
- Body is olive gray or brown with a yellow hue, fading to a lighter belly
- Fins are yellow
- Narrow white bars on sides, fading with age
- Blue stripe below eye, broken in adults
- Snout long and pointed
- Canine teeth enlarged in upper jaw, visible when mouth is closed
Similar Species: Dog snapper, L. jocu (has pale triangle below eye) and gray snapper, L. griseus (lack yellow fins and lack blue stripe below eyes)
Size: Up to 24 inches (8 pounds); and common under 1 pound
Coastal waters. Adults frequent nearshore, especially around elkhorn coral reefs. Large adults are sometimes found on the continental shelf. Juvenile schoolmaster are found in grassy flats.
Spawn in July and August. Feed on crustaceans, small fishes, and gastropods.
Additional Information
State Record: This species is not currently eligible for a state record.
Image Credit: © Diane Rome Peebles