
- Back is bluish-green, fading to silvery sides and belly (no spots)
- Front of first dorsal fin lacks a dark blotch
- Lateral line drops sharply below the second dorsal fin
- Juveniles may have yellowish spots, similar to Spanish mackerel
Similar Species: Cero, S. regalis; Spanish mackerel, S. maculatus (both have gently sloping lateral lines and a dark blotch on front of first dorsal fin); and wahoo, A. solandri (first dorsal fin long and continuous)
Size: Up to 72 inches
Coastal to offshore waters. Often around piers. They may occasionally be found in deep water.
Spawn offshore in mid-summer. Schooling fish that migrate from south Florida waters in winter northward in spring. Feed mainly on fishes.
Additional Information
State Record: 90 lb, caught near Key West
Fishing Tips and Facts: Kings feed on small fish and squid and take both natural and artificial baits. Live baits include pogies, herring, Spanish sardine, ballyhoo, and mullet. Lures should be flashy sub-surface lures or large fish-like plugs. Use 20-pound line and tackle, or heavier for larger kings, with a wire or mono leader.
Image Credit: © Diane Rome Peebles