Ocheesee Pond
Jackson County
This 2,225-acre lake is located south of U.S. Hwy. 90 at Grand Ridge and Sneads. Ocheesee has dark tannic water with approximately 90% of its surface area covered by cypress trees. There is access to the lake by taking SR 69 south of Grand Ridge (1.0 mile); turn left on CR 69A (5.9 miles) and travel left on Shady Grove Rd. to the ramp.
For local information contact Fisheries Biologists from the Division of Freshwater Fisheries Management, Northwest Regional Office (850-265-3676).
Be careful navigating in the pond due to the many exposed stumps and snags. In the past, this pond has produced some large Bluegill as well as larger Black Crappie. Try fishing around stumps and snags in deep holes using grass shrimp, crickets, wigglers, or various colors of 1/16 to 1/8 oz. beetle spins. Redear Sunfish (shellcracker) can also be caught in these areas using worms. Largemouth Bass fishing will be fair throughout the summer months. Try fishing early in the morning and late afternoon along weed lines or in deep holes in the lake. Best baits include spinner baits, crankbaits, dark plastic worms or live shiners.
Popular Species
Fish graphics by Duane Raver, Jr.
More species information is available for:
Largemouth bass, Bluegill, Redear sunfish, Black crappie, Chain pickerel
TrophyCatch Tracker
TrophyCatch is FWC's citizen-science program that rewards anglers for documenting and releasing trophy bass 8 pounds or larger. The following TrophyCatch bass have been submitted from Ocheesee Pond:
Lunker Club (8 – 9.9 pounds): 3