Southeastern Myotis (Myotis austroriparius)
A medium-sized bat, the Southeastern myotis weighs 5 to 12 grams and has gray to brown dorsal fur with yellowish to white fur on the belly. The Southeastern myotis generally forms colonies in caves, but colonies have been discovered in hollow trees, bat houses, buildings, bridges, and culverts. In the northwest panhandle of Florida, Southeastern myotis mate in the fall, and females delay fertilization until the spring. In early May, female Southeastern myotis give birth to 2 pups, rare among bats in the genus Myotis. Southeastern myotis are not known to experience extended torpor, a physiological state in which the bat slows its metabolism and suppresses its immune system to conserve energy, in Florida, but individuals in the northwest panhandle have been documented using short-duration torpor during colder days in the winter.
Roosting Preference: Roosts colonially – Roosts in caves, hollow trees, buildings, culverts, bridges, and bat houses
Diet: Insectivorous – Primarily feeds on mosquitoes, but also consumes crane flies, small beetles and moths