Herky Huffman/Bull Creek - Things to Do

Enjoy hunting, fishing and wildlife viewing and take in good views of well-managed habitats while hiking, bicycling and horseback riding.

Hunting options include seasons for archery, muzzleloading gun, general gun, small game, youth turkey and spring turkey. The area is open to other users during hunt days. Quota hunts limit the number of participants, ensuring a quality experience. The cemetery is closed to hunting. Check the regulations summary brochure and hunt calendar before you visit.
If you see a sick or abnormally thin deer or deer dead of unknown causes, please report its location to the CWD hotline, (866) CWD-WATCH (293-9282).
Fishing, Paddling and Boating

Fishing is available on all waterbodies on the WMA. On the creeks, enjoy shoreline and small boat fishing for bass, catfish and panfish. Carry appropriate licenses and permits. Launches for small boats and paddlecraft are located at Billy Lake, Mizell Ford and Ronnie Ford. Paddling is variable due to extreme and rapid changes in water levels and obstructions on the creeks.
Wildlife Viewing

Wildlife viewing is available throughout the WMA. Some of the most accessible wildlife viewing opportunities are found along Loop Road, at Billy Lake, and from the footbridges spanning creeks along the Florida National Scenic Trail. Visit the Wildlife page for more information about the area's wildlife.
Hiking, bicycling and horseback riding

Hiking is permitted on all areas of the WMA. The Florida National Scenic Trail traverses 18.9 miles of the WMA, including an alternate wet-weather route. Bicycling is permitted on all areas of the WMA. Well-maintained shell-capped roads provide an excellent surface for bicycling. All named and numbered roads and trails are open for use by equestrians. Download the Herky Huffman/Bull Creek WMA trail map.

Camping is allowed at the designated campground during hunting seasons. See the regulations summary for dates and a map with the campground location. The campground has no designated sites and there are no reservations required. Only tents, trailers or self-propelled camping vehicles may be used for camping. The name, address and telephone number of the person responsible for each campsite must be visibly affixed to camping shelters.
Through-hikers on the Florida National Scenic Trail may use two designated campsites along that trail. Each campsite provides a fire-ring, water pump and picnic table. Note that water in wells is not certified for human consumption.