Avian Research
Journey into the field with biologists from FWRI's Avian Research research program and learn more about our work.
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Species-Specific Research
Historical Bald Eagle Nesting Areas map
Use the Eagle Nest Locater to locate FWC-documented bald eagle nesting territories and view their locations in map and spreadsheet form.
Bird Mortality Reporting
Report a bird die-off to the FWC.
Breeding Bird Atlas
Welcome to the Florida Breeding Bird Atlas! The Atlas project attempted to record the breeding distributions of all bird species in the state during 1986-1991.
Florida Shorebird Database
The Florida Shorebird Database is the central repository for data collected on shorebirds and seabirds in Florida. It is an online tool with a data entry interface that allows you to submit and manage your observations. Once the data is entered, it is available to anyone with internet access thereby allowing researchers, managers, conservationists, and permit reviewers to use your information to help conserve shorebirds and seabirds.
Historical Waterbird Colony Locator
Locate and identify historic waterbird colonies of Florida. This database contains colony locations from surveys during the 1970s-1990s.