Wildlife Conservation and Management Internship

The Wildlife Diversity Conservation Section offers internship opportunities to undergraduate and graduate students interested in species conservation. The Wildlife Conservation and Management Internship is a great opportunity for students to gain valuable experience working as part of a state wildlife conservation agency. Each intern is assigned projects that directly address conservation actions of the Gopher Tortoise Management Plan, Imperiled Species Management Plan or the State Wildlife Action Plan.
Below is a list of previous interns, their corresponding projects, and links to their final projects (if available online). In addition to obtaining professional experience, the internship has also helped many interns graduate with jobs through FWC or other environmental agencies.
Upperclassman, graduate students, and recent graduates in the Tallahassee area are encouraged to apply. The WCM internship program runs fall, spring, and summer semesters. To apply, submit a completed application, resume and cover letter to Barry Walton. Applications are due three weeks prior to the start of each semester.
Recent Intern(s)
Bruno Palacios (Fall 2023)

Bruno will be graduating from Florida State University during Spring 2024 with a B.S. in Biological Science along with a minor in chemistry. Specializing in the marine biology track, Bruno channeled his passion for wildlife conservation and management into three impactful projects. He created detailed species profiles for two threatened freshwater fish, the Blackbanded Sunfish and the Alligator Gar, demonstrating his commitment to biodiversity conservation. These species profiles will be published on the FWC Species Profiles webpage for public viewing. Coordinating submissions on the Gopher Tortoise Sightings Web App showcased Bruno's technological acumen. He analyzed gopher tortoise sightings from across Florida and judged whether the submissions required immediate attention. Submissions included healthy, injured, and juvenile gopher tortoises, tortoise burrows, and mortalities. Additionally, his role in outreach and volunteer management highlighted strong interpersonal skills. Lastly, Bruno personally cared for our program's educational-use gopher tortoise, underscoring his hands-on approach to conservation. Bruno aspires to pursue graduate studies in mangrove marine species conservation with a focus on elasmobranchs, furthering his dedication to preserving marine ecosystems.