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NOTE: Litters reported here do not represent all kittens born each year.  They represent kittens the FWC has documented that were born to adult female panthers wearing radio collars.


New Litters

# Date Handled Mother Age of Litter # Males # Females Kitten IDs Location
1 03/07/2025 FP269 26 Days 3 0 K525, K526, K527 Okaloacoochee Slough WMA


# Date Discovered Panther ID Age Sex Cause of Death County Location
4 3/10/2025 UCFP482 4-5 M Vehicle Collier SR29, 1.6 miles north of junction with SR82
3 3/6/2025 UCFP481 1.5 M Vehicle Lee SR80, 0.9 miles west of the Townsend Canal
2 2/24/2025 UCFP480 10.5 F Vehicle Hendry CR833 at intersection with McDaniels Ranch Rd.
1 1/10/2025 UCFP479 1.75 M Vehicle Collier Immokalee Rd, 2 mi east of Oil Well Grade Rd.