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These long-lived, dense-shelled bivalves live in sandy or muddy bottoms throughout Florida waters. Two species of hard clam are found in Florida: the northern quahog (Mercenaria mercenaria) and the southern quahog (Mercenaria campechiensis). Historically, clams served as a food source and currency for Native Americans.

General Information
Learn about the ecology, anatomy and reproduction of hard clams in Florida.

Hard Clams Research
Scientists have studied hard clam biology and behavior and investigated methods to help wild populations recover from recent declines.

Molluscan Fisheries Publications - Hard Clams
Hard clam research publications.

Clam Sea Stats Publication
This summary life history of clams includes information about age and growth, distribution and migration, and feeding habits.

Hard Clams Species Account
Species accounts provide a summary of biology and fishery information. The accounts provide life history information, statewide landings, trends in catch rates, and results of recent stock assessments.