Distinguishing Characteristics

- Black or dusky blotch on snout tip
- Back is pale olive-gray, fading to a whitish belly
- First dorsal fin starts over or just behind the free rear tips of the pectoral fin
- Second dorsal fin starts before middle of anal fin
- No interdorsal ridge
Similar Species: Atlantic sharpnose shark, R. terraenovae (lacks dark snout tip)
Adults mature between 3 and 4 feet long (about 2 years of age) reaching maximum size of approximately 5 feet. Maximum age estimates are approximately 11.5 years for females and 9.5 years for males.
Coastal waters. Common in bays and lagoons.
Feed mostly on small fishes (pinfish, croakers, and anchovies) and invertebrates (crabs and octopus).
Mating occurs in early summer. After 10-11 months of gestation, females give birth to live young in nearshore areas. Broods contain 1-8 pups. Size at birth 17-20 inches.
Additional Information
Juvenile blacknose are typically found in shallow water while adults are located at greater depths (over 30 feet). They are known to form large schools and occasionally associate with schools of mullet and anchovies. This shark poses little threat to humans and has never been reported in a shark attack case.
Blacknose sharks are of minor importance in the commercial fishery; although, it is sometimes targeted recreationally for the fight it gives when caught on light tackle. Their meat is commonly dried before being marketed for human consumption.
Image Credit: © Diane Rome Peebles