
- Body is silvery-gray or bronze, iridescent on head
- Indistinct wavy bars or lines on upper sides
- Strongly serrated preopercle (bone on cheek)
- Small barbels on lower jaw
Similar Species: Spot, L. xanthurus (caudal fin is forked and preopercle is smooth)
Size: Up to 20 inches (4 pounds)
Generally found north of Tampa Bay on the west coast and north of Cape Canaveral on the east coast. Young found in estuaries and older fish (2 to 3 years) inhabit deep offshore waters during the winter months and move into bays and estuaries during the spring, summer and fall.
Become bronze or yellow in color during spawning. Spawning occurs offshore in fall. Feeds on fishes and invertebrates.
Additional Information
State Record: 4 lbs 15 oz, caught near St. Lucie
Fishing Tips and Facts: Longevity is 2 to 4 years.
Image Credit: © Diane Rome Peebles