bobb, Randy Bocchicchio, June Boettcher, Muriel Bogen, Petra Bohall-Wood, Bruce Boler, Arthur and Marjorie Bolles, Debby Boot, Tracy Boothby, Charlotte Boots, Walter Borden, Laverne Boulware, Hank Bowen, Cindy Bower, Eugene Bowman, Reed Bowman, Wade Bowman, Fred Boxberger, Vicky Boyd, James Brandon, Doris Brann, Allen Brasington, Margaret Brasted, Florette Braun, Madeline Brazell, Linda Bremer, William Bremser Jr., Joe Brennan, Judy Breuggeman, Marc Breuninger, Richard Brewer, Helen Bridges, Bright Hour Ranch, Richard Brigman, Dorothy Brindle, Marie Brinson, Gail Bristol, Allison Brody, Cathy Bronell, John Bronson, Burt Brooks, Edsel Brooks, Pam Brooks, Anne Brown, Bessie Brown, Bob Brown, Heywood Brown, Keith Brown, Marge and Page Brown, Nancy Brown‑Peterson, Pam Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Irbin Bruce, Nathan Bruce, Mabel Brunk, Jean Buhler, Charles Buhrman, Wade Bullard, Mike Bunn, Fred Bunnell, Janet Buri, Jim Burney, B. J. Burns, Ellen Burroughs, Jackie Butcher, Gary Byerley, Charles and Verna Byron,

Lois Callen, R. R. Cambrell, David and Lynne Campbell, Florence Campbell, Ford Campbell, Mark Campbell, Dan Canterbury, Ray and Ruth Carey, Ed Carlson, Petria Carno, Fred Carols, Frank Carpenter, Helen Carr, Ellen Carrier, Terry Carroll, E. Carter, Tom Cartwright, Joyce Casady, Bill Castlin, Jeff Caswell, Ed Cates, Roger Causseaux, Jim Cavanagh, Paul Cavanagh, Connie Cauley, Elga Cendan, Dale Chance, Doyle Chancey, Noel Chandler, Charles Chase, Cindy Chicvara, Sally and Tom Chilty, Ken Christensen, Frank Christian, Mark Christopher, Irvin and Sonny Cirks, Donna Cisco, Allan Clark, Don Clark, Melanie Clark, Roger S. Clark, Margaret Clarke, Dave Clements, Barbara Cleversey, Dan Click, Joie Clifton, Barbara Cline, Ken Clough, Jerry Clutts, Frances Cobb, T. J. Coburn, Lorea Coccovizzo, Laura Cockerham, Fred Coggins, Bruce Cohen, Lois Cohen, Sam Cole, Michael Collopy, Barbara Colson, Gary Comp, Gail Compton, Gilbert Conillard, Mark Conner, Beverly Conrad, Jim Contreas, Clifford Cook, Morton Cooper Jr., Mrs. P. J. Cooper, Ruth Cooper, Sidney Cooper, Evelyn Copeland, Bruce Corbitt, Donald Cornelius, Marsha Cortney, Joyce Cosack, Steve Cottrell, Huxley Coulter, Chuck Courtney, David Courtwright, Glenn Coven, Ian Cowan, Katie Cowan, Bill Cowart, Evelyn Crabtree, Donald Crandall Jr., Phil Cronin, Bob Cruickshank, Jim Cullen, John Curnutt, Elena Current, Terry Curry, Jan Cutland,

Fritz Dahlstedt, Bob Dampman, Kathleen Daniele, Gerry Daniels, Harry Darrow, Bobbi Lee and Ralph Davis, Johnny Davis, Pat Davis, Wayne Davis, Jonathan Day, Sandy Dayhoff, Betty Dean, Love Dean, William Dees, Bruce and Wendy Delvalle, Kym Demora, Sara Denham, Susan Denmark, Martha Desmond, Dale Dettman, Anne Dexter, John Dickinson, Fred and Julia Dietrich, Sherry Dishman, Kendel Dobkin, Carol Dodd, Marietta Domkowski, Catherine Donelan, Odile Donis, David Donn, Nancy Doolan, Nancy Douglass, Carla Dowling, Kevin Dowling, F. Draliszewski, Patricia Draper, Tom Drilling, Francis Dryballa, Kim Dryden, Judy Dryja, Jim Dubois, William Duncan, Nancy Dunn, Robin Dunn, Joanne Dunne, Jimmy DuPont, Tess Durant, Lorraine Dusenbury, Nancy Dwyer,

