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Fish Attractors

Fish Attractor Drawing

Fish attractors provide cover for sportfish as well as forage species such as insects, crustaceans and minnows that sportfish depend upon for food. Fish are attracted to brush piles or other structure in search of forage and protection from predators. As a result, attractors concentrate fish where anglers can catch them easily.

Oak and citrus trees provide excellent attractor materials. Recycled Christmas trees, although popularly used, do not make good fish attractors, since they do not last very long because the branches tend to be too small and the trunk is a softwood. Green trees with numerous small limbs are best and sink with minimum weighting material. Rock piles, plastic pipe, concrete culverts and wood boxes also can provide shelter areas in private ponds. If a sandy or gravel bottom is not present, areas of lime rock, gravel or oyster shell can create attractors and spawning areas for largemouth bass and bream. There are also many man-made attractors on the market which eliminates the need for refurbishing natural materials.

Artificial Fish Attractors in Lake Griffin

Artificial fish attractor installation at Lake Griffin.

Lake Piney Z Fish Attractors

Brush fish attractor installation at Lake Piney Z.

Do not Anchor

Do not anchor near fish attractors

NOTE: Do not anchor near fish attractors. This is to prevent direct damage to the attractor by the anchor, and to prevent brush or attractor panels from being dragged away from the main attractor site, reducing their effectiveness.

Warning Symbol

Permit May Be Required

NOTE: Placing natural or artificial attractors in lakes owned by two or more parties may require a permit from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection or water management district. Litter laws also apply to depositing materials in public waters.

Interactive Fish Attractor Map

A wide variety of fish attractors have been installed across the state by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.

An Interactive Fish Attractor Map shows attractor locations and coordinates.

A Fish Attractor List of locations and coordinates is also available.