Saltwater Public Comments

The FWC welcomes comments on any species, even those not featured on this page, at any time via the comment form below, email at or phone at 850-487-0554.
The following topics are either tentatively slated to be brought before the Commission in the near future or items FWC staff plan to begin working on.
This is not an all-encompassing list and topics may be moved to a later date or not discussed at all.
Visit the Commission meeting agenda page to see what FWC staff will be presenting to the Commission at an upcoming meeting.
Public Workshops
Share your input in person by attending a public workshop.
Future Commission Meeting Items
FWC is proposing changes to rules governing the Marine Special Activity License (SAL) program. Proposed changes include updates to eligibility requirements, license periods, and license conditions; updates to the SAL program administration process; streamlining the FWC Law Enforcement notification process; repealing the Dredge SAL; and updating the Aquaculture Broodstock Collection and Stock Collection and Release SALs.
There will be a virtual public workshop on this topic on October 24, 2024. For information about this workshop, visit:
Proposed final rules will be presented to the FWC Commission at their December 2024 Commission meeting. For details about Commission meetings, visit:
To comment on this topic, please use the form below.
FWC is exploring different ways to promote post-release survival of tarpon in this important location. We’d like to hear your input! Please send us your ideas and recommendations for ways to protect this iconic fishery.
FWC wants your feedback on a federal consistency action to modify recreational gag and black grouper regulations in Atlantic state waters, including all state waters of Monroe County.
Specifically, the rule would:
• Establish a combined 2 fish recreational vessel limit for gag and black grouper, and
• Prohibit retention of gag and black grouper by captain and crew on for-hire trips
The South Atlantic Council approved similar changes to end overfishing of gag grouper and help rebuild the stock. Due to the poor stock status of gag and based on historical misidentification issues with black grouper, the Council also approved applying the same changes to recreational black grouper fishery.
Staff will present a federal consistency action at the December Commission meeting and would like your input. Comment on this item using the form below.
FWC wants your feedback on a proposed rule to modify the recreational greater amberjack season in Gulf state waters, consistent with the season in adjacent federal waters. The most recent stock assessment indicates that Gulf greater amberjack is overfished and undergoing overfishing, despite numerous past management changes intended to rebuild the stock. To end overfishing and improve the stock status of Gulf greater amberjack, the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council (Council) approved a rebuilding plan that reduced the quota by 83%. As a result, the Council also approved a new recreational season of September 1 – October 31 in federal waters, to constrain harvest to the reduced quota and end overfishing. Given Gulf greater amberjack’s poor stock status, FWC also approved an Executive Order to modify this year’s fishing season with the recently approved federal season.
FWC is now considering modifying the greater amberjack recreational season in Gulf state waters to be consistent with the new season in Gulf federal waters (September 1 - October 31, each year). Consistent regulations would help prevent quota overages under the current small quota, mitigate the risk of future federal closures, and provide additional conservation measures to help the stock rebuild.
Staff will present the federal consistency action at the December 2024 Commission meeting.
Comment on this item using the form below.
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) wants your feedback on proposed rule amendments to increase shrimp harvest opportunities in Nassau and Duval Counties. Proposed rule amendments include increasing the dead shrimp allowance for live bait harvesters from 1 gallon to 5 gallons and opening portions of the Pumpkin Hill Creek area off the Nassau River to recreational and commercial shrimp harvest from September through December.
There will be an in-person workshop held on February 12, 2025 from 6:00-8:00pm, at the Jacksonville Public Library, Pablo Creek Regional (13295 Beach Blvd, Jacksonville, FL 32246).
For more information about this workshop, visit the FWC Saltwater Workshops page.
If you are unable to attend the in-person workshop but would still like to comment on this topic, please use the form below.
Other topics
The FWC will be reviewing several trap fisheries in the upcoming year including spiny lobster, blue crab, pinfish/baitfish, trap retrieval, recreational trap fisheries, and traps used for shellfish aquaculture leases.