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Yellowmouth Grouper

Mycteroperca interstitialis


Illustration of a yellowmouth grouper
  • Tan or brown body, fading to a lighter belly
  • Small, dark spots on top of head and over most of body
  • Some yellow coloration around the eyes
  • Outer edges of fins trimmed in white or light yellow
  • Mouth is yellow at corners and inside

Similar Species: Scamp, M. phenax (elongated caudal fin rays) 

Size: Up to 20 pounds 


Coastal and offshore waters near structure. Not as common as scamp in the Gulf. Range limited to southern Florida.


Undergoes sex reversal, young individuals female, older individuals becoming male.

Feeds on fishes.

Additional Information

State Record:External Website This species is not currently eligible for a state record.

Recreational Regulations


Image Credit: © Diane Rome Peebles