Orphan Tag Database
A benefit of iTAG membership is the use of the orphan tag database to search for tags on other members’ arrays as well as upload orphan tag detections from one’s own array(s).

For non-FWC employees, connect to the orphan tag database and if it’s the initial access, please read and agree to the orphan tag user agreement, then register as a new user (and member of iTAG if not already). FWC employees will need to use an internal link to access the orphan tag database, please email iTAG@myfwc.com for assistance.
For YouTube video tutorials about the orphan tag database, visit the iTAG Gulf of Mexico YouTube Channel.
For stories of animals tracked beyond their home arrays made possible through the iTAG data exchange please visit the iTAG Facebook page.
Issues or questions with the database? Please email itag@myfwc.com.