Karen A. Steidinger

Karen A. Steidinger
Research Scientist
Ecosystem Assessment and Restoration – Harmful Algal Blooms
B.A. Zoology, University of South Florida
M.A. Marine Science, University of South Florida
Ph.D. Biology, University of South Florida
Research Interests
Systematics and biology of extant dinoflagellates, particularly harmful species and their adaptations
Current Activity
Guide to the Identification of Harmful Microalgae in the Gulf of Mexico was published in August 2018 and made available in two volumes as free downloads from the FWC digital library. Since publication, taxonomic changes and new species have been documented that will eventually be in an online update. My recent work centers on morphology, taxonomy and life cycles of harmful dinoflagellates and includes descriptions of new species as well as creates a library of species micrographs.