Ross Eames, Lois Eason, Frank and Kay Eastman, Marge Eaton, Rich Eddie, Homer Edmonds, Pat Edmonds, Wayne Edward, Bill Edwards, Kevin Edwards, Dianne Eggeman, Edith Einspruch, Ann Eisenbrown, Betty Elchhorn, David Elliott, Gladys Ely, K. C. Emerson, Mildred Emrick, Bernadine English, Todd Engstrom, Lainie Epstein, Marc Epstein, Parker Enright, Joel Erhardt, Lynn Ernst, David Eslinger, Susan Estes, Cheryl Evans, Don Evans, Jane Evans, Lurlie Evans, Claudia Eversall, Carrie Ewonaitis,

Martha Fabrick, Pat Fabrick, Nancy Falarski, Owen Fang, Jimmy Farley, Terry Farrell, Barbara Fehn, Jay Feliciani, Lolita Fensholt, Jim Ferguson, Kim Ferm, Angel Fernandez, Claire Fernandez, Gerry and Toon Ferrell, George Fichter, Elizabeth Field, Fran File, John Fillyaw, Ed Fisher, George Fisher, Judy Fisher, Larry Fisher, Jerry and Liz Fishman, John W. Fitzpatrick, David Fleck, Arthur Fleming, Gene Fleming, Margie Fleming, Rosemary Fleming, Robert Flores, Carolyn Flory, Janet Floyd, Eula Fontaine, Ellis Ford, Ernie Ford, Bill Forest, Hogan Forsgneh, Barbara and Bob Foster, Virginia Foster, Margie Fox, Tom Francis, Ralph Franklin, E. W. Frederick, Peter Frederick, Marian Free, Drayton Freeman, Mike Freeman, Wayne Freeman, Wilson Freeman, James Freyermuth, Linda Fried, Irv Friedman, Debbie Fritz, Ike Fromberg, Russel Frydenborg, Herman Fugate, John Fulcher, Charles Futch,

Shirley Gade, Joseph Gaglio, Dave Gagne, Miriam Galloway, Edward Gann, Jack Gardner, Mike Gardner, Pam Gare, Marc Garland, Mike Garland, Patti Garretson, Renee Gaskin, Penny Gates, Roberta Geanangel, Michael Genden, Wally George, Katie Gersher, Pete Gezovich, Betty Ghaney, Red Gidden, Jeff Gier, Greg Gilbert, Will Gilbert, Bernice Gilley, Elton Gilmors, Beth Giotto, Todd Gipe, Ernest Gladstone, Vic Glass, Ken and Ruth Gleason, Bill and Pat Gleason, Theo Glenn, Doris Glover, Bob Goble, Ed Goggin, Rita Goldberg, Tom Goldbin, John Golden, Gregory Golien, Sandy Goltz, Johnny Goodson, Dorothy and Ray Goodwin, Jeff Goodwin, Carole Goodyear, John Gordon, Jeffery Gore, Harold Gornto, Ella Gossman, Gordon Gottlieb, Marian Gower, Bill Graham, John Grant, Sandy Grant, Frances Graves, Glenn Graves, Tom Gray, Laurie Grayson, Cathy Green, Don Green, Elsie Green, Lane Green, Diane Greene, William Greenlees, Bill Griffin, George and Joanne Griffin, Hubert Griffin, Sam Grimes, Margie Grinnell, Dina Grosnoff, Marcia Groves, Sylvia Guadagnoli, Morris Gudger, D. Guettler, Betty and Gil Guillaume, Gerri Gumula, Boyd Gunsalus, June Gustafson, Reed Gurney, Mary Guy,

