Furbearer Trapping Regulations
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Best Management Practices for Trapping

Trapping Regulations
- A furbearer trapping license is required of anyone, except residents aged 65 or older, to take or attempt to take furbearing animals with live traps, snares or other devices, and to sell the hide and/or meat regardless of method of take (gun, live traps or snares).
- Licensed fur dealers are required to have a valid fur buyer’s or dealer’s license to buy or sell furbearer meat or pelts, regardless of how the furbearer was taken.
NOTE: A hunting license is required when hunting (taking or attempting to take by methods other than trapping) furbearing animals.
The following rules apply to lands outside of the wildlife management system. Trapping seasons on wildlife management areas vary from statewide seasons and other WMAs so carefully review the WMA regulations brochure for the area you're interested in. Locate WMA regulations brochures using WMA Finder.
Season Dates and Bag Limits
- Bobcat and otter may be trapped statewide from Dec. 1 through March 1. No limits.
- Raccoon, opossum, coyote, beaver, skunk and nutria may be trapped statewide year-round. No limits.
NOTE: Bobcat hunting (taking or attempting to take by methods other than trapping) is allowed from Dec. 1 through March 31. Find furbearer hunting season dates and bag limits.
- Taking or possessing mink (all subspecies), red and grey fox, weasel, and round-tailed muskrat.
- Transporting live captured wild raccoons within, into or from the state, except under FWC authorization.
- Only live traps and snares (including power snares) are allowed.
- Use of other types of traps (foothold, body-gripping, or dog-proof raccoon) is prohibited, except under FWC authorization.
- Live traps and snares must be checked every 24 hours.
- Bobcat and otter pelts taken to buy or sell the meat or pelts must be tagged with a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service-issued CITES tag.
- Licensed fur buyers and dealers and their agents must tag otter and bobcat pelts immediately upon taking possession of those pelts. CITES tags are also required when transporting pelts of bobcat or otter across state lines.
- Possessing bobcat and otter pelts is prohibited from April 1 to Nov. 30 unless pelts have been tagged. Tags are distributed to trappers and dealers upon request.
- To obtain CITES tags, call the FWC at 850-488-5878.
- Fur dealers are held accountable for the number of tags they are issued and are required to return unused tags by April 15.
- Furbearers may be taken with guns (including air guns) and recorded game calls.
- Hunting raccoons or opossums at night is allowed, but only .22-caliber rimfire firearms (not including.22-magnums) or single-shot .410-gauge shotguns (using shot not larger than size 6) may be used.
- Hunting raccoons or opossums by displaying or using lights from moving vehicles, vessels or animals is prohibited.
- Foxes may be chased with dogs year-round on private lands; however, taking fox by any method is prohibited.
NOTE: Find furbearer hunting seasons dates and bag limits and hunting regulations.
FAQs About Taking Furbearers
Only .22-caliber rimfire firearms (other than .22-magnums) or single-shot .410-gauge shotguns (using shot not larger than size 6) may be used. Hunting raccoons or opossums by displaying or using lights from moving vehicles, vessels or animals is prohibited. It is illegal to transport wild-trapped live raccoons within, into or from the state, except by FWC permit or authorization.
Coyotes can be taken with a gun and light on private lands with landowner permission without a permit; however, a hunting license is required, unless exempt.
Yes, taking fox by any method is prohibited, but foxes may be chased with dogs year-round on private lands. Foxes or untanned fox pelts may not be possessed, except under FWC authorization.
Yes but a trapping license is required of anyone, except residents aged 65 or older, to sell the hide and/or meat regardless of method of take (gun, live traps or snares).
Contact the Florida Trapper’s Association or Fur Harvesters Auction for information.
Yes, but only with possession of a furbearer trapping license. Additionally, if the animal was taken with a prohibited trap type, you must present a copy of the FWC authorization to the fur buyer or dealer for their records. Learn more about how to obtain FWC authorization for using prohibited trap types.
No, these traps are prohibited and may only be used under FWC authorization.
Yes. A power-activated snare is defined as a snare on which the loop closure (speed or direction) is initiated or augmented by some type of powering device (e.g. a spring).
Yes, as long as they are set so that the otters have access to air to prevent them from drowning.
CITES tags must be attached to any bobcat and otter pelt that leaves Florida and immediately upon purchase if they are sold. Hunters may possess 1 untanned bobcat and otter pelt without a CITES tag. Any additional pelts must have a CITES tag. There are no possession limits for trappers; however, possession of untanned pelts of either species is prohibited between April 1 and Nov. 30, unless the pelt has a CITES tag. CITES tags can be obtained by calling 850-488-5878.
When trapping furbearers, only the trapping license is needed.
When hunting furbearers (taking or attempting to take by methods other than trapping), a hunting license is required.
Find information about hunting and trapping regulations.
Additional Information
- Hunting Regulations
- Hunting Season Dates and Bag Limits
- Buy a Hunting or Furbearer Trapping License
- Find Wildlife Management Areas
- Learn About Possible Changes to Trapping Rules
- Best Management Practices for Trapping
- Trapper Education Courses
- New Hunter Information
- WMA Fox and Raccoon Hunting - Field Trial Permit
- Use of Dogs to Pursue Game / Furbearers
- Steel Trap Permit For Nuisance Wildlife