
- Back is olive green with blue tints, shading to silvery sides and a white belly
- Anal and pelvic fins yellowish
- Dark blotch at base of pectoral fin
- Second dorsal fin starts behind the beginning of the anal fin
- Inverted V-shaped mouth Lacks dark stripes
Similar Species: Striped mullet, M. cephalus (has stripes and lacks black blotch at base of pectoral fin), and white mullet, M. curema (lacks pigmented second dorsal fin)
Size: Usually less than 1 pound
Coastal waters, occurring along beaches in the fall.
Spawn in nearshore or inshore waters during spring and summer. Juveniles found inshore. Feed on algae, small crustaceans and decaying matter.
Additional Information
State Record: This species is not currently eligible for a state record.
Image Credit: © Diane Rome Peebles