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Boating Infrastructure Grant Program (BIGP)

Clearwater Downtown Boat Slips

The Boating Infrastructure Grant Program (BIGP) provides funding through competitive grants for tie-up facilities for transient recreational boats 26 feet or longer (non-trailerable). This program is funded by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 

Technical Assistance for Applicants

The Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission held online technical assistance sessions for potential applicants interested in the Boating Infrastructure Grant Program and the Florida Boating Improvement Program.  A recording of a 2024 session is available below and the presentation from the sessions is available in the Related Documents.  For more information, email or call (850)488-5600.

Program Timeline 

  1. January:  Technical Assistance Sessions take place
  2. January – April: Potential applicants reach out to FWC for guidance
  3. April 1 – June 1: FWC assists applicants in developing proposals
  4. July 1: Applications due to FWC by 5:00 p.m. (Applications received after 7/1 will not be considered)
  5. July: FWC review of applications. 
  6. August: Florida Tier I & Tier 2 selections are announced.  FWC enters applications into the FGTS and prepares applications for submission into
  7. September: FWC recommendations are due to USFWS through
  8. April: USFWS notifies FWC and announces awards. Award does not necessarily guarantee funding, which is contingent upon:
    1. Receiving all required permits
    2. Receiving all required compliance documents
    3. Successful disbursement of funds from USFWS.
  9. Grantee provides documentation to FWC that the required permits (FLDEP; USACE) have been acquired for the awarded project.  FWC submits permits through the compliance process
  10. Once all requirements are met, USFWS obligates funding and FWC and applicant enter into Subrecipient Agreement and work can begin.

Proposals are due to FWC no later than 5:00 PM on 07/01/2025

  • Proposals are to be submitted to FWC and not directly to
  • Follow published rules closely, as detailed in the Federal Final BIG Rule (50 CFR Part 86).
  • One hardcopy and one electronic copy is to be submitted by the deadline to:

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Boating and Waterways Section
Attn: BIGP Administrator
620 South Meridian Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-6000

Types of Funding Available

There are two types of grants, Tier I and Tier II:

Tier I Projects

In any given funding cycle, the State of Florida may receive a total of $300,000 for Tier I projects. All Tier I projects must meet the eligibility requirements of 50 CFR 86.20. Each Tier I project cannot exceed $300,000; however, the State of Florida may select one (1) or as many Tier I projects as are eligible so long as the aggregate of these projects does not total more than that year's funding cycle allotment. Tier One projects compete against other Florida projects for funding.

Tier II Projects

In any given funding cycle, and on a nationally competitive basis, the National Boating Infrastructure Grant Program expects to make available between $9 million and $14 million for Tier II projects nationally. There is no dollar for Tier II projects, although Federal Funds per project cannot exceed $1.5 million dollars. All Tier II projects must meet the eligibility requirements of 50 CFR 86.20. Each project will compete nationally against every other project in Tier II. Tier II projects compete against other Florida projects and if selected by the committee, they compete on a National Level.

Eligible Applicants: Local Governments, Native American Tribes, Port Districts, Nonprofit Organizations, Private Organizations, State Agencies, some special purpose districts, if legally authorized to acquire and develop public outdoor recreation facilities.

Eligible activities include, but are not limited to:

  • Construction or renovation of boating infrastructure such as:
    • slips
    • floating docks
    • fixed piers and breakwaters
    • day docks
    • dinghy docks
    • restrooms and showers
    • mooring buoys and mooring systems
    • dockside utilities
    • marine fueling stations
    • dredging
  • Engineering, planning, and permitting
  • Installation of navigational aids
  • Production of educational materials

If you have any questions, send email to or call 850-488-5600.

Build America, Buy America (BABA) Act

On November 15, 2021, President Joseph R. Biden Jr. signed into law the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act ("IIJA"), Pub. L. No. 117-58, which includes the Build America, Buy America Act ("the Act"). Pub. L. No. 117-58, §§ 70901-52. The Act strengthens Made in America Laws and will bolster America’s industrial base, protect national security, and support high-paying jobs. The Act requires that no later than May 14, 2022—180 days after the enactment of the IIJA—the head of each covered Federal agency shall ensure that “none of the funds made available for a Federal financial assistance program for infrastructure, including each deficient program, may be obligated for a project unless all of the iron, steel, manufactured products, and construction materials used in the project are produced in the United States.” (Build America, Buy America Act, P.L. 117-58, Secs 70911 - 70917.

The Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) Made in America Office released its additional guidance for implementing the Build America, Buy America Act, 2 CFR 184, on August 23, 2023. The new guidance is effective on October 23, 2023.

On April 18, 2022, the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) Made in America Office released its initial guidance for implementing the Build America, Buy America Act (pdf).

Boating Access Grants Technical Assistance Session

Recording of a 2025 Technical Assistance Session for the Florida Boating Improvement Program and the Boating Infrastructure Grants Program.

Current Projects

Grantee Project Description Grant Amount Total Project Amount
AA Marina, LLP (Jensen Beach) Four Fish Marina Expansion $1,299,605 $2,652,253
Apalachicola Trading Company, LLC Boss Oyster Marina $1,211,659 $4,038,864
Camachee Island Company, St. Augustine Marina Expansion $772,000 $1,544,000
City of Bradenton Twin Dolphin Marina - Transient Docks $910,183 $1,541,972
City of Fort Pierce Fort Pierce City Marina - Dinghy Dock $190,688 $425,725
City of Key West Garrison Bight Marina - Transient Docks $500,000 $900,000
City of Miami Beach Miami Beach Mooring Field $117,000 $156,000
City of St. Petersburg Municipal Marina Transient Docks $632,000 $989,000
Harbor View Marina Transient Slips $220,120 $301,960
Harborage Marina (St. Petersburg) Salt Creek Transient Dock Expansion $850,014 $1,740,029
Lofton Island Partners, LLC Lofton Island Marina $1,098,391 $2,241,615
Melbourne Riverwalk Marina Marina Construction $1,500,000 $4,095,597
New Port Tampa Bay CDD West Shore Marina District $323,951 $661,127
Port Canaveral Yacht Club Transient Docks $126,901 $272,402
SHM Marathon, LLC Safe Harbor Marathon Marina $1,009,740 $2,060,694
Town of Fort Myers Beach Matanzas Harbor Mooring Field $43,000 $104,730
Windward Amelia Island Marina Owner LLC Windward Amelia Island Marina $1,5000,000 $5,030,380