Lake Okeechobee
Palm Beach, Martin, Glades, Okeechobee, and Hendry counties

Lake Okeechobee is Florida's largest lake and the second largest body of fresh water in the contiguous United States. The word Okeechobee comes from the Seminole Indian language "Oki" (water) and "Chubi" (big) and means "big water." These early Floridians chose the name well. Vast surface area (730 square miles), shallowness (averaging only nine feet deep) and enormous habitat diversity makes the ecosystem unique on the North American continent. The lake is a multiple-use resource, which supports valuable commercial and sport fisheries, provides flood control, and acts as a reservoir for potable and irrigation water for much of south Florida.
Lake Okeechobee is located on the south-central portion of the Florida peninsula at latitudes 27o 12'N to 26o 40'N and longitudes 81o 07'W to 80o 37'W. Major natural tributaries to the lake are Fisheating Creek, Taylor Creek and the Kissimmee River. Sheet outflow occurred historically across the entire southern rim into the Everglades. Prior to the 1900's, water quality was characterized as clear and alkaline, and bottom sediments were described as "clean sand." Levee and canal construction during the first half of the century confined the lake to a smaller area, eliminated overflow along the south shore, and facilitated back-pumping of excess water from the Everglades agricultural area into the lake. During the past 30 years, rising nutrient levels and periodic increases in the lake stage regulatory schedules have decreased habitat quality and pushed the system nearer a hyper-eutrophic and ecologically undesirable state.
Primary sources of lake water include rainfall (30%) and major tributaries, canals and runoff (70%). Evaporation accounts for 70% of water loss, with the remainder exiting through engineered outflows. High water levels are maintained from October through March (dry season), while low water levels are maintained from June through August. Shallow depth, long fetch and moderate winds combine to preclude thermal stratification. Regular mixing by wind and wave action ensures dissolved oxygen levels adequate for biological processes throughout the water column. Water temperatures average between 59o F (14o C) in January to 86o F (30o C) in August.
Lake Okeechobee is nationally recognized as supporting high quality largemouth bass and black crappie fisheries. The lake also supports a commercial fishery dominated by catfish species. However, the commercial fishery is also nationally unique in that a limited entry fishery (ten nets) exists for haul seine gear which is permitted to legally harvest and sell bluegill and redear sunfish. Freshwater fishing retail sales in the five counties surrounding Lake Okeechobee were estimated at more than $117 million during 2000. Biologically, Lake Okeechobee can successively support recreational and commercial fishery interests. Fishery management concerns on Lake Okeechobee not only require allocating available fishery resources between recreational and commercial interests, but must also be concerned with resolution of socio-political issues that result from user conflicts.
Aquatic plant communities benefit fish by providing spawning habitat, serving as refuge areas from the environment and predators, and support an intricate food web by providing nutrients for invertebrates and herbivorous fishes, which serve as forage. Despite ecological advantages provided by aquatic plants to fishes and wildlife on Lake Okeechobee, controversy over management of vegetation continues among federal and state agencies with regulatory authority for aquatic plant management, water quality and supply, flood control, and fish and wildlife management.
Changes in water level and differences in plant community structural complexity and water quality within vegetation communities exert the greatest effect on fish distribution in the littoral zone of Lake Okeechobee. Historically, bulrush has yielded the highest average numbers for total fish and game fish in block net sampling conducted on Lake Okeechobee. Importance of bulrush as habitat for adult game fishes has long been recognized by fisheries biologists, and bulrush is frequently planted during lake restoration and habitat enhancement projects.
Submersed vegetation types provide important habitat for forage fish, such as minnows shiners, and small bream. A positive relationship between hydrilla and production of juvenile game fish and forage fish has been documented by fisheries biologists. Dominant fish species abundance estimates for hydrilla, eelgrass, and Illinois pondweed (peppergrass) were similar, which indicates equivalent habitat value for these vegetation types.
The hurricanes on Lake Okeechobee during 2004 (particularly Hurricanes Frances and Jeanne) caused brief high water level surges to over 18 feet and, together with high winds, had a devastating effect on many plant communities. From the constant beating of high wind and waves, thousands of acres of plants such as bulrush, peppergrass, eelgrass and hydrilla were uprooted or broken off. Plants near the bottom or in protected areas were subjected to die-off from little or no sunlight reaching them as a result of highly turbid water over a long period of time.
