
- Color light-olive to bluish-green on back, with a silver-gray to golden belly
- Usually have black spot on gill cover
- Scutes (bone-like projections) present on sides, in front of tail
- Tail tips black in color
Similar Species: Bluefish, P. saltatrix; crevalle jack, C. hippos (lacks scutes); and other jack species
Size: Up to 20 inches (4 pounds); and common under 1 pound
Juveniles found offshore. Adults found inshore and nearshore.
Mature at 9 to 10 inches.
Spawn offshore January through August.
Young form schools near floating objects or structure.
Adults feed on fish, shrimp and squid.
Additional Information
State Record: 8 lb 5 oz, caught near Pensacola
Image Credit: © Diane Rome Peebles