
- Back is dark olive or blue-green, fading to silvery sides and belly
- Upper sides have wavy lines of small, irregular, dark spots
- Pelvic and anal fins yellowish, other fins more pale
- Pair of large canine teeth at tip of upper jaw
- Tip of tongue colored with black
- Lack barbels on lower jaw
Similar Species: Spotted seatrout, C. nebulosus (has prominent spots); silver seatrout, C. nothus (bottom half of tail is longer than upper half); and sand seatrout, C. arenarius (lacks dark spots)
Size: Common to 20 inches
Coastal to offshore waters of the Atlantic (typically not in the Gulf of Mexico); juveniles found in estuaries
May mature as early as age 1; spawns in nearshore or estuarine areas between April and October; schooling fish; feeds primarily on shrimp and fish.
Additional Information
State Record: 10 lb, caught near Port Canaveral
Habitat and Fishing Tips:
Weakfish are an Atlantic coast fish, possibly found in the extreme southeastern Gulf. Adults move inshore and north during warm months inhabiting the surf, inlets, bays, channels and estuaries and offshore and south during cold months. Juveniles inhabit estuaries which serve as nurseries.
Image Credit: © Diane Rome Peebles