Wendy Hale, Jane Halil, Florrie Hall, Gordon Hall, Sherry Hall, Bruce Hallett, Frances Hames, Tim Hamilton, Roger Hammer, Judy Hancock, William Hancock Jr., Ann Hanes, Julie Hannon, George Hanson, Candice and Joe Harbison, Fred and Pat Harden, Jeff Hardesty, Robert Hardwick, Carolyn Hardy, John William Hardy, Ed Harris, Allan Harrison, Greg Hart, Denise Hartgrove, H. D. Hartgrove, Cecilia Hartney, William Hartranft, Debra Hartzel, Anne Harvey, Joyce Hawkins, Edwin Hebb, John Heinrich, Sabrina Heinz, Mrs H. W. Helen, Bill Hench, Robert Henderson, Ruth Henderson, Barbara Hendrix, Bill Hendry, Tom Hengelbrok, Linda Hensley, Bob Herring, K. Hierhofer, Russell Hibbard, Jean Hickok, Clinton High, Hugh Hill, Steve Hill, Mike and Paula Hillier, Ann Hills, John Hintermister, Vinard Hitt, David Hitzig, Julius Hobbs, Susan Hobbs, W. G. Hobbs, Steve Hoddy, Loretta Hodgdon, Carolyn Hodge, Barbara Hoffman, Wayne Hoffman, Sue Hoft, Ginni Hokanson, Harry Hokanson, Karen Holder, Kelly Holland, Rick Holley, Brian Hope, Richard Hopkins, Curtis Horanic, Norman Horton, Julie Hovis, Helen Howell, Rudy Howell, Peg Huber, Betty Huffstutler, James Hughes, Randy Hughes, Sharon Hughes, Bart Hulett, Barbara Humphrey, Kerry and Paul Hunt, Fred Hunter, Gloria Hunter, Roger Hunziker, Jennifer Hurley, Eileen Hutcheson, Skip Huxtable, Mrs. Roland Hyatt,

Thomas Imhof, Phyllis Ingraham, Mary Ingstrom, J. Irving, Mary Istad, Grace Iverson,

Dale Jackson, James and Sara Jackson, Bill Jacobi, John Jacobs, John Jamerson, Eugene James, Jerri and Lynn James, Deborah Jansen, Karen Jensen, Linda Jett, Susan Jewell, Roy Johns, B. J. Johnson, David Johnson, Fern and Gerald Johnson, Lee Johnson, Mary Ann Johnson, O. P. Johnson, Ron Johnson, Neil Jolly, Bardy Jones, Charles Jones, Dale Jones, Glenn and Joan Jones, Wayne Jones, Rhoda Josephson, Rick Joyce, Dean Jue,

Hans Kairies, Edward Kale, Pete Kalla, Juel Kamke, Kevin Kane, David Kanski, Carol Kazar, Jim Keeler, Larry Kellam, Betsy Kellenberger, Gloria Keller, Carol and Rocky Kelly, David Kelly, Henry Kelly, Jack Kelly, Diane and Duane Kelsey, Bill Kemp, Mike Kemmerer, Ellen Kennedy, Margaret Kennedy, Lillian Kenney, Patrick Kenney, Joe Kenner, Joe Keplinger, Ed and Lisa Keppner, Brian Kerry, Ann and Mark Kershner, Joan Kidd, Randy Kiefner, Denise Kiley, Betsy King, Bob King, Dianna King, Dorothy King, Helene King, Jennifer King, Jim King, Joyce King, Tom King, Mary Lou Kingsbery, Nancy Kinnunen, Rose Kittinger, Florence Klein, Elizabeth Klim, Dale Knapp, Lisa Kompton, Dawn Kopczynski, Flo Kornman, Ken Kramer, Eddie Krier, Barbara Kuebler, Mary Louise Kuendig,

Karen La Porte, Kenneth Laborde, Beth and Brad Lamb, Jean Landers, Stuart Landers, Katherine Lang, Steve Langford, Howard Langridge, Grady Lanier, Peggy Lantz, Peggy and Tom Largent, Bob Larson, Isabel Larson, Nicles Leary, Lawrence Leclaire Jr., Miriam Lauer, John Lawhorne, James N. Layne, Judith Lebowski, Skeeter LeClaire, Mrs. Raymond LeClerc, Tom Ledford, Barry Ledoux, Alfred Lee, Elmer Leek, Donna Legare, Darrell Leidigh, Jean Lenkerd, John Lesman, Tony Leukering, Tracy Levens, Devorah Levy, Emery Lewis, George Lewis, Helen Lewis, Liz Lewis, Michael Lewis, Robin Lewis, Gary Liller, Dan Linden, Rob Line, Terry Livie, Jan Llovera, Jan Lloyd, R. Lloyd, Gary Lockwood, Robert Loflin, Janice Loftin, Pennye Loftin, William Loftus, Jim and Jo Anne Logue, Betsy London, Chad Long, Freda and Joe Long, Gail Long,  Doug Longshores, Aileen Lotz, John Lovejoy, Wynema Lovell, Eric Lovestrand, Steve Lumbert, Dellene Lund, Leigh Lundin, Jack Lynch, Sharon Lynch, Harriet Lyons, Mitch Lysinger,

