Completed Projects
Learn about past, completed research on Florida's seagrass habitats, including restoration and monitoring methods.
A Comparison of Mechanical and Manual Seagrass Planting Techniques at Three Sites in Tampa Bay
Until recently, seagrass restoration was accomplished by labor-intensive, hand-planting methods. Mechanical installation may speed the seagrass planting process and, potentially, allow habitat restoration at a lower cost.
Accelerating Recovery of Seagrass Habitats
Researchers are working to develop a cost-effective, reliable procedure to accelerate recovery of seagrass habitats.
Evaluating Suwannee River Discharge Effects on Water Quality in Big Bend Region
Scientists are developing methods to relate satellite imagery to water quality in Florida’s Big Bend region to protect seagrass habitats.
Pools and Fluxes of Nutrients in Florida Bay Sediments
This article discusses a project designed to determine the if there are links between sediment nutrients and Florida Bay phytoplankton blooms.
Roadblocks to Seagrass Recovery
This project is funded by the Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund (GEBF) which disperses criminal penalty monies paid by TransOcean and BP due to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The project assesses conditions in shallow waters in the estuaries of Florida’s Panhandle and Big Bend to determine what factors may be preventing seagrass recovery in areas where seagrasses have disappeared. A spatial model developed by this project will provide managers and scientists an assessment of local conditions in each estuary and the potential of success for seagrass restoration projects.
Seagrass Light Monitoring Network for Florida Bay
The Seagrass Light Monitoring Network for Florida Bay is participating in a long-term effort to measure sunlight available to seagrass at sites throughout Florida Bay.
Seagrass Protection and Restoration in St. Joseph Bay
St. Joseph Bay is a popular summer vacation destination, and scallops, turtles, and fish that draw residents and tourists to the bay depend on the health of its seagrass beds. This project is a joint effort by FWC and DEP staff to jump start recovery of seagrass beds in St Joseph Bay that have been overgrazed by sea urchins.
Seagrass Recovery Flickr Set
Learn about seagrass recovery.
Springs Coast Seagrass Monitoring
Scientists are evaluating the health of seagrass beds in the Springs Coast region.
Turtle Grass Health Study Yields New Approach to Ecosystem Assessment
An assessment of turtle grass populations helped develop the methods and framework for a statewide seagrass management program that is still ongoing.