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Special Initiatives

The Recovering America's Wildlife Act

This landmark legislation would provide dedicated predictable funding for conservation and management of thousands of species.

Coastal Wildlife Conservation Initiative

Snowy Plover On Nest with Eggs

CWCI: Conserving native wildlife in coastal ecosystems throughout Florida in balance with human activities.

Florida's State Wildlife Action Plan

Fox Squirrell

Florida's State Wildlife Action Plan: Conserving our wildlife and natural areas for future generations.

Impacts of Climate Change on Fish and Wildlife


Florida's Wildlife: On the front line of climate change.

Florida Shorebird Alliance

Seagull with Chick

Florida Shorebird Alliance: A statewide network of local partnerships that advance shorebird and seabird conservation in Florida. Alliance partners use the Florida Shorebird Database as a central repository for data collected on shorebirds and seabirds in Florida.

Landowner Assistance

Young Long Leaf Pine Stand

The land-use planning efforts and habitat management decisions made by private landowners today will determine the future for fish and wildlife tomorrow.

Florida Conservation Blueprint

Wide shot of a green space with grasses and trees surrounded by water.

The Florida Conservation Blueprint is a spatial plan that identifies shared conservation priorities across Florida and allows partners to better align their conservation actions and investments.

Marine Fisheries Relief Initiatives