Jennifer Mabe, Prudence Mabee, Helen MacDonald, Alice MacDowell, Terrice Mack, Tricia MacLaren, Francis MacNutt, Woodward MacPherson, Charles Machis, Mary Machlan, Sandy Madsen-Camil, David Maehr, Elizabeth Mainor, Esther Mallisin, Judy Mallory, William Mallory, Lorne Malo, Larry Manfredi, Helen Mangan, Joel Mann, Phil Manor, Dan Mansfield, Cindy Marcello, Virginia Markgraf, Mary-Rose Marshall, Betty and Joseph Martin, Janet Martin, Nell Martinez, Joe Marto, Dick Marzlof, Margaret Matthes, Charlie Matthews, Jim Matthews, Mary Lou Mattis, Peter May, Ruth Mayer, Mrs. Frankie McAlpine, Jane McCarty, Leah McClung, Sue and Tom McCord, Wayne McCray, Iris McCurry, Don McDaniel, Florence McDermott, Joyce McDonald, Victoria McDonald, Annie McElvey, Louise and Robert McEwan, Kathy McGarry, Arthur and Frances McGehee, Steve McGehee, Jim McGinity, Jim McGowan, Kevin J. McGowan, Jeff McGrady, Vincent McGrath, Marcia McGrory, Tom McGucken, Walter McGuire, Sonny McKay, Beth McKeeton, Bob McKinney, Eugene McKinney, Virginia McKinney, Kitty McKnight, Debbie McKune, Rick McLaughlin, Carl McMurray, Douglas McNair, Marcia Meara, Frank Medders, Rudy Medlock, David Mehlman, Wilda Meier, Jessica Mejia, Judy Meksraitis, Margaret Melvin, Susan Menthe, Norma Mercurio, Rita Meredith, Denise Messeck, Anne Rorke Metius, Bill Meyer, George Meyer III, Ken Meyer, Darryl Mhoon, Pat Michkin, Jean Michlewski, Bart Mickler, Clifford Miles, Joel Milestone, Diane Millebach, Bob Miller, Cindy Miller, Edith Miller, Karl Miller, Robert Miller, Shelly Miller, Steve Miller, Patricia Millsap, Bill Millsop, Mike Mingea, Dominic Minotti, Phil Minton, Jan Misitis, Arthur Mitchell, Jean Mitchell, Joy Mitchell, Ray Mitderf, Lloyd Mithcum, Lisa Modola, Sue Moesly, Mike Mollian, Jane Monahan, Richard Montalbano, Patricia Moore, Nancy Moreland, Kathryn Morgan, William Morgan, Dorothy Morley, Chris Morlock, Elaine and Jack Morman, Joe and Vivian Morris, Mrs. Robert Morris, William Morris, Don Morrow, Pat Morrow, Mary Morse, John Morton, Mark Morton, Mary Mosley, Cindy Mosling, Dottie Munc, Marla Murphy, Ronnie Murphy, Susan Murphy, Joe Mustion, Brad Mutchler, James Mykytka,

Lucy Natale, Katy NeSmith, George Neal, Gil Nelson, Lawrence Nelson, Paul Nenninger, Harold Nett, Michael Neubauer, Agnes Newcomer, Karen Newhouse, Patricia Newman-Wolfe, Francis Newton, Robert Newton, Brian Nice, Mark Nichols, Annette Nielsen, Owen Niles, Herbert Nobles, Bob Nord, Steve Nord, Judy Norton,

Joey O'Bannon, Timothy O'Meara, Margaret Oelfske, John Ogden, Joan Oliver, Dennis Olle, Scott Olle, Betty and Ole Olson, Jane Olson, Joseph Ondrejko, Orange-Co, Kathy Osking, John and Lois Oswald, Harold Overdorff, Jan Overton, Joyce Owens, Lydia and Oscar Owre,

Don Page, Farley Palmer Jr., Terry Palmer, Ben Pankratz, Bob and Bobbie Parker, Jeanne Parks, Redus Parks Jr., Margie Pamias, Lisa Parra, Marge Passalacqua, Mason Pasteur, Stephen Patton, Pat Pazara, Byron Peacock, Courtney Peacock, Charles Pead, Tom Pearrow, Daniel Pearson, Debbie Peeler, George Peloquin, John Pennington, Darrell Perkins, Larry Perrin, J. E. Perrish, Ethelia Perry, Evelyn Perry, Tony Pete, Kathy Peterson, Dolores Pettay, Fred Pfeiffer, James Pfeiffer, Jack Phares, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Phillerman, Diane Pierce, Jewell Pierce, Roscoe Pierson, Muriel Polite, Ivana Ponce, Marcus Ponce, Pam Poppell, Caroline Porrino, Rose Porter, Carolyn and Jack Powell, George Powell, Jacqueline Powell, Juanita Powers, Emilio Power, Gerald Price, Nancy Prine, Peter Pritchard, Sandy Proctor, Bob Progulske, Betty Purdy,