The drought starting in 2006 that struck much of the state of Florida, lowered the lake level to an all-time record of 8.82 ft. msl (July 2007). Periods of drought have occurred on Lake Okeechobee about every ten years. The drought actually helped by allowing most of the emergent vegetation that was lost to be replaced by new plants. After Tropical Storm Fay (August 2008), when water levels rose quickly (luckily not too fast to damage new vegetation), thousands of acres of new bulrush, spikerush and other desirable emergent plants covered old established areas as well as many new areas where vegetation had not been in recent memory. Submerged vegetation such as peppergrass, eelgrass and hydrilla also returned. With the return of vegetation, many aquatic insect populations also increased, providing a food source for bait fish (such as minnows and shad). With this renewed food source and resurgence in vegetative habitat, many fish have had large spawns since Tropical Storm Fay, causing fisherman to see an increase of many game species. Future years should continue to see an increase in size and numbers of fish populations provided the habitat and food base also continues to improve.
The special bass regulation on lake Okeechobee has been replaced by the new streamlined statewide bass regulation: For largemouth bass only one may be 16 inches or longer in total length per angler per day, with no minimum length limit. The bag limit remains the same, at five. For more information check our Largemouth Bass Regulation Rack Card.
Black crappie (Speck) under 10 inches must be released. The bag limit is 25.
Local fishing contacts include:
Fast Break Bait & Tackle 863-763-0973, 1-866-213-2474, 863-824-3474
Garrard's Bait and Tackle 800-600-3474 (FISH), 863-763-3416
For Crappie, Bluegill, and Shellcracker fishing contact: Marshall Shockley at 863-763-0466
Okeechobee Fishing Headquarters 863-763-2248
Roland & Mary Ann Martin’s Marina 1-800-473-6766
A Lake Okeechobee brochure and website are available courtesy of the South Florida Water Management District. Real-time water level data from the USGS gauge at Buckhead Lock and from the SFWMD are also available.
The water level on Lake Okeechobee as of March 24, 2025, is 12.83 ft. NGVD. As we continue to drop water levels please be mindful of navigational hazards. As water levels recede start checking the outside edges of vegetation for fish as they start to pull out of the marsh.
With lake levels forecast to be at 12.00ft. NGVD and under range by the end of this period shallow water marsh areas will be difficult to access. The entire west wall and areas north towards bird island should be excellent fishing along with the deep dynamite holes near Clewiston to Ritta Island. Northern areas of the lake to key on would be the Buckheadridge area along with Kings Bar. Until water temperatures exceed around 80°F, bass will often continue to spawn through May. As the water temperature warms, largemouth bass tend to be abundant in the rim canal and outside edges of the shoreline vegetation. Try targeting bass with swim jigs, crankbaits and jerkbaits that will mimic the abundant shad during this time of year. Large bass can still be caught this time of year using creature baits, senkos, flukes, and flipping jigs in the heavier cover. Golden shiners are the best live bait for Largemouth bass. A guide is highly recommended, especially your first time on the lake.
Don’t forget to register your eight pound and larger bass with TrophyCatch. Register your Okeechobee trophy bass so you can say “My trophy swims in Okeechobee,” and earn gift cards and other prizes.
Black crappie (speck) fishing has been excellent this winter and should continue to be productive into the spring. Many anglers have had no problems catching a limit. The Kissimmee River has been productive, as well as the in-lake vegetation stands. Fishing has also been excellent this year along Harney Pond canal and Indian Praire canal. Make sure to bring plenty of minnows and jigs since slabs have been surprising many anglers with incredible numbers of catches. Minnows should be suspended at various depths to locate schools most fish have been deep this year around 8ft. Jig fishing is most productive, as you can cover a great deal more area. The secret to successful crappie fishing is to move often, until you locate a school. Next year looks like another unbelievable year for speck if you can’t make the visit this year. There are many options for guided trips for crappie on Lake Okeechobee so book your trip with a local guide today and get your limit of speck.
Bluegill and Redear sunfish (shellcracker) fishing typically starts to pick up in early spring. With low water this season bream fishing will be on fire all summer. Redear usually begin spawning in late March and early April, while Bluegill usually do so in mid-April. Most Redear are taken on live worms. Beetle‑spins, grass shrimp, red worms, and crickets are the preferred baits for Bluegill. Redear populations seem to be making a huge comeback on Lake Okeechobee the last several years so start checking your shellcracker holes.
Mayan Cichlids (Red Devils) are becoming more prolific in the lake and recent electrofishing surveys have shown high abundance all over the lake. Mayan Cichlids are a non-native species with no bag or size limit so anglers may keep as many as they can catch. They are a very tasty delicacy only available to south Florida anglers and with their aggressive behavior they can be targeted easily with live worms, crickets, or even small artificial baits. Anglers do very well from the bank in the Indian Prairie canal and Harney Pond canal.
Popular Species

Fish graphics by Duane Raver, Jr.
More species information is available for:

TrophyCatch Tracker
TrophyCatch is FWC's citizen-science program that rewards anglers for documenting and releasing trophy bass 8 pounds or larger. The following TrophyCatch bass have been submitted from Lake Okeechobee:
Lunker Club (8 – 9.9 pounds): 466
Trophy Club (10 - 12.9 pounds): 68