
- Body is pinkish-red in color, fading to a white belly
- Snout long and triangular
- Red eye
- Rear of anal fin pointed
- No dark spot on sides in adults
Similar Species: Silk snapper, L. vivanus (has a yellow eye); and vermilion snapper, R. aurorubens (has rounded anal fin) Size: Up to 36 inches (35 pounds)
Offshore near structure. Juveniles are found over sand or mud bottoms.
Spawn from June to October. Sexual maturity is attained at age 2. Adults can live more than 20 years, possibly even up to 60 years.
Feed on crustaceans and fish.
Additional Information
State Record: 46 lb 8 oz, caught near Destin
Fishing Tips and Facts: Snappers will take soft-bodied jigs, bucktails and spoons.
Image Credit: © Diane Rome Peebles