Laura Quinn,

Robert Rager, Elaine Rankin, Manny and Pat Rappaport, Ernest Rasmussen, Robert Raulerson, Barbara Reahm, John Reber, Karl Reed, Greg Reese, Edward Reimann, Joe Reinman, Eric Rennison, Michael Resch, Edna Reynolds, Georgia Reynolds, Glenn Reynolds, Philip Rhinesmith, Joe Rhodes, Jerry Rice, Laura Richards, Jimmy Richardson, Larry Richardson, Claire Richert, Rosemary Richert, Wayne Richter, Louise Ricker, Billie Ricketson, Karsten Rist, Ernest Rivers, Rob Roberts, William B. Robertson, William B. Robertson Jr., Cristal Robinson, Harry Robinson, Jay Robinson, Ray Robinson,  Jim Rock, Albert Rodgers, Cathy Rodgers, Elizabeth Rogers, Cheryl Roesel, Tracy Roesel, Betty Romire, Sam Root, Kathleen Rose, Doris Rosebraugh, Alice Rosenbaum, Bob Rottman, Linda Rowland, Bob Russell, Carol and Joe Russell, Becky and Tom Rutledge, Dorothy Ryan,

Mrs. John Sabiner, Fran Sabler, Jean St. John, Elaine Sampson, Bob Samson, Phyllis Sandberg, Mary Sands, William Sapp, Kevin Sarsfield, Ann Sathre, Loretta Satterthwaite, Solomon Sauber, Ray Saunders, Sam Saunders, Tom Savage, Richard Sawicki, Blanche Scamper, Anita Scharf, Betty Schaurr, Rose Schauss, Larry Scheier, Ron Schench, Linda and Vernon Schmid, Sarah Schmitt, S. M. Schmittner, Ricky Schomburg, Miriam Schriner, Becky Schroeder, Cherry Schroeder, Daniel Schultz, Paul Schulz, Jerry Schwartz, Bonnie Sciabbarrasi, Dottie Scogin, Arthur Scott, Bob Scott, Brenda Scott, Donald Scott, Doug Scott, George Scruggs Jr., Alan Seales, Greg and Paula Seamon, Lucy Seeds, Margaret Seene, Temple Seibels, Nedra Sekera, Carol Sellars, Robert Sellars, Carolyn Senholtz, Gary Serviss, Larry Shaffer, Chris Shaginaw, Bill Shank, Kimberly Shank, Andrea Shapiro, Ellen Shapiro, Devi Sharp, James Sharp, Mary Alice Shaw, Chris Shea, Terry Shea, Martha Sheets, Herbert Shell, Joe Shell, Deborah Shelley, Lenny Shelp, Robin Sheridan, Rene Sherman, J. M. Shine Jr., Barbara Shope, Ralph Sias, Gay Siegel, Steve Siegel, James and Susan Sigsbee, Jackie Sikes, Peter Silva, Jennifer Silveira, Scott Simmers, Pat Simmons, Sara Simmons, Art Simms, Betty Simon, Luci Simone, Stan Simpkins, Al Simpler, Dyanne Singler, Pam Singleton, Tammy Skipper, Richard Slater, Landra Slatner, Edward Sloan, John Smallwood, Laura Smathers, Andrew Smith, Barbara Smith, Bobby Smith, Cathy Smith, Cody and Irving Smith, Emily Smith, Gordon Smith, Hank Smith,  J. O'Hara Smith, Jeff P. Smith, Jeffrey Q. Smith, Jerry Smith, Jim Smith Jr., Joan Smith, Mark Smith, Rebecca B. Smith, Robert M. Smith, Ron Smith, Doug Snedecker, Ken Snyder, Lee Snyder, Bob and Marge Sokol, Helen Soladay, Dennis Solomon, Kathy Solomon, John Somes, Kim Souloff, Frances Spain, Sharon Sparkman, Allen Specht, Anita Speck, Jamie Spillers, Jay Sprinkel, Alexander Sprunt IV, Ed and Esther Squire,  Walton Stademeyer, Tom Stadsklev, Steven Stafford, Melanie Stage, Marjorie Stanberry, Jean Stanton, Sandra Starck, Ruthe and Sid Starr, Ann and Martin Stavenhagen, Ned Steel, Marvin Steele, Lisa Stein, John Stenberg, Tim Steorts, Ellen Stere, Florence Stetson, S. Stewart, Dirk Stevenson, Jim Stevenson, W. D. Steward, Mary Stewart, Elizabeth Stichaner, Helen Stiles, Debra Stinson, Bradley M. Stith, James Stock, Terry Stockton, Irene Stone, Ellen Store, Brian Stormant, Allan Strong, Kitty Suarez, Darrell Sullivan, Lem Sullivan, Marty Sullivan, Rick Sullivan, Tom Sullivan, Judy Sulser, Alan Summerskill, Sue Summerville, Gary Swain, Bea and Vernon Sweet, Leah Swenson-Davis, Paul W. Sykes Jr.,

