Newnans Lake
Alachua County
Newnans Lake (5,800 acres), designated as a Fish Management Area, is located about two miles east of Gainesville on Highway 20. The lake is surrounded by cypress trees that provide good angling when water levels are high. Sparse areas of emergent grasses, bulrush, and spatterdock (water lilies) are found around the shoreline of Newnans Lake. The most consistent fisheries on Newnans Lake are catfish and bream, and these can be caught year-round in deeper areas of the lake and the lake shoreline, respectively.
For more information on FWC management activities at Newnans Lake, visit the Orange Creek Basin Working Group webpage.
FWC maintains fish attractors at Newnans Lake, visit the Fish Attractor webpage for locations.
Shore and Pier Fishing Opportunities/Boat Ramp Locations:
Earl P. Powers Park Boat Ramp/Fishing Pier: 5902 SE Hawthorne Rd, Gainesville, FL 32641
Owen Illinois Park Boat Ramp: 11309 SE 16th Ave, Gainesville (Windsor), FL 32641
Palm Point Park: 7401 Lakeshore Dr, Gainesville, FL 32641
For updated information please call:
Travis Tuten, FWC fisheries biologist, 352-955-3220, for tag information.
Gary's Tackle Box, 352-372-1791 for fishing information.
The water level in Newnans Lake has been dropping steadily this spring with high temperatures and little rainfall. We definitely want continued rainfall during these hot days of summer to get those water levels going back up, keeping the boat ramps open and your favorite fishing hole accessible. After a good rain, try getting in areas around the creeks on the north and south side of the lake. You might end up on a hot bass bite, especially considering more bass over 8 pounds have been documented by anglers and FWC biologists in the last few years than in the last 10 years combined. Try spinnerbaits, topwater plugs, or soft plastics for bass. There are also lots of good size panfish that anglers can turn their attention to this summer. Good catches of large Bluegill and Redear Sunfish should be common around pads, emergent grasses, and bulrushes over the next several months. Crickets and grass shrimp are good baits of choice. Also, catfish catches should be steady throughout the majority of the lake, especially near Palm Point and the Powers Park pier. Try baiting your hook with liver or worms for catfish. Both the Earl P. Powers Park boat ramp off of SR 20 and the Owen-Illinois Park ramp off of CR 234 in Windsor are open. Anglers should also be aware of tagged black crappie with rewards. If you catch a tagged crappie, call the number below to receive information on how to claim your reward.
Steve Beck, FWC fisheries biologist: 352-415-6958
For more information on FWC management activities at Newnans Lake, visit the Orange Creek Basin Working Group webpage.
FWC maintains a fish attractor at Newnans Lake, visit the FWC Fish Attractor webpage for location.
Popular Species
Fish graphics by Duane Raver, Jr.
More species information is available for:
Largemouth bass, Bluegill, Redear sunfish, Channel catfish, Black crappie
TrophyCatch Tracker
TrophyCatch is FWC's citizen-science program that rewards anglers for documenting and releasing trophy bass 8 pounds or larger. The following TrophyCatch bass have been submitted from Newnans Lake:
Lunker Club (8 – 9.9 pounds): 10
Trophy Club (10 - 12.9 pounds): 1