Peter Tango, Don Tanner, Gretchen and Reet Tanner, Stephani Tanner, Bonnie Tarte, Charlie and Nancy Tate, George Tatge, Al and Naida Tatman, Inez Taylor, Rex Taylor, Dennis Teague, Carole Tebay, Linda Terry, Bob Terwilliger, Annette Tesmer, Dennis Testa, Tom Testagrose, Phil Tetlow, Simone Tetreault, Larry Tetzloff, Jon Thaxton, Margaret Thigpen, David Thompson, Lillian and Ron Thompson, Mark Thompson, Terry Thompson, Lisa and Walter Thompson, Bob and Lucille Tiberio, Pete Timmer, Russell Titus, Brian Toland, Sonia Toller, Bill Toth, Tim Towles, Shirley Traylor, Sherry Trent, Nancy Triebler, Agnes Trimble, Jane Trimble, Jim Trimble, Dave Trochlell, Marilyn Troxel, Chuck Tucker, Susan Tuovila, Steve Tutko, Mark and Sandy Turner, Alice Tyler, David and Vicky Tyndal, Hugh Tyner Jr., Sharon Tyson,

Catherine Umstot, Bob Upcavage,

Kent Van Horn, Rens Van Koningsveld, William Van Meter, Al Van Netta, David Van Wormer, Susan VanAllsburg, J. and M. Vandewalker, Eric Vanderwerf, Mary Lou Vannoy, Theresa VanTassel, Jan Veech, Joyce Veisz, John Vickers, Lacee Vitunea, Dolly Vogel, David Voigts, Jim Vovis, Winnifred Von Kunits,

Billi Wagner, Miriam Wagner, Jean Walberg, Dennis Walden, Gwendolyn Waldorf, Clarence Walker, David Walker, Jerry Walker, Rusty Walker, Sarah Walker, R. D. Wallace, Wendy Wallace, William Wallace, Gail Waller, Joe Walsh, Pat Walsh, Ben Walters, Noel Wamer, Dee Ward, Gordon Ward, Betty and Ernest Wargo, Craig Watson, Elizabeth Watson, James Watson, Leslie and Paul Watson, Tom Webber, Jeff Weber, David Weeks, Terrell Weeks, Ira Weigley, Jim Weimer, Ann Weinrich, Bill Wellbourne, Herb Weisman, Bernard Welch, Joan Wellings, Pat Wells, Dan Wenny, Fred Wernicke, Jack Westover, Kristie Whaley, Wendy Whitaker, Bob Whitcomb, David White, Jean and Joe White, John White, Linda White, Chuck Whitehead, John Whitehead, Merle Whitesell, Martha Whitlock, Fred Wicke, Opal Wiedman, Hal Wiederman, Randy Wiggins, Ernest Wilck, James Wilcox, Terry Wilhelm, Glen Wilkerson, Robin Will, Ann Williams, Berkeley Williams Jr., Bob Williams, Bruce Williams, Dan Williams, Joyce Williams, Nancy Williams, Paula Williams, Tom Wilmers, David Wilson, Ed Wilson, Karen Wilson, Mark Wilson, Robert Wilson, John Winn, Spencer Wise, Richard Wolfe, Carol Wood, Barnard Woodard, John Wooding, Lynn and Rusty Woods, Patricia Woods, Rebecca Woods, Glen E. Woolfenden, Kathy and Norman Wright, Kenny Wright, A. and S. Wright, Clint Wynnes,

Edith Yaciw,  Lorraine and Shelly Yomano, Velda Vost, Elaine Young, Nancy Young, Walter Young, Tom Yurchenco,

Debby Zambo, Jerry Zaner, Dick Zani, Alice and Stan Zawadski, Bob Zicht.